This Tool Helps You DRIVE SCREWS WITH EASE! (Bit Guide/Bit Sleeve/Drive Guide/Drill Bit Sleeve)

This Tool Helps You DRIVE SCREWS WITH EASE! (Bit Guide/Bit Sleeve/Drive Guide/Drill Bit Sleeve)

The Honest Carpenter

3 года назад

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Barbara Nostrand
Barbara Nostrand - 13.10.2023 00:50

Today, I figured that I need something like this to act as a shank extender. So, I searched the web. Wherer else? And, almost immediately found your video. Quite informative. Now, I am trying to buy one or two without buying yet another set of drill bits or screwdriver bits.

Ibrahim Lorgat
Ibrahim Lorgat - 12.10.2023 05:41

Great stuff i tried home depot and lowes,but they dont have it where can i buy it sir.

Attitude - 01.10.2023 23:46

Thanks for the info helped a lot!

elementy11 - 29.09.2023 00:20

if you want to retire, invent one for use in 1/4" hex screws used for metal roofing.

Brian Ralph
Brian Ralph - 26.09.2023 22:12

how do you keep screw bits and drill bits from falling out of your drill?

Sara Tilus
Sara Tilus - 25.09.2023 01:35

I'm new to this and I am grateful I found your site. Very useful information. Thank you

A Gentleman's Operation
A Gentleman's Operation - 21.09.2023 13:55

That specific bit holder is my hands down favorite. I've been through a few.

Anders Sigvard Svensson
Anders Sigvard Svensson - 16.09.2023 21:38

Perfect! I love these! Great, short video a gem!

Lunny E
Lunny E - 16.09.2023 13:01

I have holder which i found today, now I have to buy that different one.

Cam Gold
Cam Gold - 12.09.2023 17:43

I don't like that you can not see the screw. The ones with the super strong magnet that holds the screw at the end (no sleeve) seem like a good idea.

Shane Wikaira
Shane Wikaira - 08.09.2023 07:55

I never knew these sleeves exited. Thanks you for the information

Shaka Vincent
Shaka Vincent - 04.09.2023 05:34

Have set milwauke sleeves it works.great

Alhambra Project
Alhambra Project - 02.09.2023 14:34

What do you do about those tiny drillbits that come in the prepackage screw boxes that are so small. The drill bits fall out of the holder??

David Moore
David Moore - 23.08.2023 21:50

Man, I didn't know these even existed! I'm using your link to order now, thanks man!

Rey - 16.08.2023 01:32

I’m good with impact drivers. The regular driver from dewalt has officially stomped me. I don’t even know how these things fit on the driver. The socket on my driver is not a peak, the socket seems to be for hex key looking bits. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Walt Saiko
Walt Saiko - 14.08.2023 19:16

Thanks for the extremely helpful tip.

Radhika Sheth
Radhika Sheth - 08.08.2023 13:32

Need them. Where can i get it

R - 22.07.2023 08:21

Hi, i just purchased on off amazon, but i noticed that the screw doesn't stick to the bit. I hoped it did, because that would make one-handed use easier. now you can't use it vertically with one hand, and not well horizontally. I tried adding an extra magnet, but that doesn't solve the problem. Regards

Diana Lloyd
Diana Lloyd - 21.07.2023 22:49

sounds like an excellent gadget, but mine doesn't look like yours????? I have a DeWalt DCD777 so maybe its dif?
