Lore Bites: Ultraweave (History of the Shield-Weaver)

Lore Bites: Ultraweave (History of the Shield-Weaver)

Random Side Quest

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GreenHat - 06.03.2022 12:16

While I don't mind it's abilities being turned into a Valor surge.... I would have preferred a side quest to actually restore the armor to its functionality in Forbidden West

Eruk - 01.01.2022 02:40

I really love the design of the shield weaver after Aloy takes it apart and essentially made it in her own style and it really encapsulates her character pretty well in the way that she is both of the old world but also a large part of the new

SimplyStimulating - 03.10.2021 13:36


PseudoEmpathy - 06.07.2021 13:00

I really wish she had have just... you know... worn the damn armor? IT WAS AN EXOSUIT. WHY DID SHE RUIN IT?

Licht AmSchluusseln
Licht AmSchluusseln - 18.06.2021 11:57

Humans never knew the technology had been already reversed by the FARO plague. 😆😆😆😆😆😆🤣🤣😂😂

THADZ - 08.05.2021 21:53

We should have like a video aloy gets access to and it's just a shot clip of how much the people struggled or our civilization struggled to fight against hundreds of deathbringers as they hold down a hill. we see men die, Tanks exploding and people loosing hope, all little faith left is fought for a world that will only happen if they did their purpose and that is to be driven into extinction. Must be sad fighting back then. All you're fighting for is a world of which your civilization might not even live in or your species. You're fighting for very LIFE itself and that life might not even include man kind

a boomer
a boomer - 24.01.2021 05:18

i wish they had made a cinematic of Aloy building the armor. attaching the shield pieces and testing them and whatnot. would have been a cool nod to Elisabet's technical ability

Craig Fyfer
Craig Fyfer - 04.01.2021 01:58

Do you think we will be able to start forbidden west with our ultra weave armour

Paulthored - 04.11.2020 05:31

I missed much in various places in the game.
Particularly in this instance, I missed the Exo Armor carcasses.
Might I suggest a "Walkthrough", but focused on things people might miss, or not recognize.
Not really any data points, or mission targets. But things you might miss if you weren't looking for it, or just kinda glance over it.

Lightning - 05.10.2020 18:38

I have to disagree about this armor being the best, sorry. Reason being, when you get a difficulty past normal, then after you get hit and it starts blinking, there is zero protection when it's recharging. Also, at the higher difficulty levels, then machines deal out higher degrees of damage, and once again, there is only so much the shield weaver will protect against, making Aloy take the brunt of whatever it doesn't absorb. You're much better off modding an outfit that works with the task needed. Personally, I mostly stick with the stealth (from the frozen wilds) until I need otherwise, and then I switch 🙂

Pookii Power
Pookii Power - 15.07.2020 05:01

I played the game on normal my 1st play thru.... only used the weaver outfit on the final boss. My 2nd i played my new game + on hard, using the shield weaver outfit my entire play thru... it was very fun. And despite the claims, I found it useful in Frozen Wilds as well, all you do is snipe the control towers safely out of their AoE that disables the outfits shields. And it kept me alive during fights with Scorchers, Frost and Fire claws well enough! My 3rd play thru I will most likely use one of the armors found in the cut. :)

Serbian Crusader
Serbian Crusader - 05.07.2020 00:41

Not sure why they cared about funding so much, the god damn world is ending and all you can think about is money smh.

ECdudis - 19.06.2020 04:20

The 1 dislike is from the person that manufactured the armor.

Ahhotep1 - 30.12.2018 18:10

I second another comment...
Random, set up a discord!

Vlada Art
Vlada Art - 03.12.2018 20:38

this is a realy good armor indeed, especially when you play for the first time and finally get a reword that at some point nobody can kick your as for some time ) but going all the way again on the hard levels you realise that in the game when you use stalker mode a lot the armour that makes such noise doesn't seems like a good idea. with the nora hunter armor though (especcialy tthe one you can get after DLC came out you can be silent and hide from the huge machine even during the fight).

ProfessorCrooks - 05.10.2018 16:49

If you look closely you’ll notice that the Shell-Walkers use the same technology.

overbrake - 24.07.2018 14:49

I was a bit dissapointed when realized that Aloy just scrapped original (and marvelous looking) exosuit for parts. But in the end this totally worth it.

Prototype LQ
Prototype LQ - 22.07.2018 00:43

Honestly, I really like the story behind Shield-Weaver
But I also know a certain Vanguard Captain,who is very dear to me, who prefers to take his hits,not roll around them, and I would prefer to hand that armor to the guy, so I can be sure he will be alright

Can you just imagine the scene? Like, Erend tries the new armor Aloy gets him and the first thing she does is shoot him in the face with an arrow to show armor`s abilities

Noe Diaz
Noe Diaz - 01.07.2018 14:24

If it’s stitched to her Nora outfit then it implies that it can be restitched to the chieftain outfit.

J-Yoshi64 — Just Call Me J
J-Yoshi64 — Just Call Me J - 26.06.2018 09:05

It also protects against corruption and bio-mass consumption, right? (which iirc are the same thing)
