Why I moved to SLOVAKIA️️️– Fast Russian Lesson

Why I moved to SLOVAKIA️️️– Fast Russian Lesson

Real Russian Club

4 года назад

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sebastiao gamboa
sebastiao gamboa - 04.08.2023 10:58

Доброе утро, учитель Дарья, вы были моим учителем русского языка в yutube, большинство русских слов, которые я знаю, я выучил у вас

Jan Vrkovec
Jan Vrkovec - 08.05.2023 00:50

Muzete zustat na slovensku. Kam uz budete chodit. To je dobra krajina.

Riley Stewart
Riley Stewart - 18.02.2023 19:02

I'm still fairly new to Russian, Only a about 5 months of DuoLingo and channels such as yours, but I did pick up a fair bit of that. Your channel reminds me, every time I watch it, of why I love the language. You have a very excellent way of speaking. Big fan. Keep on Keeping on!

tom bufford
tom bufford - 17.01.2023 02:11

A quick update on what you are doing. You and Roma look well.

tom bufford
tom bufford - 17.10.2022 00:56

I had subtitles on and enjoyed the video very much. Thank you.

Maurice Upton
Maurice Upton - 23.09.2022 03:19

Preeviet and bol'shoi Spasiba from New Zealand.

Surajith Madhavan
Surajith Madhavan - 06.08.2022 11:34

Nice talk..... Thanks and Good luck from Kochi, India.

Valerij A. Legasov
Valerij A. Legasov - 05.03.2022 03:06

Whooow, that is simply amazing! I am happy, You visited my loved Czechia! Hope, You enjoy!

JUÍZ Boneco
JUÍZ Boneco - 27.02.2022 00:55

Visit Brasil :)

Timurlane100 - 21.01.2022 07:22


Tarkeshwar pal
Tarkeshwar pal - 01.01.2022 08:25

Hi mam I am from India and like our videos

Даниил Селиванов
Даниил Селиванов - 23.09.2021 00:55

Для школьников материал сгодится) но за лишние вопросы,касательно понта,ставлю дизлайк) всем без обид)

Ivan Ponaroscu
Ivan Ponaroscu - 13.09.2021 14:48

Печально, когда русский человек бросает свою страну.

sibir 27
sibir 27 - 26.08.2021 02:08

zaujímavé :D je príjemne počuť že sem ide niekto dobrovoľne :) привет из Словакии

Gecnijvetzko - 17.08.2021 19:54

>реально быстрый русский язык, что даже субтитры есть
>говорит медленно, как с глухонемой бабкой

Stor mod
Stor mod - 17.08.2021 13:45

Ха, меня тоже Рома зовут

Jail Ortega
Jail Ortega - 17.07.2021 11:57

I'm Mexican, Russian is so hard I'm trying i just can't do it lmao 🤣😆🤣

Oktay Kasman
Oktay Kasman - 08.07.2021 21:35

we are waiting you Turkey

pito691 - 06.06.2021 23:53

Nataša! Nebude dlho trvať a pochopíte, že ste sa dostali do centra slovanskej kultury. Preto Slovakov najlepšie rozumiete zo Slovanskych národov. Všetci Slovania nepotrebuju preklad zo slovenčiny, lebo tá je zakladnym jazykom a najstaršim. Nam Slovanom ukradli historiu, náboženstvo, ale nie dušu!

Drinkalot821 - 22.04.2021 17:38

do you still live in Slovakia ?

Michael Hender
Michael Hender - 04.04.2021 04:57

Daria, you are doing a great job with teaching the Russian language. Your style with teaching is very conducive to learning (I can speak for myself on that one.). Nice work. I will have to provide some support for your work here. Thanks for what you do. M.L. Henderson

Murat Altın
Murat Altın - 26.03.2021 00:29

Где текст видео? Я не смог найти текст, который вы сказали в видео?

Goesta Berling
Goesta Berling - 16.02.2021 11:26

Perfectly understable Russian and English. Understood both at 100%.

Ser Feuille
Ser Feuille - 02.02.2021 01:37

This is great, good prononciation, simple vocabulary, good story 😊

Ana Sofia
Ana Sofia - 08.01.2021 04:31

Итак, сейчас вы живёте в Колораде хахаах

suparna Guha
suparna Guha - 15.12.2020 22:31

I understood single words only ..i am beginner but I'm trying to learn Russian language. Everyday i do practice..

