PRO LIFE vs. PRO CHOICE debate | opposing views with Lila Rose & Brenda Davies

PRO LIFE vs. PRO CHOICE debate | opposing views with Lila Rose & Brenda Davies

The Ellen Fisher Podcast

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Jason Bulsa
Jason Bulsa - 25.09.2023 21:46

this anti parasite woman is straight up lying.

Cheritta Jordan
Cheritta Jordan - 25.09.2023 20:53

I am still pro-choice after watching this but this was so insightful. Thank you for this podcast!

Turtle Dove
Turtle Dove - 24.09.2023 18:39

I'd just like to remind Brenda that a "pregnant person" is a woman.

Illum oportet crescere me autem minui
Illum oportet crescere me autem minui - 24.09.2023 17:58

That Brenda woman should not be an educator of children on any subject, let alone sex ed. Yikes

teresa nguyen
teresa nguyen - 24.09.2023 11:20

Republicans are 😂 winning on abortion debate…. Pro-Woman , Pro-Baby , Pro-Life . They love both Mother and Unborn Child

Dawn Dotson
Dawn Dotson - 24.09.2023 10:58

Oh my gosh, this woman(not Lila) is so stupid. She does not know what the Republican party stands for. She's using these hyperstereotypical terms. She needs to do some more research before she comes on, assuming things about people.

Dawn Dotson
Dawn Dotson - 24.09.2023 10:23

The lady across from Lila is soooooo Pathetic, she's come across as she is. Just so much better than everybody else. And quite honestly, it's disgusting.

And FYI they're not pregnant people, they're women.

teresa nguyen
teresa nguyen - 24.09.2023 06:53

It’s easy to be Pro-choice when you are not the victim being killed

Societal decay
Societal decay - 24.09.2023 04:45

She is wrong about the leading cause of death in children. Up until the age of 14, the leading cause is accident. Only when you count the older teens, and gang violence, do you get her statistics. I always hear about gun bans, but i rarely hear about gang bans.

Rebecca Duplan
Rebecca Duplan - 24.09.2023 01:15

I find it refreshing to see opposing sides debate and be civil towards one another. I really came to listen to this with the intention to hear both sides…with that said. The pro choice side was very unconvincing. She did not do a very good job in defending the pro choice movement. And if watching this were to finally get me to decide which side I’m on, it would be 1,000% pro life. Brenda kept getting “lost” because the pro choice movement cannot hold up. It’s an injustice no matter how you try to explain it.

Maria Cortez
Maria Cortez - 22.09.2023 22:13

You cannot be Christian and support sexual immorality. Jesus was clear and St paul said that suxual immorality is a grave sin and those who do it will not enter heaven. Sex is only licit in marriage.

Divine Gifts
Divine Gifts - 22.09.2023 21:46

I see so many pro life people say “I could’ve been aborted and I’m happy I wasn’t “ what about the people who wish they were aborted? You might be thinking who would think that? Ppl with hard lives.

My parents had me at 15years old. My mom would tell me that ppl didn’t want her to keep me but she wanted a baby so bad. I never told my mom this. But I feel like it was incredibly selfish for her to bring me into this world. My father went to jail for 6 years when I was 3 and been in & out since.

Im only 21 years old but since I was 10 I have struggled with the idea of wanting to be alive. Even now I think dying is the best thing that can happen to me. Not having a father and having a mother with 3 other kids & no one to help was horrible.

I love my family but in all honestly I wish my mom would’ve got that abortion so I wouldn’t have to suffer here any longer. Pls don’t judge me but being born into a family where no one can guide you is a sad experience. I hope one day I can truly understand why pro lifers think life is so amazing I envy that feeling of loving life & wanting to be alive. Bc in 21 years I’ve never felt like I wanted to live more than I wanted to die.

Conservative Native
Conservative Native - 22.09.2023 19:47

The Pro-choice girl was stumped at every question... She clearly wasn't ready for this debate... I think she's picked the wrong fight.. She needs to fight against bad foster care, mother abuse, shooting against children and leave her fight against murdering babies to help fix some of those problems first that surround motherhood...

Natalie Fiore
Natalie Fiore - 22.09.2023 18:08

I caution those who continue to support the government's quest to ban abortion and control what a women can or cannot do with their own bodies because I don't believe the government will stop at abortion. Don't be surprised when one day you are alerted to other ways the government imposes control over your body such as forced blood or kidney donations. What do you honestly think about being forced by the government to donate your blood or a kidney?

