MY CAMBRIDGE INTERVIEW EXPERIENCE aka why YOU shouldn't worry! (medicine ‍️)

MY CAMBRIDGE INTERVIEW EXPERIENCE aka why YOU shouldn't worry! (medicine ‍️)

Magda Weronika

4 года назад

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@sanjan8593 - 06.01.2021 20:12

Eleven minutes ago? Woah I cant wait to watch it! Your channel really keeps me motivated xx What was the answer to the blood volume question?

@elIieeee - 06.01.2021 20:17

ahhh thank you for posting this! I'm literally going insane waiting for the 25th (decision day) 😭

@chrisfield9210 - 06.01.2021 20:36

Waiting for my decision about medicine at downing 😬

@AddittiAgrawal - 06.01.2021 21:10

i loved this aha

@artie2070 - 06.01.2021 21:28

The way you narrate this is great😂

@user-bt6hc4mb7y - 06.01.2021 21:37

thank you for this-one of my clare interviews was ok but the other went HORRIBLY!!!

@ArthurYoshida2012 - 06.01.2021 21:46

i’m clouded with anxiety waiting for cambs final decisions, especially as an international med applicant... there are less than 20 places for us...

@rosia_li - 06.01.2021 22:16

I said the exact same thing as you for the blood volume question in my interview a few weeks ago😂 Thanks for the video though xx

@sciencewithsoph3620 - 06.01.2021 23:27

I told a chemistry professor that Nitrogen has 3 electrons... I still got in! They know you’re nervous, everyone says something stupid. They know you’re clever (otherwise they wouldn’t interview you). Interviews are more about how you learn (+ if supos would suit you) than a knowledge test. To anyone applying / waiting to hear if you have an offer, best of luck! No matter what happens you’ll be great :)

@mishall.b - 07.01.2021 00:49

im going mad waiting to hear on my decision and i really needed this 💓 thank you

@RishikaSinghthetraveler - 07.01.2021 01:57

Waiting for decisions for biochemistry Oxford xx this video calmed me down Deffo 🥰

@rovinya - 07.01.2021 04:24

For medical interview preparation, where are good places to find medical articles that I could read?

@dreaming_of_that_mbbs_mbchb - 07.01.2021 04:30

I would’ve shaken their hands when I got up from the interview to exit the room in which case you’d have had time to do so without it being awkward

@yokkanyanat1532 - 07.01.2021 07:15

Yeah, Cambridge is lucky to have you as a medical student sort of thing. You are sweet and you have a good heart, Magda. If I am a patient, I think I will better since the first time I see the doctor like you. So be a great doctor!

@anikak8290 - 07.01.2021 11:29

Fish have lungs! I remember this story so vividly 😂😂💕

@milesn1993 - 07.01.2021 12:07

Another really interesting and informative video, Magda! I think you make a really good point and I recognise it from interviews I’ve had also: interviewers typically don’t care about the right answer at all, if there even is one! It’s about your personality and your engagement and how you handle it. You had a shambolic arrival to the place and still managed to engage with tricky questions, try to take prompts, speak out your thoughts and have a real go! That’s a very attractive quality and one that screams great student :) So well done! And thank you for the video :)

@riarose283 - 07.01.2021 22:30

Waiting for a medicine decision from Fitz, great vid :)

@PetsWithFurryPaws - 08.01.2021 00:29

In my interview I accidentally insulted my interviewer’s research area then proceeded to have the most awkward silence filled interview of all time haha - needless to say I don’t think the outcome will be good but this video was reassuring :)

@Ria-vf1uj - 08.01.2021 01:08

Thank you for this video, it's very reassuring in this intense waiting period to hear back!!! <3 I am filled with anxiety for the 25th, doesn't help that I have a different interview the day after though..

@ayeshaw2486 - 08.01.2021 01:19

I was soo upset after my interview. Got quizzed on a topic I hadn’t studied and then got an extremely ambiguous question😅 Haven’t heard back yet but I’m pretty sure it’s a rejection.

@JohnWick-rw6gz - 08.01.2021 02:22

do they ask topics from a level bio and chem

@eugenelin2390 - 08.01.2021 05:04

Had an interview for Chem Eng at Fitz (virtual of course) and actually I think it went really well! Felt more stressed in the Imperial interview tbh - oh well 17 days to go until interview results get released

@kseniiadolgopolova - 08.01.2021 16:05

First question in my head after the interview was "What has just happened?". It went kinda fine but you never know, maybe the worst interviews are the best, or maybe it's always a coincidence! My advice is to really reflect on how you feel after the interview, try to highlight some positive moments and write that all down. It will not only be an interesting memoir but also something you can refer back to and maybe reassure yourself :)

@natashadavey7988 - 08.01.2021 16:25

I think my first interview went well as the professor asked about the things i was interested in. The second interview however was a lot more tricky. Some very obscure questions 😂 but I felt pretty bummed out by it. So not expecting to get an offer but it was a very worthwhile experience :)

@Priv-rb3ow - 08.01.2021 18:07

Awesome vid! So funny! What was yr bmat? And do u know yr interview scores?

@zarav4150 - 08.01.2021 22:40

this was so reassuring to hear thank you!! :) so nervous for the 25th now when decisions come out...

@EmpireOfLuciferSatanson666 - 09.01.2021 20:31

This is only true after the interview.

@李诺-b2v - 10.01.2021 07:36

can you please tell me your lipstick in this video?

@bubbletae286 - 10.01.2021 19:21

But how WOULD you measure the volume of blood in someones body??

@rebe_eka - 11.01.2021 23:29

I applied for Architecture and they asked me to name around 15 buildings from around the world after looking at the photos they gave me. I only managed to recognise the Shard and St Paul's Cathedral :((

@sue9302 - 11.09.2021 13:12

how actually would you measure the volume of blood looollll?

@scritoph3368 - 06.12.2021 14:37

have mine tomorrow... slightly dying rn

@lizzyhughes1411 - 09.12.2021 01:11

lmao my interview hit me like a truck yesterday, do not think it went well 😩😬

@anyasea10739 - 04.12.2022 02:24

I know I’m almost two years late, but I have my interview for Clare College Classics on Monday and I’m absolutely terrified, ik Medicine and Classics are very different subjects but do you have any last minute interview tips?

@kaitheegg1929 - 01.02.2023 23:33

in my interview, I actually got laughed at lol. i made a video on my experience on my channel if you want to watch

@aizazahmad3442 - 15.02.2023 09:36

What is the purpose of Cambridge interview in your point of view.

@aulireo932 - 04.12.2023 23:46

are there MMIs?

@shreyakundu4874 - 06.01.2024 16:08

I had my PhD interview at the Chemistry department and I have my degrees in geology. I feel like I did a good job at the interview BUT they're gonna find someone more suitable 😢.
Nevertheless, I had fun and it was an amazing experience 🎉.