Vampiree Girl
Vampiree Girl - 13.12.2020 23:38

i finished 3 video of fast russian playlist and i searched for the meanings it takes time but so useful words and so interesting videos to watch thanks i also sometimes listen to your podcast thanksss

Mário Štefanovič
Mário Štefanovič - 27.11.2020 13:04

Hi Daria, I saw lot of yours videos, but I am shocked, that you live next to me ))). I live in Nitra part Zobor. I learned a lot of new knowledge of the Russian language, from your videos. Many thanks for your videos.

William Marrs
William Marrs - 24.10.2020 15:37

Maybe warmer climate

Alexandra Ormisová
Alexandra Ormisová - 27.09.2020 09:33

:-) I am from Nitra, hope you like it

Göran Börjesson
Göran Börjesson - 05.08.2020 20:32

Why not visit Sweden?

jacob singer
jacob singer - 01.08.2020 21:40

Is your name Dasha or Daria? 😳😳

Chris Wheatley
Chris Wheatley - 01.08.2020 20:40

Have you ever been to the UK Daria?! 😉 I live near Portsmouth on the south coast x

amar salem
amar salem - 02.07.2020 19:41

Spaciba balshoe za etot urok Daria.
It's just the type of lesson that I like most; the natural speed of Russian listening.

Peter Štrbo
Peter Štrbo - 17.05.2020 14:25

Hi Daria! I hope you like our country, it's really beautiful. And we are not so far away, maybe 45 kilometres.
I think Nitra is the most beautiful city in Slovakia. I hope we can meet sometimes. ☺️☺️

Dee Jay
Dee Jay - 14.05.2020 06:03

I loved this video so much. I loved listening to you speak fully in Russian. And thank you so much for the transcript. It will be fun reading what you said, knowing what you said, and then being able to try to pick it up watching you speak on the video. I have only one question. In the video, you said some people refer to you as Dasha. But in other videos, I've seen you use Daria. Are those nicknames for your actual first name? What is your actual first name then?

dan The man
dan The man - 12.05.2020 11:22

come see me in England. We can drink tea.

lavkmr1 - 08.05.2020 05:23

Say Druzia

Alex Terieur
Alex Terieur - 07.05.2020 15:38

Your channel is really incredible and I am super happy to have come across it! I will have to watch as I go :)

Alex Terieur
Alex Terieur - 07.05.2020 15:36

I wanted to know if you had favorite (Russian) singers and if so, which ones?
Personally, I'm a fan of Zenhya Otdranaya with Uhodi ^^

Lyrical Dreams
Lyrical Dreams - 27.04.2020 22:01

hey i was wondering if you can tell be if i can live for several months and manage living in slovakia only knowing russian. do people in slovakia know russian? and if you answer that; what about the czech republic slovenia croatia etc, do people there know russian? at leat to some extent?

Jack Cornison
Jack Cornison - 27.04.2020 21:47

that's so cool; Im actually travelling all across europe in a van but this year and throughout the last year ive only been to russia; rn in Vladivostok.

shan khan
shan khan - 26.03.2020 02:06

Hello Darya, I've been watching your videos for a while and they've really helped me a lot. I am learning Russian for my fiancée Tanya, who is Russian and we live together in your adopted country's neighbour Czech Republic. You're welcome to visit us here in the Czech Republic. Tanya is also from Moscow like you! I'd love to know how much Slovak you've picked up and if you find the differences b/w Russian and Slovak funny. Thank you very much for your videos!

Adam Lučivjanský
Adam Lučivjanský - 20.03.2020 02:41

Ty si na Slovensku ? Pekne :) Ja pochádzam z Levoče, ale momentálne pracujem v Prahe.

VID - 10.03.2020 09:08

You have not been in Serbia. I suggest you to vizit Serbia

vladi - 09.03.2020 18:47

My favourite online teacher lives in my country now ❤ That's pity I ' ve moved abroad I would love to attend your russian classes 😪.Словацкие люди очень любят вас 🙂

пп студио
пп студио - 14.02.2020 08:30

Neviem , či vieš , no Slovensko najchudobnejšia krajina v Europe. Najmenšie platy a najvyššie ceny. Všetok bordel sa dovaža zo zapadu, skoro žiadna vlastna produkcia, normalni ludia nepouživaju anglosasku žvatlaninu a ti čo pracovali sa mali lepšie za socializmu.tato krajina je iba pre podvodníkov,zlodejov , skorumpovaných úradníkov a otrokarov.
Veľa šťastia Daška.

пп студио
пп студио - 27.01.2020 02:06

Privet ja živu v Slovakii - Malaja Fatra i xaču v RF.
