The coolest thing is all the Jobs that are lost
Soooo suuper duuuper coooool
I We Appreciate you All , Abdul Qadar MuhammadTyrone Michael Green CARDIAIR21557THSTPHPAWPNENJNE ☮️ ☯️ 🤴🏿
ОтветитьChantier intéressant, voir le ferraillage, l isolation le passage des gaines et le travail du robot en accéléré aurait été intéressant.
Ответитьhes too excited about it. its giving sales pitch. moved on after 45 seconds
ОтветитьInteresting, but I don't see this coming any farther north than zone 4
ОтветитьI wonder how much markup they have added to these houses? 🤔
ОтветитьFunny how you say it's cheaper to build this way, and then say you need MC cable instead of romex
ОтветитьThis is the perfect example of a prom Matt obviously knows everythin about this random build. LOL😂
There are levels to GCs lol.
The exposed layers/striations they are pitching as a design element is just unfinished construction. As soon as the first homeowner stuccos the exterior the neighbors' houses will look like painted mud huts. So add another $40,000 for stucco and repaint. Same with the interior. The novelty will soon wear off having to look at the uneven walls and caulking between cabinets and doors. Owners will soon be spending money refinishing interiors to standards people are used to.
Also, just hanging a picture with concrete walls can be an ordeal. Putting up cabinets in the garage can eat up a day. Screws/inserts pull out, you over-drill a hole, another trip to the hardware store. I don't see the point other than it can be done. And no way is this any cheaper than traditional construction for this size home. Or better.
It's all the retail marked up items you're putting with the 3D printing that's gouged these owners to pay the same price for standard construction price gouging Einstein. Think about it you need to have all the printers owned by the owners to print everything all the technologies each item. Every part in any assembly at cost of raw materials then you should make a video. I suggest you start taking spirulina or drinking green smoothies because exposure to aluminum's gonna foul the brain synaptic function. Retails counting on that! Ricky retardo and the chinazis? Great show not!
ОтветитьThis video shows the lightbulb in the Americans head turning on that stone/concrete can withstand tornadoes. 😂😂😂 if they only realised this earlier. But they still build with sticks and paper.
ОтветитьI want to know how you paint the walls. You certainly couldn't use a roller.
Ответитьfirst heard about this company on 60 MINUTES and looked up the stock the next day! disappointingly not publicly traded as of yet but I’m on standby this is going to be huge
ОтветитьWhat seams stupid to me is why not 3-D print the FLAT ROOF SYSTEM in TEXAS. 3-D PRINTING to me is melting PLASTIC PELLETS which everyone knows would be water proof. So why not figure out water proof roof system. I like the concept but improvements needs to be done.
ОтветитьThose things are a work of art. They are beautiful.
ОтветитьThis is gonna be be more cost effective for larger buildings and skyscrapers.
ОтветитьThis will help with the affordable housing crisis.
ОтветитьWhat about basements or second floors? I'm sure basements would be typical concrete, but what about doing second floor plans?
ОтветитьPrint one hundred trailer double wide units trailer park development in tornado alley as changing fabrication paradym.
ОтветитьThe mix you use is it a Poly mix with Lava ( from volcanos) to form the concrete?
ОтветитьNice tech but Those grooved walls will be a big dust collectors.
Ответитьcan these be more than one level? basement?
ОтветитьLooks like a giant pile of shit.
ОтветитьConcrete isn’t exactly the most sustainable building material but whatevs
ОтветитьHow are these homes electrified and plumbed?
ОтветитьWhen I reach my financial goals in the near future, I would definitely consider having my home built using 3D printing technology. Hope this technology becomes more widely use in next 5 - 10 yrs.
ОтветитьAre the printed walls strong enough without rebar? Didn't see them use any.
ОтветитьHow do you go Building in the rain and can you do two stories?
Ответитьdon't "walk people", it's disrespectful, show them what you have to show...
ОтветитьWhat is the strenth of concrete?
ОтветитьShame on you to shill for that crap...You should be ashamed to support that crap...
ОтветитьGermans can stop complaining about our walls
ОтветитьThese houses are fine until they get damaged.And then they're almost impossible to repair
ОтветитьYou will never be able to fix a burst pipe
ОтветитьThese are gross looking and a terrible idea. Think of any major purchase that will be with you for years. Do you want it cast in one solid piece or do you want it buily modular so it can be repaired and upgraded. Think how dumb it would be for builders to glue all your framing together. Or glue your roof onto the house. Oh and added bonus of destroying dozens of jobs on every house built. They arent going to cheapen the price of houses they will largely increase their profit margin by getting rid of wood and labor. If you support this and buy one of these caves you 200% deserve all yhe problems you will have that wont have solutions yet because you are the beta tester.
ОтветитьIt’s cool but I’ll never buy another Lennar Home again with their shitty customer service and their run arounds. But after seeing this video I was like well shit maybe this is why☠️😂😂😂😂. They have been busy as FK☠️
ОтветитьThis method is needed in Australia now to help catch up with the acute housing shortage. Commonly 8ft ceilings,steel or timber truss and corregated steel sheet roof with full insulated
roof cavity and walls.Bring it on people.
That's so disgustingly ugly. Hard pass.
ОтветитьI want one
ОтветитьWould those roofs really withstand a cat 3 tornado and can they be made with a flat roof where you can have open area patio on top?
ОтветитьHow can you hang pictures and move furniture to a different layout? Not very warm and comfortable!
ОтветитьIt’s sad these printers have massive ability to make housing so much more affordable but greed is too strong these home builders are set to make record profits affordable housing is a myth
ОтветитьNot only can a framer build out this shell quicker but icon claims $30 sq ft. Math doesn't work
Ответитьthank you for video and content!......Is there any reason to believe these wall assemblies will not be massive moisture and mold traps as the conditioned inside and outside structures heat and cool at different rates, concrete wall bases directly contact cement ledges, exterior walls interact with weather and sponge moisture through temp gradients, etc...? The open cell foam is very rigid and experiences cracks that create openings when concrete tension or expansion joints needed? Also, curious, assuming all the bucks and things are treated lumber as they are in direct contact with concrete and are not flashed anywhere will not be prone to rot?
ОтветитьWhy don't some of these towns that were wiped out in NC by Helene and Milton and fires in California use this to rebuild?
ОтветитьThis would be good for rebuilding homes in the palisades
ОтветитьPretty hilarious to watch Matt's cardboard sheathing rant then this video haha