Is this Best ESP32 board? New T-Display S3 ESP32S3

Is this Best ESP32 board? New T-Display S3 ESP32S3

Volos Projects

1 год назад

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Volos Projects
Volos Projects - 29.08.2022 07:32

Important! My apologies, in the video I stated that esp32 is single core which is not correct. Both chips are dual core. Sorry for that confusion.

sm4r7m0u53 - 04.09.2023 15:10

Do your projects for old TTGO T-Display run on the new ESP32-S3 board?

Anna Mironenko
Anna Mironenko - 17.08.2023 18:43


Sgt Roger الرقيب روجر
Sgt Roger الرقيب روجر - 11.07.2023 08:03


madwilliamflint - 08.07.2023 20:52

That's excellent. I just ordered one. o7

Hardeep Singh
Hardeep Singh - 18.06.2023 07:57

The Lilygo board capabilities are well explained. Me from India, new to your channel. Would like to see a oscilloscope implemented on this board. Or may be, you already have done so /plan to do so ?

Tensid Műszakis
Tensid Műszakis - 29.05.2023 11:58

Thanks for video. Great board! 🙂

LastChance Now
LastChance Now - 12.05.2023 08:12

Hi all! esp 32 + il 9341 almost works but only one cycle.😀

M Ahmed
M Ahmed - 02.05.2023 09:21


Mark Zollo
Mark Zollo - 22.04.2023 15:26

Great Video. Excellent work.

Bruno Solothurnmann
Bruno Solothurnmann - 22.04.2023 14:41

Thank You - I got this also up and running. In the mean time I implement MQTT to display values with subscription. With this I can use it as a display for many home automation data. It's hard to find information, so your videos are of much value.

Howard Honig
Howard Honig - 19.04.2023 22:15

The interface in the example program is clean and clear; Good job. Code ran in VS Code with a couple of minor changes, which is certainly novel with some of the other example programs on yt. Great program to base other designs on, so thanks for all the information.

nosuchthing8 - 19.04.2023 09:09

Can you run Linux on it

APunktWPunkt - 15.04.2023 03:01

Hello Volos Projects!
Thanx for your great videos!
I used one of your codes for my first esp32 project.

Can you answer me this…
Is the s3 Display brighter than the one of the ttgo?

Tiberiu D
Tiberiu D - 10.04.2023 22:38

can I run the bitcoin ticker on the new display ?

Mr. KYT - 10.04.2023 01:31

Code seems to not run..

error: 'printLocalTime' was not declared in this scope

Elhanan Maayan
Elhanan Maayan - 09.04.2023 10:45

am i the only one wondering how tf you're meant to solder those pins with the screen attached?

P - 07.04.2023 23:58

Thank you. I have two questions before buying.
- Does the display function when the board is powered from a LiPo battery? (I've read somewhere it does not, but this would be strange)
- Can the number of gpios be expanded (is there a i2c for this, or how is it done)?

Reneg973 - 07.04.2023 06:04

Small hint, it would be nice if you add some small markdowns with screenshots of what your repositories do

occam raiser
occam raiser - 05.04.2023 23:39

Great video for people who already know what it is. Personally I found it useless in telling me what this thing actually IS, even though it looks really interesting. I'll have to find someone else's video to discuss it's application. I gave up on this one after 6 minutes.

David Henry
David Henry - 14.03.2023 16:26

Hi, I just wanted to share my experience with implementing your tutorials on VSCode/PlatformIO. I tried on both Ubuntu and Windows 10 with inconsistent results. When creating a new project and choosing the Lilygo-T-Display-S3 board it did not always succeed in creating a project and threw up very long-winded error error messages. I fixed the situation by uninstalling PlatformIO, deleting the .platformio directory and then re-installing PlatformIO. OK, it took time to reload all configuration files and toolchains but, HEY, it worked! Now I can use VSCode for all my work.
Arduino IDE V2 gives a different problem. Again I tried on both Ubuntu and Windows 10. The lilygo board is never recognised so I have to manually set board & port for each sketch. Not the end of the world but annoying.

summer fun
summer fun - 11.03.2023 22:19

GOOG JOB! can it work as an Oscilloscope ? my test shown nothing when input sine wave. thanks.

kadeem james
kadeem james - 11.03.2023 07:21

Do you do commission projects?

Glen Benson
Glen Benson - 03.03.2023 05:00

Excellent video, you do really great work. That screen looks stellar. I got the code from github compiled and uploaded to the board (using arduino IDE) and nothing displays on the screen, so I tried a second board, same result.
I put my WIFI ssid info in . My thoughts are that it wouldn't compile and upload if there were missing libs
The screen is black, I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure it out.
I'm open to any ideas :)
My Bad, Had the wrong board selected. I know my glasses are around here somewhere :) It works great

sho komiya
sho komiya - 21.02.2023 03:08

I wonder you can make VU meter

Yosh Copyright
Yosh Copyright - 19.02.2023 12:42

saya suka dengan penjelasan anda menggambar dengan code😅

DIVERS - 14.02.2023 20:52

Hello, i bought lilygo t-picoc3 instead of esp32 by mistake, idont now even how to get started with it! are the codes work the same way for both?

