Why Intel x86 will DIE sooner than you think! (RIP 1978-2022)

Why Intel x86 will DIE sooner than you think! (RIP 1978-2022)

Max Tech

3 года назад

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Ghjaf6c4v5v - 07.07.2023 16:28

The best Thing Intel riscV will have better linux Support Than linux the closed Garden of Apple……. Wohl Freedom without Reverse Engineering

Endre Nagy
Endre Nagy - 25.06.2023 20:35

True & not true!
M1 does not outperform x86 in anything except performance per watt!
X86-S will be an improved x86 version.

Ricardo Vieira da Silva
Ricardo Vieira da Silva - 17.06.2023 22:34

Of course, after all that's what an Apple Fanboy Channel like this wants to believe... It's true that the X86 Architecture is old and needs a "clean up", and that's why intel created the X86-S ISA.

Aternias - 13.04.2023 21:27

emulating x86 on ARM is more taxing because ARM uses a reduced instruction set, meaning it has to do more operations to get the same output.

Basith Kunimal
Basith Kunimal - 17.03.2023 00:01

It’s 2023. x86 still going strong

DxBlack - 21.01.2023 11:40

"Sooner than you think" -> People have been saying this longer than most of us in the comment section have been alive, and it still hasn't happened. ARM being the only true competitor and sucking balls says it's going to be here as long as intel doesn't stumble onto something better which is just an upgrade from x86-64. 😑

Nikolai Stoykov
Nikolai Stoykov - 29.12.2022 02:13

the climate needs x86 to die asap, I mean, CPU's using 250 watts, GPU's using 500 watts!

NXTangl - 22.10.2022 22:43

Can you really get this much efficiency from going CISC to RISC, though? I mean, to kill x86 as opposed to just wounding it, ARM needs to be powerful and entrenched enough for even desktop PCs to switch over, in an environment where Windows largely survives thanks to its backwards compatibility. Until that point, it will be viable in desktops since people want to keep running their old apps there, and in laptops because they are meant to be portable desktops. And ARM isn't that much more inherently efficient than x86/x64, they're both still leveraging superscalar execution and OoO designs to remain fast, which means big reorder buffers and hazard logic.

Cire Stocks
Cire Stocks - 19.10.2022 05:29

Good video but I don’t get how x86 is dead when it’s what Microsoft Windows is built on……. Unless u expect Microsoft to completely…… completely rebuild windows or go bankrupt, then x86 is not dead! Oh and also x86 patent is shared with AMD so if it does then that’s a huge blow to AMD.

Alex F
Alex F - 03.10.2022 05:31

Hey, it's a year later, x86 is still here. A vendor locked ecosystem (Apple) will never overtake x86 and the current fragmented RISC ecosystem is going to need to coalesce in order to take on x86.

Absolute Longplay
Absolute Longplay - 31.08.2022 08:19

I would love it if Nvidia switched to ARM because they use way too much fucking power for the performance.

Chuck vs. The Comment Section
Chuck vs. The Comment Section - 29.08.2022 01:57

After Apple turned the world of IT upside down with their M processors, I've been wondering for a while now when and how the rest of the industry will react. The exclusivity deal is certainly one reason that keeps ARM processors from "taking off" in the PC market. But a completely different one is the compatibility problem. As long as there is no Rosetta-like solution for the PC sector, hardly anyone will buy a PC on which their old and familiar software no longer runs.
I for one don't want such a PC not only if it's "just as good expandable" as a Mac Studio, but also if my Steam library won't run on it anymore.

Chuck vs. The Comment Section
Chuck vs. The Comment Section - 29.08.2022 01:55

So when I look at the billions in profits Intel is still making, I think to myself: I would also like to be in such a crisis!

KeinNiemand - 26.08.2022 09:59

x86 won't die becouse of compatibility, with the vast majority of pc software. Arm or some other risc based architecture might becouse dominant one day but even then there will be plenty of lagacy x86 around.

Yve Ice
Yve Ice - 26.08.2022 02:27

I will re-watch this video in 10 years from my x86/x64 pc. 🤣

Tom - 16.08.2022 00:52

Maybe for laptops and low-end devices.

KreedTV - 08.08.2022 23:34


Pharya - 25.07.2022 12:55

There's so much hyperbole and clickbait in Apple fanboy content, it's so obnoxious. Nearly 3 minutes into the video and you still have yet to broach the actual subject matter. Lots of guff about videos you've made in the past, and some false benchmarks against 11th gen chips

Mr . Myth
Mr . Myth - 22.07.2022 07:32

Let's go your content is just fantastic and it's purely good 🖤😘🫂

Duder - 03.07.2022 13:51

As I have predicting a decade ago, Arm is the future.

Sean Garratt
Sean Garratt - 30.06.2022 19:22

Imagine the decrease in power consumption worldwide by switching to ARM/RISC. Probably millions of tons of carbon not getting put in the atmosphere. And if we can get rid of crypto-mining and that utter waste of energy, even better. X86 served us well - but M1/M2 have utterly proven its era is over.

