Looper: Seth Visits Joe (Paul Dano, Joseph Gordon-Levitt 4K HD Clip)

Looper: Seth Visits Joe (Paul Dano, Joseph Gordon-Levitt 4K HD Clip)

Scene City

2 года назад

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@musicbox-id - 18.04.2022 19:45

Already watched this movie several time.. But still nice to watch..

@LeonardoKlotz - 18.04.2022 20:06

Robin and Riddler

@ajoliva95_vigilante_anime_86 - 23.04.2022 22:00

rian johnson was absolutely genius for this movie and yet idiotic crybaby star wars fans calls him a ruin johnson that they actually don't even watch this movie

@SerZachariah - 30.01.2023 04:15

Looper is so fucking good

@JoshisJoshisJosh - 19.03.2023 18:04

Paul Dano's been in the game this long???

@dergiggler3603 - 20.03.2023 22:47

Why would the mob risk this? Literally just send a looper back to a different person, then you don't have to worry about tracking them down if they don't shoot themselves

@lessthanthreemetal - 25.03.2023 08:21

Honestly, the concept for this movie was awesome. They just didn't quite nail the story

@alexshank1414 - 26.03.2023 22:12

Opening up the fridge for lighting in the scene was absolutely brilliant.

@SaviorMachine84 - 28.03.2023 23:47

So if the Kid doesn't become the Rainmaker and start closing all the loops does that mean that Seth would still be alive?

@devilmonkey - 07.04.2023 21:27

You would think your older self would try to stay and protect you from getting wacked.

@globoy8702 - 27.06.2023 10:39

“ he told me ..I remember he told me , there’s a new holy terror boss man in the future and he’s closing all the loops .. the RAIN maker .. he told me”cold asf 🥶

@KombatFlix - 25.11.2023 20:56

Paul Dano bro 🔥🙏🏿🔥

@cariboubearmalachy1174 - 03.12.2023 23:16

Why dont they just send the people back in time, but in outer space so they get burned up in the atmosphere when they crash to Earth?

@drleefood8485 - 05.12.2023 07:46

guys, stop using logic for this film

@lunefairy1330 - 03.04.2024 00:28

huge fan of the universe and concept, but the story lost me at about the halfway mark. wish they'd have done something different with it... also cut my man paul some slack

@marvinrodriguez7971 - 18.04.2024 19:38

John Blake & The Riddler

@mitromney - 23.06.2024 14:28

Looper is absolutely ridiculous. Sure, the movie is "cool". Upon first watching it certainly leaves an impression, because it is technically well made - while you are still in the moment, not really thinking about the story that much, it's alright. But it makes no sense, none of it. If you can cut off someone's hand in the present to make their future self hand-less instantly, basically changing the future in real time, you'd be also causing countless butterfly effects into motion at the same time, changing absolutely everything. Once that old guy started singing to his younger self and young Seth hesitated, the entire world should've just ended a whole new reality pop into existence. Just think about it for one second. Even if we discount the butterfly effect entirely and think just about Seth. I propose this because fans of Looper always try to defend its logic saying Looper time travel only affects the person. Alright, so Seth is that person in this instance. So he appears in the past and starts running, right? ON LEGS. HOW?! Young Seth gets his legs CUT OFF. Both of them. That is the future set out for him instantly once the choice is made and he escapes. In other words, when young potato Seth is sent into the future, he is sent there legless, and he CAN'T RUN. The present can never happen once the past is changed even a little. So why is the old Seth's body changing only later, but everything else about him stays the same? Even in that moment, as his younger self is already cut to pieces, his clothes still stay the same, suggesting he always had limbs until that moment. It's ABSURD. Either the entire reality should adjust itself once a new choice is made, or nothing should be changing at all, because it doesn't matter. Looper commits to none of those, it just picks and chooses what stays the same and what changes (and when) completely arbitrarily based on nothing logical, it makes the entire story seem pointless.

@know1374 - 17.07.2024 10:09

Did he deserve what happened next?

@nurbsenvi - 14.12.2024 04:10

Such a miss-cast

@antonios.1894 - 01.01.2025 02:55

Riddler coming to Robin for help. Awesome. Paul Dano is an awesome actor

@SURGE0472 - 09.02.2025 01:00

