The Cylons Attack the Colonies - Battlestar Galactica 1978

The Cylons Attack the Colonies - Battlestar Galactica 1978

Darth Plagueis

2 года назад

597,847 Просмотров

From "Saga of a Star World".

While supposedly signing an armistice with the Colonial Fleet at Cimtar, the Cylons launch the Final Annihilation of the Twelve Colonies of Man.
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@JayLangly - 25.12.2023 04:41

Jane Seymore - hottest thing going!

@jeffburnham6611 - 21.11.2023 00:37

Much better than having all of them Basestars launching nukes at the colonies. I loved the energy-based weapons instead of the re-make using bullets.

@The_Notorious_CRG - 17.11.2023 19:57

I wondered, even as a child, how this size of an attack force could get past any detection or defense apparatus.

@JJ-rf7dg - 13.11.2023 00:52

By your command.

@FidelCastro128 - 11.11.2023 01:57

Cattle Car Galaxia: Mad Magazine

@jdmjesus6103 - 10.11.2023 13:16

PSA: the dog dies

@tyrannozilla - 15.09.2023 01:43

Before the Kaylons (The Orville), there were the Cylons.

@philipfranklin3958 - 13.09.2023 09:30

What were, I guess they were news broadcasts saying about the carnage
of the cylon attack the Battlestar crew was watching on their tv monitors? I can barely
make out the dialog but could anybody post a complete transcript of this "news broadcast scene?

@Ryan_Christopher - 10.09.2023 20:34

On 9/11 I was Active Duty Air Force and my Gen X nerd ass was thinking of this scene as I looked up in the sky seeing GWB’s escort Vipers fly over our base.

I enlisted late so my cohorts were all millennials who would not know anything about Battlestar Galactica until the reboot came-out in 2003.

Yes it was probably unnecessary to
imagine there would be enemy fighters violating US airspace, but orders were, “Be ready for anything,” so naturally one’s imagination would get involved.

@philipfranklin3958 - 06.09.2023 06:18

What were, I guess they were news broadcasts saying about the carnage
of the cylon attack the Battlestar crew was watching on their tv monitors? I can barely
make out the dialog but could anybody post a complete transcript of this "news broadcast scene?

@pekkaollila8505 - 03.09.2023 15:34

Lesson to learn for all "peace with ruzzia"-peacenics.

@philipfranklin3958 - 02.09.2023 10:32

What were, I guess they were news broadcasts saying about the carnage
of the cylon attack the Battlestar crew was watching on their tv monitors? I can barely
make out the dialog but could anybody post a complete transcript of this "news broadcast scene?

@CoolsBreeze - 22.08.2023 01:23

I almost forgot Jane Seymour was in the original BSG. My goodness she was smoking hot then and still smoking hot now.

@Fluffykeith - 24.06.2023 20:44

I always loved the designs of the Cylon fighters and Base Ships....the model work gave them an impressive sense of scale that I didn't get from the ones in the reboot.

@sidearmsalpha - 23.06.2023 08:43

As a kid and even now, I love the ship designs of this series. The show's premise was so good. I feel like the newer one got away from it and made it too political and it didn't have that ancient civilization vibe like the original.

@russchadwell - 21.06.2023 21:24

No radar.

@kipmarlow9244 - 20.06.2023 20:45

bad special affects even for the time

@greendalek303 - 20.06.2023 05:22

Good heavens. This was SO much darker and disillusioning than 8 year-old me remembers... those devastated looks on the faces of the Galactica CIC crew as they're watching their home worlds go up in flames.

@johntheechidna1 - 19.06.2023 07:50

Would it have made a lot more sense for the Cylons to have AI piloted starfighters rather than ones piloted by their troops? Even the Trade Federation had the right idea of the starfighters being droids themselves.

@MicroAggressor - 16.06.2023 08:46

Lindsey Wagner would have made aa super hot Cylon! Bionic Babe goes full silicon! Maybe with some electrostatic fishnet leg shields? Schwing!