Chaotic - 30.06.2022 02:29

Only if Apple can kill their shitty Metal API and bring in Directx for games.

Loke Man
Loke Man - 28.06.2022 20:39

Aged like fine milk

L Fraser
L Fraser - 20.06.2022 09:28

Itanium anyone?

Ygdrassil - 14.06.2022 12:44

we can't keep relying on an architecture that today is so inefficient that it creates more heat/watt than an electric oven just keeping the computer on.. 40 years.. time for the grave...

Clasam09 - 14.06.2022 00:35

This video has not aged well. Becareful.of.your confirmation bias. This video is littered with "evidence" that itself is short sided, poorly thought out, and ignorant.

Collaborate with experts: engineers, insiders, people who work within the industry. NOT with journalists who simply parrot what they're told.

A Long Muskuito
A Long Muskuito - 08.06.2022 09:10

I'm more excited about what it'd mean for gaming industry... ofc older games won't be compatible but it might also mean no superheating your lap while playing a game.

Kyle Negus
Kyle Negus - 27.05.2022 00:30

Until AAA title games are launched on ARM, x86 will still be my (and many other people's) favorite processor architecture.

Michael Huff
Michael Huff - 25.05.2022 22:52

I got my MacBook Air with an M1 just a little over a month ago. I’m not going back. Nuh-uh. No way. I’ll sacrifice games for performance like this along with checking literally every box I’ve ever listed for my dream laptop and using a fat superior OS.

雪隠 - 23.04.2022 18:11

hopefully. x86 is now a hindrance because of shady practices on Microsoft, Intel, and AMD. RISC is the future. go get them Apple and ARM.

Daemi Ax
Daemi Ax - 14.04.2022 18:37

No matter how many Ms apple stitches together, other than the specific market that's loyal to Apple, many people will not buy apple laptops.
There are gamers with ROG and AORUS laptops that NO single apple laptop can compete. Not because of photoshop performance but simply for their specific target audience.
And there are people like me who although prefer desktops, will refuse to buy Apple laptops. Because I respect the planet I live in and apple adamantly fighting the right to repair can not be washed away with boxes made with recycled paper.
It's REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE in that order.
-Buying new models every other year ... does not promote Reducing
-Locking components to hardware and making things difficult to repair or upgrade... does not promote Reusing
What does apple do? Remove the charger and use "some" recycled materials?

Don't even get me started with compatibility.

Simon Kritsotakis
Simon Kritsotakis - 10.04.2022 18:44

nah … its called AMD64 not Intel x86

Quantumstardust - 26.03.2022 21:54

If consoles move to Arm or RISC V and don’t have a great emulation for x86 games they will fail.

Quantumstardust - 26.03.2022 21:47

Because gaming consoles use x86 I fell it will stick around for awhile longer. Until emulation is perfect for games on consoles and PC. But Arm and or RISC V will take over certain professional markets.

Patryk Wiśniewski
Patryk Wiśniewski - 26.03.2022 15:57

SOOOO x86 refuse to die m8 xdd

Wizardscroll Studio
Wizardscroll Studio - 07.03.2022 04:32

Yeah no thanks. I used Apple before and never again. Apple is synonymous with obsolesence and control. Both Intel AND Apple can go suck it. The only good thing to come out of it was convincing the world ARM is ready for desktop. Linux is the future.

Michael Lenczewski
Michael Lenczewski - 06.03.2022 15:56

Risc v

GenRabbit - 16.02.2022 09:07

Why do people believe Intel ONLY makes CPU's?. The x86/amd64 will not be gone by a long time

edd edward
edd edward - 13.02.2022 15:08

So what are AMD going to do ?

Garimella Teja
Garimella Teja - 29.01.2022 16:26

What about companies like hp, dell, lenovo; which manufacture their laptops based on other major companies like windows(microsoft). Like if windows is going to produce their own ARM based machine by themselves (without any collaboration) what would be the future of these companies..?

Hajime Kuma
Hajime Kuma - 23.01.2022 03:22

about f...ing time

Raymond Lo
Raymond Lo - 15.01.2022 22:45

You can revisit this again with Gen 12th!

Zarium Sheridan
Zarium Sheridan - 14.12.2021 23:48

You're comparing 14++++++nm chips with 5nm. That's silly. Need to see what happens when Intel gets its act together and catches up to TSMC. Then it would be apples to apples comparison.

Dudan Victor
Dudan Victor - 21.11.2021 10:33

This is so wrong.

Raevod - 20.11.2021 12:49

So in the future we are going to expect ARM CPUs on desktop PCs??

Gemesin - 15.11.2021 16:36

intel had it long time ago when they deliberately withheld processor progress.

Tyrankoos - 11.11.2021 12:31

Windows users migrating to apple ? sure sure LOL.

1697djh - 09.11.2021 16:55

x86 will remain, due to software compatibility, I wonder if Apple pays royalties to Intel for core reverse engineering? x86 will remain, even if in emulation only.
