Luffy's unaware Conquerors Haki at Marineford [One Piece]

Luffy's unaware Conquerors Haki at Marineford [One Piece]


13 лет назад

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@jHrCjiLs - 19.12.2023 16:28

Akainu was like: killing time

@burtkocain6846 - 16.12.2023 17:10

I know these reactions were written for dramatic value, but for real why is anyone surprised that the grandson of Garp and son of Dragon, like them, has conquerors haki as well?

@user-nr9fc4xm3g - 14.12.2023 01:42

Maybe this uncontrolled haki was as strong as Shanks‘ haki. The controlled haki of today is maybe not stronger than in Marineford back then.

@user-nr9fc4xm3g - 14.12.2023 01:39

I would like to see this haki with black haki flashs💯

@iTreasure - 12.12.2023 01:03

Before Luffy used the Haki: Everyone "Who is that skinny kid running around"
After Luffy used the Haki: Everyone "OH F*CK"

@BeatMyPete2001 - 11.12.2023 20:48

Rewatching impel down and marineford. I didn’t realize that Luffy first used his conquerors haki on the wolves when he saved Bon Clay.

@dorreonlord9836 - 09.12.2023 14:42

This was my go to clip for OP haki now all I watch is clips from the Luffy vs Kaido fight. Luffy has grown so much😊

@RizenIced - 09.12.2023 13:31


@mycussdishcolgun7860 - 05.12.2023 06:41

It’s not just a conqueror, but look at how far and how much people it is, wipe out the whole marine and allied member. It was the first time.

@drewfiji8845 - 05.12.2023 04:30

Before Sengoku can give order for execution:
Sengoku says: " If it's the future you want to see, I can show it to you right now" -- thinking killing ace is killing the next future pirate generation....
UNTIL Luffy shows them all his Conquerer Haki. Another MAJOR threat in the years to come... Surprising everyone. This is probably why the marines changed their target from WB to LUFFY.

Looking back at it now, it kinda crazy

@okipullup6103 - 02.12.2023 22:01

Luffy made sengoku concerned and sakazuki now wanted to kill him after he did that even though literally has no idea what he did. He’s completely oblivious to his own power. Only after some proper training did he acknowledge how awesome he really is. And the difference between how effective his conqueror’s was compared to when he came back to sabaody is astounding! He might have just knocked out 100,000 men. And after the timeskip, he knocked out 50,000 fishman, which actually makes a lot of sense considering that fishman have stronger wills than most humans.

@IlluminatedUser - 29.11.2023 08:38

Sengoku realized they may be putting Ace to rest but it’ll only make his greatest threat even stronger

@insertname3293 - 27.11.2023 11:36

7:34pm (GMT+11)
This video has 5,196,283 views with 53,002 likes and 595 dislikes.
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I made it to this part in the manga, can't wait to go further! (ACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE)

@MarkJoseph-zp7pn - 26.11.2023 11:43

Bruh why is luffy the only one that used conquerorous haki that time

@shivamchandrol8641 - 21.11.2023 08:02

Good old graphics with slight of wind change and bgm ❤

@Merkurius2000 - 19.11.2023 09:48

It's not conqueror haki that made all of them surprised, but because that so powerful conqueror haki was came from a unexperienced young boy. If I'm not wrong Luffy in this marineford arc is only 18years old.

@777dnangel - 19.11.2023 08:09

What episode is this?

@spunkflunk - 16.11.2023 02:05

Thank the world of one piece for having such slow executioners. They sure give plenty of time to intervene

@msj0015 - 15.11.2023 18:52

This was the best scene in that fight to be honest. Their reaction to his haki was priceless.

@makletop7254 - 13.11.2023 05:02

Confess the Lord Jesus Christ with your mouth and believe in your heart that He died for your sins on the cross and God raised Him from the dead on the third day; repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit!

Evidence for Jesus Christ’s existence, crucifixion, and disappearance from the tomb (He rose from it):

The Lord Jesus Christ did exist, gathered disciples, and was crucified and went missing from the tomb. To argue about wether He was taken from the grave or rose from it, is an argument a skeptic can make. Because well if you disregard the eye witness testimony of the disciples and there willingness to die for Christ, and humans won’t die for something they know is a lie, when Peter is pinned upside down to that cross, he could have said that it was a fake, but He didn’t because it wasn’t, what care would he have about death in this world if he knew for a fact he had assurance of a life in another, Jesus Christ did rise from the tomb and is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Now the evidence for the Lord Jesus Christ’s existence really isn’t hard to find a multitude of non-Christian scholars and historians mention Him within 150 years after the time of His life. One such is Tacitus a Roman historian who reported on emperor nero’s decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed rome in 64 AD. Tacitus wrote:

“Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome…”

In this Tacitus makes reference to not only Christians, but Christ calling Him Christus and confirming the Gospels going on to say that He suffered the extreme penalty (crucifixion) under the reign of Tiberius and by the sentence of Pontius Pilate, which like I said confirms the Gospels narrative.
Another important source of evidence about Jesus and early Christianity can be found in the letters of Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan. Pliny was the Roman governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor. In one of his letters, dated around A.D. 112, he asks Trajan's advice about the appropriate way to conduct legal proceedings against those accused of being Christians. Pliny says that he needed to consult the emperor about this issue because a great multitude of every age, class, and sex stood accused of Christianity. At one point in his letter, Pliny relates some of the information he has learned about these Christians:
“They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food – but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.”

