Vous savez dieu toujours la pour nous protéger, orpheline de naissance j en sais quelque chose pour cela mon nom est composé aissa veut dire jésus à 18 ans seul j ai du jongler avec travail et études je dis cela pour myriam courage ❤❤❤🙏
ОтветитьHow can you do this to these kids??
ОтветитьRidiculous kids why are they like this?
ОтветитьCameraman essaye de trouver un endroit un lieu seulement peut être une petite cabane plus isolé du froid et un plus chaude comme je vois certaines chaînes nomadic aidé cette femme et ses enfants 🙏🙏🙏🙏🤲
ОтветитьThe weather is cold you need to stayed inside your house Maryam ,The childrens need more protection against cold weather
Ответить눈이 잇빠이 가르데스 이란에도 눈이 많이 내리는구나 곧 봄이 오는데 산이 높아서 많이 내리는구나 아이들이 걱정 되는구나
ОтветитьÇok tatlı bir hanim❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьThey should have a very heavy floor mat like Bilal and good carpet . It’s need that . Plz consider
ОтветитьThis family need a very good solid roof . If you Cameraman can get that for them plus gloves for the lady and kids socks that will be a help . She is living in a very harsh conditions . Her house needs to be more stable and warm for kids it’s cold there mother needs to close the door when coming out so the house got alarm and kids stay warm too .
ОтветитьThis family need a very good solid roof . If you Cameraman can get that for them plus gloves for the lady and kids socks that will be a help . She is living in a very harsh conditions . Her house needs to be more stable and warm for kids it’s cold there
ОтветитьThe dog Pappy left when he was hurt. The kids threw him down the slide when they were playing together, he was hurt, he was sad, he got up and left. We saw that in the previous episode. He was sad and in pain. I hope he comes back. It's sad to see him left in the snow without heating and without food.
ОтветитьNo se debe permitir que la niña falte al respeto, prácticamente golpea a la mamá, no está bien
ОтветитьJe prie pour le retour de papy... 😢🙏🙏🤲🤲❤❤
ОтветитьI hate to say it but the feral dogs lured him to kill him. They are hungry and he was domesticated 😢
ОтветитьDu pe femeie la spitalul de cap cã nare minte deloc e mizerie în jurul ei iar de copii habar nare îi trateazã ca pe nimic!!!Vai de capul ei
ОтветитьFemeie bolnavã la cap 😅
ОтветитьJe rêve d'un câlin affectueux comme le fait cette maman avec Raza et sa petite fille. Elle est intrepide et a tant de vigueur et de vivacité qu'elle peut paraître "agaçante" mais au vu des conditions dans lesquelles elle vit avec sa mère qui doit travailler si dure et enceinte de surcroît, cette petite fille est juste une bénédiction !! Elles sont tellement courageuses !! Je suis si triste d'être tellement pauvre que je ne peux même pas envoyer 5€... Je suis tellement désolée...😔
Je ne peux que vous envoyer un message de solidarité, cela me rends si triste 😥...
Merci au Cameraman d'être présent pour cette famille... ❤🤲🙏❤
De tout mon cœur je vous souhaite bon courage... ❤❤
Ma sœur, toi qui est enceinte dans ces conditions si difficiles, sache que dès que je le peux j'enverrai quelques euros sur la chaîne du Cameraman... 😢❤
Ésa niña es muy caprichosa.
ОтветитьY Pupi?
ОтветитьHope zainab is safe. Elina is a very bad girl, her mother should teach her not to disrespect her and to behave, very very bad mannered girl
ОтветитьHe’s so cute. I wish you don’t know. Nobody steal him. I love this puppy puppy come back, please.💔🙏🙏
ОтветитьWritten the hindi
Ответитьدولة ايران تساعد المرتزقة والعصابات بالسلاح ولا تساعد الضعفاء الهاربين الى الجبال مثل مريم تعيش الجوع والبرد وهي حامل وارملة ولديها طفلة دولة ايران ظالمة حتى شعبها لم يروا ان مريم تعاني لولا المصور الذي يرافقها لما عرفنا ان هناك امرأة حامل تعاني في الجبال وسط الثلوج من التهميش الله معك يامريم وشكرا لك ايها المصور على مساعدتك لها ❤
ОтветитьА носочки одеть забыли.
Ответитьچ طنزه
ОтветитьMeu Deus levar as crianças nessa nevasca o menino de chinelo,todos molhados é muita irresponsabilidade de Mariam me desculpa somente comentário do que acho!
ОтветитьMaryam, please take a few days to rest and spend time with the children. Elena is becoming very naughty because she needs more attention from you. You have been working very hard and you need to take this time to rest before the new baby comes.
ОтветитьMaryam God bless you. She is very hard working woman .God please Maryam ke sare dukh dur karo.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьSera que Zainab volta da aldeia?
ОтветитьTadinho do papi nao deveria ter deixado ele ir co..outros cachorros ele ainda e filhite nao vai saber volta pra cada operadora vvai atrs de papi as criancas nao pide sair nessa neve atrás dele. Papi vai morrer de fome e frio. Por Deus va atrás dele
ОтветитьI cmt like only cute dogi 😢😢😠🤔🤔 dogi 💔💔💔
Купите носки и обувь мальчику.Как он его без носков в снег взяла .Он же заболеет.❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьChildren are more important than the dog she’s leaving the children to look for a dog.😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьOprater in this cold plz bring for her chiken so she can cooked.
ОтветитьMeryam may Allah help you
ОтветитьQue grande SEÑORA que DIOS la bendiga y la benga el niño con salud
ОтветитьMaryam, I worry for you today in the cold and snow. When is your baby due? May God find a way for you. My name is Mary.
ОтветитьPapi 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕😥😥😥😥😥😥🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьCristo bendito ase demasiado frío esos niños no deben andar afuera se pueden enfermar
ОтветитьWow is very cold there.😮
Ответитьاقای اپراتور گناه داره
خوراکی زیاد بخر به مریم خانم
درود بر تو شیر زن
مهربان و با غیرت