Sam M
Sam M - 22.09.2023 01:46

I used to work in Ob gyn clinic and a lady selectively aborted one of her twins because she felt having 2 babies at the same time was too much for stress for her.

JNA2014 - 21.09.2023 18:43

Her position is basically "I win" till society changes...ummm ok... So never cause there will always be problems...poor Lila... This must have been so annoying

JNA2014 - 21.09.2023 18:38

Making humanity more hospitable is NOT the same issue as abortion...

JNA2014 - 21.09.2023 18:36

This pro-choice woman thinks she is smart but is a complete moron. "It's complex" ...what a way to hide

Brian Mills
Brian Mills - 21.09.2023 04:10

Lila Rose is a champion of human rights! Lila is so much more prepared and polished in her presentation of her points. The point that is most avoided on this issue is the depravity of society in regards to sex. At some point society has to the look at how casual sex and access to sexual content has influenced the increase in number of unwanted pregnancies. This conversation is about what to do with the weeds in the yard, do we mow the yard or uproot the weeds from the yard. To ultimately solve this issue would involve conforming to sex in it's proper place within marriage. I know, so unpopular to so many, but this is never going to completely go away as long as people are willingly having sexual intercourse with people they don't want to raise a child with.

Leah O'Connor
Leah O'Connor - 21.09.2023 00:52

The argument the pro choice gal is making when she brings up gun violence is almost laughable. Because the VAST majority of children will make it to adulthood without encountering gun violence. 100% of aborted children are robed of the chance to make it to adulthood when they are aborted.
I agree it needs to be addressed immediately it it’s not an excuse for abortion to be an acceptable option.

Natalin Ruiz
Natalin Ruiz - 20.09.2023 23:51

Wow she lost me at sex ed for 5 yo, wtf is wrong with her

Jane Tappmeyer
Jane Tappmeyer - 20.09.2023 21:53

I am a retired mental health social worker. I was prolife until I worked with some severely mentally ill women who had an abortion. Life isn't wonderful and carefree for many women in this country. The women in this podcast were extremely blessed to be who they are. There are many women who have life experiences where an abortion is the only option, and this choice is her choice, not anyone else's.

Shaylanae915 - 20.09.2023 19:33

It seems like Brenda keeps getting “lost” cuz her argument is not consistent 🤷🏽‍♀️

monica yami
monica yami - 20.09.2023 18:01

Coming to have a civil discussion about abortion yet proceeds to say this is a waste of time just proves how you don't want to be open to other ideas besides your own

Olivia Vander
Olivia Vander - 20.09.2023 17:07

Scrolling through comments looking for any pro choicers left. Cant find any! Praise God! But, if youre one of them i would love to hear what is making you not change your mind after this debate.

Jeremi Clement
Jeremi Clement - 20.09.2023 16:27

Brenda murdered her own child.

She is full of demons.

It's why she goes at such length to defend the undefendable.

It's why she cusses.
It's why she keeps losing her train of thought.
It's why she keeps sighing and getting irritated.
It's why her smile is so fake.

Pray the Lord saves her and let her see - really see - what she's done so she can repent.

Olivia Vander
Olivia Vander - 20.09.2023 06:09

Of course I was always pro choice until I figured out what abortion actually is and it's intent and it's origins. I've been pro life for years now. I came into this knowing that of course pro choicers don't just like killing babies. That was never my previous thought as a pro choicer. But this woman is vicious and cruel. Now I do think they just like killing babies. I guess the pro choice mind set has come a long way since I came out of the fog 10 or so years ago. How sad 😢

karielw - 19.09.2023 21:28

Davies is lost. I will keep her in my prayers that her eyes will be opened and her heart to be softened.

Meg H
Meg H - 19.09.2023 16:47

She’s not a Christian 🙊

Kasper Hauschildt
Kasper Hauschildt - 19.09.2023 13:49

Lila: "i dont like abortion, it should end"
allso Laila: fetuses are not human lives

sorry but the cognitive dissonance is staggering

Cindy McIntosh
Cindy McIntosh - 19.09.2023 00:33


Miguel Solache
Miguel Solache - 18.09.2023 23:06

The blonde sounds like she's trying to argue her way out of the guilt and shame of killing her own baby. She had an abortion so now she doesnt want to accept it was wrong, because then she has to deal with the guilt and shame.