This passage provides a number of interesting insights into the beliefs and practices of early Christians. First, we see that Christians regularly met on a certain fixed day for worship. Second, their worship was directed to Christ, demonstrating that they firmly believed in His divinity. Furthermore, one scholar interprets Pliny's statement that hymns were sung to Christ, "as to a god", as a reference to the rather distinctive fact that, "unlike other gods who were worshipped, Christ was a person who had lived on earth." If this interpretation is correct, Pliny understood that Christians were worshipping an actual historical person as God! Of course, this agrees perfectly with the New Testament doctrine that Jesus was both God and man.

You may have heard of the scholar Flavius Josephus who mentioned James as being the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ, which matches what Paul said calling James “The Lord’s brother” and there is another document that Josephus may have written which goes:

“About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ... wrought surprising feats.... He was the Christ. When Pilate ...condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared ... restored to life.... And the tribe of Christians ... has ... not disappeared.”

Now it’s up to debate wether this is the entirely original document of what Josephus wrote, or if a Christian had edited it. But regardless he wrote about the Lord Jesus Christ. Wether it was negative or positive like the possible document is. Anyways there are many other statements, documents, letters, and writings of all sorts from the ancient world talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and there is not one question if He was a real person or if He was crucified and went missing from the grave. That is clear as day, He is a real person, was crucified, and went missing from the grave. And He did rise from the grave. And for more evidence of the Lord Jesus Christ, there’s the Bible and you see there is no evidence the Bible is corrupted, a lie, created by the Roman government, folktale. It is the recount of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, now wether you want to believe it is up to you. And what profit was there in spreading Christianity, All the early Christian suffered persecution, beatings, and were killed. Another Scholar reported that James the Lord’s Brother was thrown off a building and then stoned to death for spreading the Gospel in Jerusalem. These people went to great lengths even giving their own lives for the Lord Jesus Christ.

@slayer5028 - 12.11.2023 11:17

Its your damn family again garp😂😂

@lansken - 10.11.2023 22:25

How to get Conqueror's Haki in real-life ?

@otaku_buddy - 09.11.2023 15:58

Ahh as a one peice fan I still can't belive this is 12 years old video where I started one peice 4 years ago

@dewalashape1224 - 07.11.2023 14:10

Only one ever shown this strength of haki is just and only shanks. No other ever pulled off a haki like that

@user-ow7nz7xh6n - 05.11.2023 09:35

Even whitebeard in shock

@joshurlay - 03.11.2023 19:49

The borth of a legend

edit: still borthing

@pulkitshukla9822 - 31.10.2023 19:40

Goosebumps time's boys 🔥🔥

@cool358 - 31.10.2023 15:51


@RealSwapnilK - 29.10.2023 19:57

After this moment admiral sakazuki decided to shift his killing target to luffy 😅😅😅

@mz2185 - 28.10.2023 17:04

after luffy's fight with kaido i recognized why all the admirales and white beard where frozen ...

@kulonstep69 - 27.10.2023 02:37

Ppl are too focuse on Luffy CH in this scene. No one notice that one of the executor was Mr. 3 in disguise try to save Ace,
Even Luffy's haki didn't explode that time, maybe Ace still be saved but ofc both Mr. 3 and Ace will be in danger since Sengoku also there

@perfectlife6016 - 26.10.2023 19:30

Thats just a fart

@angelmonroy9644 - 25.10.2023 09:50


@mvmcflurry - 22.10.2023 03:43

wait didnte use at amazon lily

@magnaviousyk3118 - 19.10.2023 04:23

Now that we've past Wano and getting know more about CQ haki, this scene feels even better. This uncontrollable burst of Conq Haki shocks even the like of Admiral who probably already seen another conq haki user. For me, it means that this burst of untrained Haki is so strong and had the potential which even G5 Luffy have yet to master

@golden-owl1398 - 17.10.2023 17:22

We know dragons favourite child 😂

@SKate0994 - 17.10.2023 03:32

How many times have you watched this?

@jackmehoff9517 - 16.10.2023 19:40

For all his pleasantries Sengoku is not a good guy he serves the evil world government

@tigermafia6251 - 16.10.2023 17:17

It’s all squard’s fault

@ashlemmanuel - 16.10.2023 08:08

you know you certified when whitebeard calls you a brat

@Skuzzzle - 13.10.2023 19:47

Someone suggested Adam Sandler as Kizaru and now I can't unsee it

@BTCtoINV - 12.10.2023 17:21

I still come back to just watch this part

@keenanwilloughby393 - 11.10.2023 16:23

One of the most iconic battles in anime featuring one hell of a foreshadowing

@tngamer1539 - 10.10.2023 23:24

Sengoku's face explains a lot

@mcxhohodv3295 - 09.10.2023 23:20

Fun fact,that candle guy sword is below so he can stop the other sword at the last moment. If no one intervene to save Ace

@MiMiLaXMiMi - 09.10.2023 08:20

White beard really shows just how versatile “that brat” is as a sentence

@elduquecaradura1468 - 08.10.2023 23:43

I just realized something. All the people there were accustomed to Emperor's Haki, and even some showed it earlier in life like Doflamingo, but with the power of Luffy, as far as I can tell none. This is what surprised so much everyone being the 'first time' (real first time was in woman's island) since if he could do that there, imagine full potential.

@rizalb5516 - 07.10.2023 14:59

12 years ago ,, woww... Time's flying so fast
