🚀 In this video, we’ll build a secure MERN stack authentication system with advanced RESTful API optimizations. Learn how to implement JWT authentication, refresh tokens, and secure API queries using best security practices like Helmet, rate limiting, and role-based access control (RBAC).
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🔑 Key Topics Covered:
✅ User Registration & Login (Email verification, bcrypt password hashing)
✅ JWT Authentication (Access & Refresh tokens for secure sessions)
✅ Role-Based Access Control (Admin/user roles & protected routes)
✅ Secure API Queries (Prevent SQL injection, XSS, and brute-force attacks)
✅ Helmet & Security Best Practices (Rate limiting, HTTPS, and more)
✅ Error Handling & Logging (Monitor authentication activity effectively)
⚡ Perfect for developers looking to secure their MERN stack apps and optimize API performance.
User Registration
Form Submission: Users should be able to fill out a registration form with fields like username, email, and password.
Validation: Validate user inputs for proper format, and check for existing accounts with the same email/username.
Password Encryption: Use bcrypt or another library to hash passwords before storing them in the database.
Email Verification: Optionally, send a verification email to confirm the user's email address.
User Login
Form Submission: Users should be able to log in with their email/username and password.
Authentication: Compare the hashed password stored in the database with the user's input.
Session Management: Use JWT (JSON Web Token) or another method to maintain user sessions securely.
Password Management
Reset Password: Provide a mechanism for users to reset their passwords via email verification.
Change Password: Allow authenticated users to change their password from their profile.
Profile Management
View Profile: Authenticated users should be able to view their profile information.
Edit Profile: Allow users to update their profile information like name, email, and other optional details.
Access Control
Role-Based Access Control: Implement roles (e.g., user, admin) and restrict access to certain features based on roles.
Protected Routes: Ensure that certain routes are accessible only to authenticated users.
Rate Limiting: Prevent brute-force attacks by limiting the number of login attempts.
Input Validation: Protect against common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and XSS by validating and sanitizing user inputs.
HTTPS: Use HTTPS to secure data transmission between the client and the server.
User Feedback
Notifications: Inform users about successful registration, login, and any errors during these processes.
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