Doug Barber
Doug Barber - 10.02.2023 16:52

Hi I've tried several times to load this programme but have encountered several issue when trying to verify the code. the first one is "exit status 1
suggest explicit braces to avoid ambiguous 'else' [-Werror=dangling-else]"
any help would be appreciated.

FelixRising - 08.02.2023 06:14

do you have a getting started on the T-Display-S3 type video? Following the details form lilygo seems to have a bunch of exceptions and special libraries required and I seem to have problems with a few of your sketches and I'm overall not sure if I've done my initial setup right.

IlIREDIlI - 05.02.2023 22:10

Hi Volos, great video as usual. Thank you for your work! Have you tried to power this board without using USB? The schematics suggest it should be possible, but mine won't boot when I power it from the 5v pin (or from the li-po connector on the back). Any ideas would be great. Thanks again for the great videos.

Ben Capobianco
Ben Capobianco - 04.02.2023 07:04

Please help!!! I love your channel and you are the one who got me into the ttgo boards. I have one that I accidentally ripped the screen off of do you know of any way to get a new one or use one of my other lcd screens? I am running the resistor calculator sketch on the board and ripped the ribbon cable trying to put it in a case. Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated!!!!!! Thanks

Jo Lo
Jo Lo - 26.01.2023 20:31

Great site. Looking forward to follow you. THANK YOU for your work !!!

Henry vd bosch
Henry vd bosch - 23.01.2023 11:23

hello nice projects . but i am looking for a code for a t-displays3 a crypto ticker for my luna classic to usd.

can you help me with this

Damon Gardens
Damon Gardens - 06.01.2023 21:22

does this accept video streaming or WIFI video input?

Damon Gardens
Damon Gardens - 06.01.2023 21:16

have you noticed the chip getting hot running video?

Peter Weiss
Peter Weiss - 28.12.2022 19:58

Nice video ... does anybody know where to get the sketch that shows the flip-clock? It is shown in many pictures for that board - but I could not find a download for that sketch yet ...

Mohir Photography
Mohir Photography - 27.12.2022 19:37

Thank you for your great videos.
I can't manage to get the screen working,
I am using liligo's version of TFT_eSPI.
but the screen keeps being black.
Please help
Thank you

Ilkka Räisänen
Ilkka Räisänen - 26.12.2022 00:56

Hi, I made a CO2 air quality monitor, which uses the graph from this video. May I write an article of my work into codeproject web site. I will mention you in the article and put a link.

Abel  Ramos
Abel Ramos - 23.12.2022 22:03

Hi friend, I’m newbie to this, let me ask you please, is this nice stuff for comunication and monitoring lifepo4 batteries? Thanks!

BOSS BEEK- Beekeeping Techniques
BOSS BEEK- Beekeeping Techniques - 19.12.2022 12:25

Hello Volos, 1 more question. I am attempting to use an mpu6050 with my t-display. It says to connect to i2c clock and data, but i dont see those marked. I think they are in use by the display. is there a way to use an mpu with this device ?

Electronics Workshawp
Electronics Workshawp - 18.12.2022 23:29

Dude. This board is awesome. Great veeedeeoh.

BOSS BEEK- Beekeeping Techniques
BOSS BEEK- Beekeeping Techniques - 12.12.2022 00:15

I am unable to get anything on the display. everything else works fine. can you help? The backlight comes on but no text or colors. MAy others report the same problem. seems to be the tft_espi. do you have a custom one?

cookie246 - 09.12.2022 09:38

Can this be used for a meshtastic set up ?

Mohir Photography
Mohir Photography - 02.12.2022 20:47

In Banggood it says:
This product has been discontinued. We have recommended the following items for you.
I Ordered one when first saw this video, waited and waited, eventually, I was refunded as they said it is out of stock.
I there an alternative?
BTW, still can find it in AliExpress

q zorn
q zorn - 02.12.2022 04:26

wow very interesting esp32 board. How good is the analog hooked up to sensors? I was told some of the esp32 modules have poor analog nonlinear readings. 🧐 thanks a lot.

OldCoder - 01.12.2022 22:04

Your videos are great ! Please do more videos on the T-Display S3 ESP32S3

Fabio Castro
Fabio Castro - 28.11.2022 00:41

Hi Volo! Congratulations for your work, videos and so valuable contribution to the maker''s community!

Have you ever faced any issues when powering this board via 3.7v lipo batteries so far?

I'm asking so becouse I have two of this board which seems to don't run using its battery connector though the former ttgos I have are working with the same batteries and connectors.

Is there something we have to specify in the code or anything else required for doing so?

Best regards!

Hugh the Musical Engineer
Hugh the Musical Engineer - 24.11.2022 21:39

Hi, just received my board through the post today. Getting started with the basics. Trying your sample code. What is the correct board type to select in the Arduino IDE? Thanks.

Samuel H.
Samuel H. - 22.11.2022 00:59

I get the following error. Would you be able to help me.

cp: cannot stat '/home/pi/.arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/2.0.5/tools/partitions/default.csv': No such file or directory
exit status 1
Error compiling for board ESP32S3 Dev Module