@minouchesfourtwo - 16.06.2023 04:30

Where’s the Viking when u need them

@alanstrong55 - 11.06.2023 03:26

A good show. Costly to produce. Only lasted 2 seasons. 😢😢

@calvertcarroll7502 - 10.06.2023 06:13

The original Battlestar Galactica was so much better than the remake years later!!!!! The remake totally ruined the storyline and so much more.

@dinobuenviaje8194 - 08.06.2023 20:40

The Cylons had a plan.

@ericdillon1169 - 05.06.2023 04:27

People are running everywhere!

@regla9874 - 04.06.2023 18:41

Jane Seymour?!?! Is that Jane fn Seymour?? Omg how did I miss this detail for 40 years?!

@michaelbrookins5807 - 02.06.2023 21:10

I just realized Jane Seymour is using Gene Rayburn's microphone from match game

@spaceace1006 - 31.05.2023 04:19

Damn good SFX for 1978!!!

@oussamahijazy1841 - 28.05.2023 21:01

@dethbolt000 - 22.05.2023 03:55

Woooohooo! I have the ORIGINAL Colonial Viper AND the Cylon Raider from '78 hanging above me right now in my home studio. Jeeze... I just realized that they're both 45 years old!

@michaelbruce6190 - 20.05.2023 21:55

I absolutely loved this show as a kid, along with Buck Rogers, too bad both shows didn't last very long.

@thedutchfisherman7078 - 20.05.2023 18:37

Pretty lame when you this back now. 🙄🙄

@Zulu-jz7jt - 19.05.2023 09:59

As the old saying goes. If you want peace you must be prepared for war. The enemy knows this and I'm not talking about a tv show either. Peace always comes at a high price.

@spartybrearly7221 - 12.05.2023 03:33

Jane Seymour is stunning

@nautiliusmolpheus4799 - 10.05.2023 13:47

i remember this seen from childhood

@patricioovalle6590 - 07.05.2023 06:23

Lo que te tragabas cuando veias esta serie...ahora salen demasiadas preguntas....donde estan las baterias antiareas???

@MrYoungkimba - 05.05.2023 06:16

So 9/11 then…

@deestersvega807 - 04.05.2023 00:47


@zephyr8072 - 02.05.2023 01:50

Cylon Centurion 1: "See that peace sign?"

Cylon Centurion 2: "Yes."

Cylon Centurion 1: "Imma blow it up."

Cylon Centurion 2: "lol"

@hrafnofthule5962 - 27.04.2023 01:08

The leader scooching his chair around with his legs 😂. No electric hairs in that century

@markthompson7503 - 25.04.2023 21:59

I can't get over how the cyclons and the Mandalorians helmet face are so similar.

@bobdadnaila7708 - 25.04.2023 03:23

Who polishes the cylons?

@AMD7027 - 22.04.2023 23:23

Amazing how they are all just sitting there like “well this is interesting” almost like they forgot they were on a warship….

Ответить - 21.04.2023 14:09

Looks as if the cylons are bringing freedom again

@monkeyboy4746 - 19.04.2023 06:36

Jane Seymour, awesome! I remember this show had a lot of cool actors/actresses.

@DarkStar-wu9nq - 16.04.2023 22:32

This will happen in U.K. soon
The visitors will receive a call to arms and on that day …….

I will say …….. I told you so …… we all told you so

Now look what you have done

@DarkStar-wu9nq - 16.04.2023 22:32

This will happen in U.K. soon
The visitors will receive a call to arms and on that day …….

I will say …….. I told you so …… we all told you so

Now look what you have done

@kenearl4608 - 11.04.2023 06:36

I love the fact that Caprica's skyscrapers were in the shapes of Pyramids a kind of blessing to their forefathers Egyptian.

@etinehtfoelddimehtni - 05.04.2023 07:30

I can't believe Daft Punk as done this

@CoyoteSeven - 05.04.2023 02:00

They should have motorized the chair the Imperious Leader was sitting on. He looked silly enough already. Seeing his legs shuffle about when he turned himself around really made it hard to take him seriously.
