ROR: Luigi's Mansion (GCN Vs. 3DS) (UHD 60fps)

ROR: Luigi's Mansion (GCN Vs. 3DS) (UHD 60fps)


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@brysonadams8065 - 12.11.2023 06:41

I personally prefer to play the GameCube version of this game

@coltonk.3086 - 10.11.2023 16:40

While it absolutely should've been remade for switch with possibly LM3's engine (I'm drooling at the thought of it), This was definitely competent for me, given I'd never owned the original game and already had an amiibo reader + Mario amiibo before getting this. When the hidden mansion is actually completed by adding the health drops the devs forgot, it's an absolute blast!!

@MegamiSpin7088 - 16.10.2023 09:23

One of my favorite games tbh I try to play it every October to get in the spirit

@Petar20252 - 12.08.2023 18:33

Honestly, Luigi’s mansion is not a metroidvania it’s an arcade style game with how the money you collect changes the ending in a high score style

@zainaaeschliman5245 - 02.08.2023 14:49

A true medtroidvania style lm is in the form of the extra tangy mod (although it's really freaking rough since it's basically a 1-life run with little to no healing (have to get certain requirements to heal + no heart drops))

@brianmegaman - 06.07.2023 17:13

please can you do a new remake or rebreak of Luigi’s mansion. Since you spent money on the glover game. you can spend money on a new Nintendo 3ds or 2ds. Then review it again.

@BeyondBaito - 23.06.2023 08:53

Nintendo should re-release Luigi's Mansion 1 on Switch with stuff like Elh and the cave and stuff re-added to extra content to justify buying it again.

@barofsoap3795 - 07.06.2023 04:51

With the flash light, ghosts disappear immediately if you shine them from far away. Hold B, walk up close and shine, and it works every time

@Crazyb3ndy - 28.05.2023 20:08

The reasoning for why the ghost were disappearing when you hit them with your flashlight is because you are too far away.

@nocturne9732 - 17.05.2023 05:43

Still waiting for that Dark Moon review

@i_eat_quarters7205 - 13.04.2023 16:35

it’s painful to see the ebay listing for the pokémon n3ds when nowadays $130 will get you the top faceplate of one half of the set

@connorgross3410 - 07.04.2023 20:33

I wonder if you modded the game so each key in each area opened any door and how that would work

@JuhoSprite - 22.03.2023 10:32

I didn't even know this game existed

@weirdkid5 - 07.03.2023 16:47

The reason they disappear sooner is because the further away they are when you stun them, the less time you have to start vacuuming. Also, in the clip with the grabbers, Luigi gets scared which automatically makes him turn off the flashlight. That can make a ghost dissappear since you aren't shining it on them as well.

@EthanTheDinoNerd - 20.02.2023 06:51

Weird how you compare the gameplay to Metroid and not...something everyone else compared Luigi's Mansion to...Resident Evil. And the same thing with enemies where they just walk towards to while sometimes have special ones.
Also the combat I really like and honestly think it's the best and the sequels are as fun.
The Ghost I can remember and think they more memorable then the ghosts from the sequels that have personality of Minions.
Again I find this game more like Resident Evil then a metroid.
Also I hate the 3DS remake and shows why Nintendo didn't make Gamecube remakes to the 3DS and sticked with N64 games.

@turtleanton6539 - 12.02.2023 04:43

Great game

@Etrezi - 19.01.2023 22:09

Knowing the original wanted to have a 3D mode but was never added to the gamecube, feels like a faithful port. I'm glad it's on the 3DS and for the Switch, we do have Luigi's Mansion 3 so it's not that bad. I would say if 3D TVs were still a thing it would of been nice if this was playable in 3D

@Sarutaru06 - 18.01.2023 20:10

Well it's an old video, but still, I think the genre was supposed to "Baby's first Redident Evil," so a survival-horror for kids. Which it is if you ask my 6 year olds who get terrified by it.

@oh_slime - 12.01.2023 19:56

man put 4 intros in the video like it’s a movie

@elevatorkodak3590 - 28.12.2022 16:38

The flashlight you gotta instead of putting it straight onto them bring it onto them from the sides or turn it of then once in range turn it back on and stun them

@DE23 - 06.11.2022 23:21

New 3ds owner here: The C "Stick" sensitivity is WAY too low. It barely works and requires so much force to work it will hurt you thumb very quickly, even at max sensitivity. And I know it's not my console because Minecraft's controls work just fine.

I just used the Motion Controls and B Button, which I found to work really well and we're a great and intuitive way to control the game, but I can see how some would find it wierd or unnatural.

@angelocorradino8720 - 04.11.2022 22:13

I think you kind of missed the point of the money. When you get hit you lose money. When you do better on boss Ghosts you get more money. While the exploration is linear, the fun of the game is going over every room with a fine toothed comb. Lots of people never even find the hidden room in area 2. Same for all the speedy spirits and random chance/hidden cheese golden mice. When you do consecutive playthroughs, you get better at the game, find more money and hidden locations, take less damage, etc. Yes you already got the best rank, but the fun is getting better. Also, as someone who has been playing this game for 10 years, I still have a hard time beating bowser. I die at least 4 times each playthrough at bowser alone. I'm not sure why it's so easy for you, maybe your just better at video games than me, but for me Luigis Mansions difficulty was in a perfect sweet spot.

Also, I played the 3DS version on a New 3DS XL, and the performance and control issues were practically nonexistent.

