Yesssssssssss Yesssssssssss Yesssssssssss Yesssssssssss Yesssssssssss Lord we need you Father God. Coming in Room
ОтветитьAwesome worship service I'm listening to the replay just raw worship letting God have his way
ОтветитьThere is a certain worship the lord wants thats a sound on one accord when we are not worrying about anything else on the outside. But when we come in his presence of worship already ready to go and lifiting our voices through out the worship. Not worry about clothes, make up or who is watching. The power of his anointing breaks atmosphere and destroy yokes..Its not how we look in his presence but surrender ourselves in it each time.
ОтветитьREALLY disappointed that Jonathon Nelson is at this church
ОтветитьThank you, God! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Holy Spirit!
ОтветитьThis worship experience is my meditation moment everyday
ОтветитьLove it❤
ОтветитьWhat’s the name of the first song Jonathan Nelson sung?
Ответитьthis is beautiful however, the worship leader was so off-key it made it difficult to really enjoy. you did not need a lead, the congregation was singing in unison. God's spirit is sweet and not bombastic
ОтветитьThese moments are so very precious & sacred. Healings, Miracles & transformations of hearts, minds & spirit are possible in this God & my Lord!!
ОтветитьI love how Pastor yield to the spirit of worship
ОтветитьIt looks like Black Entertainment Network and contemporary activities instead of a church worship God is used to. Sorry.
ОтветитьSometimes this is all that's needed😢 We're in a season where the ppl of God need a safe place to release! Church isn't for "the word" it's for the fellowship...the worship🙌🏾 Even the Pastor needs a breakthrough sometimes🙏🏾Thx for taking me there AGAIN NewBirth💕
ОтветитьGlory be to the Lord
ОтветитьWhat is name of the songs they sung plz
ОтветитьSinggggggg JaNae 🫶
ОтветитьWho sings the first song they sung ?
ОтветитьI love this so much.
ОтветитьGlory be to God 🙌🏾🙏🏾
ОтветитьPhenomenal worship experience and encounter. Thank you for demonstrating Magnanimous worship in this time. Blessings to you New Birth MBC
ОтветитьWho sings the song Tiffany led?
ОтветитьY. Don't want ti hear it. Peri a lo que. Firmaban. Habis UN orecio. Y su. Ti. Agarrsban y amenazansu. Pues. Ni SE. So my. Prayer gu ti third. That estan. Anenzadus. Y que ni purden. Hablar. Y lod que SE quedan. Cayadis. Por que kes cinciene. Pues. Si li que. Alabaster. TE pine ek dedi. Oh well. Bible does say. Dint worship nothing else but. God. And no one fues tu the father. But the son. Any others stuff you worship it's a traders.
ОтветитьClick. Of piping Tommy's. Scams. Hackers. One name is Mario. Davis. And all doing. Pornos. With. Wemon. And girls. With out there will. Hidden camarad. Etc. Break. Catsh. Clicks groups. And other wemon living out of this. Wemon and. Men couse I'm sure it's not just me and my dougher they have us like UN front. But. Mmmmm. How many. And sune stupid. Couse they. Be sorprice they. Are there. Tu but fir playing or acting smart. Mouth. Oh well.
ОтветитьCan. Start in the house whare me. Kids. Are. Angelina. Ramirez. And. Thoes. Right there. How she had a big thing ti. Sale my. Kids. And almost kill and follow the bone connected. Violets. Monroy. Sobeifs. Blanco. Mary. Mendiola. Mario. Davis. And si on. Like I sed. Slice. Can be couse if. Treds or can be because convince. And tired others. All kill you if you talk
ОтветитьIn prayer break every change. Of third that. Want ti talk. And dint. Couse. Of killers. And. Treds. If. I had. 30000'0000. I would use it. And yes ti. Put. Dime away
ОтветитьSing girl! Minister to him!!!
ОтветитьThat dude voice is on a different flow…yeeesssiirr
ОтветитьLove those types of services. It seem everyone is on one accord in praising God
ОтветитьWhat an honor and a privilege to worship our Lord and Savior. Nothing compares to when the sweet aroma of worship fills the room! Oh Glory to God! Thank You Father!
ОтветитьIts sad to me,when people knows and even secular media knows what pastor Jamal Bryant have said and people ignore by choice and continue to support his him and his church,please saints of God it's time to wake up and choose who are we going to serve because we are going to be held accountable and please don't follow alot of these gospel artists and pray for them,their talent is not going to save them,we need truth and someone that will stand regardless of the world's recognition or tours or Grammys awards because God is seeing and knows who are truly on his side
ОтветитьYour PRESENCE is heaven to me 🔥 🔥 🔥....I felt Him!
ОтветитьLove myself some Jonathan Nelson.
ОтветитьI love this Worship Video I love JaNae I followed over to this service but I Wil never leave with this move from God. I have been listening to this video every day since it came out in the morning and night before bed .I feel it all inmy soul.Preachinbg was anointed and the truth 😢❤😊
ОтветитьThey took their time to go deeper in worship!!!!! I LOVE IT!!
ОтветитьNow is the time to study the bible more, pray more, fast more, and obey the Lord Jesus commandments. It is so oblivious that the world is falling to pieces. What is your plan to ensure you have a place in the Kingdom of God when everything is said and done. Black people are the true descendants of the Israelites of the bible. It is time we start keeping his covenant commandments. Our goal in this life is not to obtain material possessions, money, or power. Our goal is to serve the Lord God Almighty and make it into His eternal kingdom.
ОтветитьLove to hear Janae on worship songs! This whole video just brought tears to my eyes. The worship was beautiful.
ОтветитьI see why the service was so Anointed.. Pastor Jonathan Nelson is an Anointed Man of God.
ОтветитьWell what's the name of the 1st song?! Omg!! 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьI use this worship to break my fast , to start it and to worship before bed.