Maria Cortez
Maria Cortez - 18.09.2023 21:51

By the way in El salvador people die due to gang members and to pregnancy

Maria Cortez
Maria Cortez - 18.09.2023 21:50

That is pure hypocrisy! I think that the worst punishment for a living being is death. There is no a suffering worst than death. So, how is it worst to kill a living being to avoid a suffering that is not worst than death? It is better to exist than to not. The cost of living is to overcome the difficulties. If you are not ready to be pregnant just do not have sex because biologically sex is for the act of reproduction. Only lustful people take the pleasure and not the real meaning of sex. Go and watch animals and see how honest their relations are even though they cannot reason like us.

eva hus
eva hus - 18.09.2023 21:17

brenda go back to modeling stop debating because you are doing me more and more being pro life

Sher - 18.09.2023 18:05

In a situation that the pregnant mother's life is in immediate danger due to remaining pregnant, a C Section can be performed within 20 minutes. A late term abortion takes 3 days, thus putting the mother in extreme danger. This is a common misconception that abortion late in pregnancy is necessary to save the mother. Not true.

Sher - 18.09.2023 17:24

Where are the Pro Choice centers helping women in poverty ? After the abortion ?

Sher - 18.09.2023 17:09

Brenda cannot ever agree that life begins at conception because she herself had an abortion, so then she would have to own u to her actions.

Sher - 18.09.2023 16:45

I am tired of Pro choice people stating that newborn infants will go in to a terrible foster care system. There is twice as many couples that want to adopt a newborn, these babies would not go in to foster care. I wish Lila would have brought this up. The foster system is full of children that have been removed from unfit homes in hopes of reunification.

eva hus
eva hus - 18.09.2023 14:35

brenda you are so worry so start to help the young moms ! you just want to do abortion? do the work and only say kill

Jiva Ryan
Jiva Ryan - 18.09.2023 13:55

God is grey woman contradicts herself.

J A - 18.09.2023 12:54

I don't think making abortion illegal is the solution. There are going to be women who will dump their newborn in a trash can or harm themselves for an intentional miscarriage. I think preventing pregnancy should be prioritized. Abstinence should be practiced more often. Reducing the number of pregnancies would reduce the number of abortions. I am pro-choice. However, I do not think abortion should be normalized or glamorized.

Sher - 18.09.2023 04:20

This pro choice person does not know enough facts about abortion to be speaking about it. She does not even know about second trimester abortion. Ridiculous.

random city
random city - 18.09.2023 00:47

Pro choice side can’t even defend her argument like the pro life side can. Lila is super articulate and brings up awesome scientific and moral points. Brenda said we aren’t pregnant with a person but a spirit??? Makes no sense. She’s the one on the mouse wheel, not lila. If you follow Brenda’s argument, then no children at all should be brought into this cruel and violent world because they “might” suffer in some way or get killed by a gun. We can’t predict if someone will suffer, so we just end their life because of the possibility? Brenda did not present a good argument, she knows deep down what she was saying was confusing and hard to follow. Looked like she knew her point was indefensible, just didn’t want to admit that lila was correct. I had my daughter at 16 and wouldn’t go back and change it for anything. No I wasn’t ready, but I had a good support system to teach me and make me ready. Teachers, parents, my gynecologist, other adults in my life… they all stepped in and helped me. That’s what lila is trying to say. Troubled pregnant people need support to get out of the hole they’re in. I’m so glad I had that.

steveTGO - 17.09.2023 22:03

Well hell, 1st degree murder and R@pe are gonna happen anyway, we should just go ahead and create some clinics to provide some clean safe places to commit these actions!!!

Jay - 17.09.2023 21:12

Probably favoring the anti-choice side.

eva hus
eva hus - 17.09.2023 20:47

why people cant wait !!!

eva hus
eva hus - 17.09.2023 20:46

pro-choice you don't have any good arguments WW

VP - 17.09.2023 20:23

Brenda keeps losing her train of thought... and it's evidence for the mental gymnastics required to have her stance. She keeps steering off from the important topics, because simple logic would cause her argument to fall apart instantly.
