VIDGUIDE: Publish and manage your mods

VIDGUIDE: Publish and manage your mods


55 лет назад

260 Просмотров would be nothing without the amazing community of modders and your mind-blowing content.

We share your enthusiasm, as our team members have all been involved with mod development too. This is how we also understand your grieves when it comes to distributing your mods. Spending a lot of time to ensure that your latest content is available to everyone can be frustrating.

We're dedicated to make this part of your lives easier. This is why we provide a whole range of publishing features:
- Upload directly from your PC
-- Windows Shell integration for easy access

- Publish via direct link from a third party hosting site

- Steamworks synchronisation
-- Monitors and uploads changes

- GIT integration
-- Build from source-files
-- Process updates

Knowing every mod author has their personal preferences for sharing and publishing their creations. supports it all!

As a hosted author you get full control over your content and it's custom page. Made even easier with the ability to copy over your release posts on Steamworks or BI Forums.

LINKS: (GIT Support) (Discord)


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