@queencreamdoughnut2704 - 18.10.2022 05:37

If you repeatedly mash the L&R buttons while vacuuming a boo it helps lock them in place. It works even better if you have the ice element. (I’ve only played the GameCube version though)

@ericstaples7220 - 25.09.2022 04:57

To be fair, I think remaking it on the switch would require actually creating a new engine for it to run on to fully utilize the hardware. That means remaking the game from the ground up. I think it was probably easier for them to add a few graphical updates and have it run on the same engine for the 3DS. It's not as simple as saying they could have remade it on the switch. If they're going to rebuild the game from the ground up, they might as well make a whole new Luigi's Mansion game. And, I think that's what they did with LM 3 on the switch.

@The_Undead_Werewolf - 20.09.2022 06:03

I never even considered the 3DS version a remake with updated graphics since the game literally looks worse than it does on the gamecube since the original game runs on a 128 bit system and the remake runs on a 96 bit system so yeah it looks worse

@blitzstrk0 - 09.09.2022 02:54

Where is the Pokemon ROR? This video is 5 years old and I cannot find the video.

@JonnyLin7 - 03.09.2022 19:52

It was remade for 3DS instead of Switch because the original Luigi's Mansion was intended to have a 3D mode, but they ended up removing it because it would require an expensive 3D add-on. This is fairly well known knowledge so I'm bit surprised you didn't acknowledge that at all I'm this video.

@aquamanbeforehewascool5347 - 31.08.2022 19:52

Every "why the first Luigi's Mansion is an absolute masterpiece" comments summarized:
- Cuz it's dark
- Cuz it's more spooky than the other two games
- Cuz it has a hanging Luigi, spooky beta game overscreen and other dumb urban legends/Creepypastas made by 12 year olds
- Cuz it has Luigi as the main character
- Cuz it has a Bowser that can take his head of
- Cuz it led you explore a mansion with ghost in it
- Cuz it has ghosts with name and something like a personality
- Cuz Luigi commented on things
- Cuz it got more charm than the other two games
- Cuz it was made by Nintendo
That's 90% of what you hear online why the game is so great, the gameplay and content itself is never mentiond, only the most superficial stuff.

@Thenumber1yoshi - 30.08.2022 22:30

Considering that you dislike Sonic 2 when it was a game still using the arcade philosophy of game design especially in the playing to get better on repeat playthroughs and Luigi’s Mansion is the same way, I’m guess maybe you just don’t like arcade style video games?, Geeze you never would’ve survived the NES era!

@minor_change5116 - 30.08.2022 14:31

Here’s my reason it should’ve been on switch
It has GameCube controller support
It literally makes perfect sense
To have controls for the modern controllers and the old controls on the GameCube

@RavnernBK - 26.08.2022 00:37

I don't know if this is factual, but from what i can tell, the ghosts disappearing immediately after you stun them has something to do with how far away you are from then when they get stunned, if you're far away, they disappear, and if you're close they linger for a little longer giving you time to vacuum them up, but they also disappear if you're too close, which is especially annoying for speedy spirits. Again i don't know if that's how it actually works, but from my playthroughs of the game, that's the only pattern i've seen.

Edit: I thought the NTSC hidden mansion was japan exclusive, i was always told it was excluded from the North American release, i wouldn't know though as i'm european and therefor i have the PAL hidden mansion, and from what i can gather, the general consensus is that the PAL hidden mansion is the superior version.

@skibot9974 - 02.08.2022 23:38

“No particle effects”

Proceeds to show particle effects

@cydragon2.099 - 04.07.2022 00:17

I 100% ed the OG Gamecube Luigi's Mansion and I am making sure that the remake on the 3DS is something to try or not

@underworldgameshd69 - 28.06.2022 08:35

The 3DS release of Luigi’s mansion was the first one I had ever played and it gave me the chance to play the original game without needing a GameCube or a pc to emulate the game.

@gamertoon8230 - 27.06.2022 22:32

I recently replayed the original game a few days ago because I haven’t done a play through of the game since 2013. After playing so much Resident Evil, Metroidvanias, and Arcade styled games in recent years. This game is very barebones in comparison. It doesn’t have the interesting puzzle solving of a Resident Evil game, it lacks the exploration of a Metroidvania, and it has very little depth compared to an arcade game.

@iownu92 - 16.06.2022 17:41

Man, this guy hates Luigi’s Mansion.

@dylbill56remixes28 - 14.06.2022 00:43

I agree that this game is just okay, but I personally think it really falls apart in the last quarter.

@samakechijowo - 07.06.2022 11:54

"I can't recommend a circlepad pro enough"
Too late, I finished it with just the standard control...

@dankysauce7233 - 28.05.2022 02:30

download play is always slow

@brenscott5416 - 18.05.2022 03:40

Honestly I prefer the muddy textures of the GameCube, it adds a darker theme to the game and keeps the atmosphere amazing while not being so dark or muddy as to be boring or too dark to see anything. It's a style that's very unique and I much much prefer the gcn

@ajfornes6728 - 15.05.2022 04:28

I want this game on switch with every fiber of my being

@FunnyGA1ex - 08.05.2022 12:50

Where the hell do buy Luigi’s Mansion: Return of The Mansion for the Wii??

@impachoblue1301 - 28.04.2022 21:12

maybe its just me, but the new 3ds controls with luigis mansion was more than fine with me, The nub has never bothered me. I think some people assume you have to push it harder than you do(which feels terrible), its extremely sensitive so even the slightest touches will work.

@kexly1447 - 18.04.2022 20:14

I could have sworn that part of Luigi's Mansion's original concept was the use of 3d but was then dropped as it would require not just the gamecube but a specialised tv as well, and the only reason the remake was on the 3ds is for the 3d.

@bobosmith101 - 16.04.2022 02:31

Ew, they removed recovery hearts?

@RickSatan - 08.04.2022 14:45

those gmaes look so bad
