People Who Grew Up Rich, What Did You Think Was Normal? (r/AskReddit)

People Who Grew Up Rich, What Did You Think Was Normal? (r/AskReddit)

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@martinmarcos5340 - 04.10.2022 02:31

I wasn´t rich when I was young, but in the top tier of the middle class. When I was 22 I had a short 5 month relationship with a girl. The first time I visited her home she offered something to drink. I said "Coke, please", and she offered me a cola type drink from a cheaper brand. Not realizing how offensive it could sound, I simply asked "Why don´t you have Coke?". She answered "Because it´s expensive". That´s the exact moment I started noticing how lucky I was.

@Lockfire1 - 14.10.2022 04:39

Had a little of both, initially grew up kinda poor, but my parents divorced and when one of them remarried they started doing very well so we were pretty well off after a few years, but I’d still go back and forth between my parents obviously so I knew both sides of the coin to an extent, I was lucky enough to graduate with no debt and a nice car so I was very thankful. The only real thing that struck me how lucky I was at the time was fixing something versus replacing it completely, not with big things obviously but more smaller stuff

@leeharding9349 - 25.10.2022 07:32

I didn’t grow up rich by any means, but my family had always had access to health insurance, so sometimes I forget that most people weren’t in the situation and have to pay for their appointments and medicine out of pocket

@cucumberz_from_pluto9713 - 02.11.2022 06:41

My family is upper middle class or more and definitely has some money compared to my friends and acquaintances. Something that made me realize that our lifestyle was out of the norm is the fact that we tend to move every 2-3 years for my dads job and the houses are all a million or more. The other thing was my brother crashing multiple cars and my parents just buying him a brand new one each time. The last thing was the fact that my family regularly renews our passports(most of my friends don’t even have passports)and can pay college tuition’s without having savings for it and just pay straight up

@mackcummy4976 - 03.11.2022 02:48

I'm Canadian and parents weren't filthy rich, dad was a firefighter and mom a union grocery worker) but we went to Disneyland and Seattle and didn't use plastic cups and plates as regular dishes at home. My parents are divorced and my dad and his gf have a lakeside house.

@brysonkuervers2570 - 05.11.2022 10:30

I never even realized a central vac was a “rich” thing. My family has always been average middle class and when we built our house we had a central vac in the kitchen and one hallway, super useful. I would always play with it as a kid to hear the loud sucking whoosh it made and just to suck up random things into it until my parents got mad and told me to stop xD

@Antraeon - 08.11.2022 13:32

Ignorance doesn't make you an asshole. Stupidity does. Ignorance and stupidity are not, and should not be treated, the same.

@vickiesmith3021 - 16.11.2022 15:24

Absolutely fantastic 😍. I really loved these stories 😍.

@roxanavasquez6922 - 28.11.2022 20:32

my body is my temple

@majorquackquack - 21.12.2022 10:55

"I thought doctors and lawyers lived in the poor part of town" - I can't 😂👏 Well i guess you can just call me a raccoon cause I must live in a dumpster

@justanothermortal1373 - 03.01.2023 22:02

Meanwhile, me growing up in a middle class family (could apply to working class too): taking showers using a basin and a bucket, having fans and no AC (AC was like a privilege), hand-me-downs from siblings, using old clothes for cleaning and playing with cheap Chinese toys.

I grew up the happiest kid and I wouldn't have changed a thing :)

@thirdtemple9179 - 10.01.2023 04:30

This is like in Dune when Paul had to explain to the desert people what drowning is.

@o.m9514 - 14.01.2023 14:39

Being "poor" isn't the normal it's just average. No rich and rich behaviour is abnormal or wrong it's just a different circumstance. Arrogant of the poor to make the rich feel like their doing something wrong or the way they are or choose to be is wrong.

@o.m9514 - 14.01.2023 20:20

Like are they supposed to feel bad about it, feel guilty and start doing things differently, why does knowing what happens outside your home matter more for the rich? Should they start doing things differently, why to make you feel better?

@o.m9514 - 14.01.2023 20:24

Rich people have their normal and poor people do too. What, should they feel guilty about their normal? Disgusting!

@ModernMedusa - 26.01.2023 01:33

Pay your parents back for student loans? They're already rich lol, just do your job well and that is the transaction 😂

@atst88 - 17.02.2023 04:35

I have been called out, I always get the cheapest things on the menu or oppt out of like special presents for holidays and stuff and always buy practical things when/if my parents force me to "have some fun we have the money right now".

@solrosenberg4529 - 19.03.2023 17:55

The kids at my school were so posh that some of them had matching shoes.

@thewhitepigeon241 - 23.03.2023 19:32

Some people just get the best rng

@scrp6638 - 23.03.2023 22:20

Honestly, if I ever become insanely rich and have kids, I will be making them do chores for pocket money, they will be flying in public planes, using public transport, and going to an actual school. I wouldn’t go as far as to starve them if they ran out of cash, but I would make them work for it. It’s what my parents did for me and I’m happy

@suenzhong7891 - 01.05.2023 16:55

I went to a university where half the student body were filthy rich students from overseas. They would buy coffee from Starbucks instead of 7E/Family Mart/vending machines, drive expensive cars (eg: Volkswagen and BMWs), use Beats by Dre and Airpods earbuds, and take overseas trips during semester breaks.

@dumplingyoo7014 - 08.06.2023 09:56

Wasn't having a helper is normal???

@juliopeinado2660 - 11.06.2023 02:00

If you were to attend in a prestigious school in Switzerland in the mid 90s and met a North Korean kid who's into basketball ball. Then, that kid is probably Kim Jong Un.

@JackieOwl94 - 13.07.2023 23:46

i thought that all houses were $600,000+. I grew up rich with my parents hoping i’d be a spoiled brat. But I was frugal, and I’d get yelled at “You don’t get stuff you NEED for your birthday. Splurge.”

I’m glad there are cheaper houses for when we can eventually get one of our own.

I married “down” to be working-class, and I’m much happier than I was rich.

@atlas2296 - 22.07.2023 15:06

My family is pretty well off, well enough to afford a convertible and a pool in the span of 4 years or so, but even early on in life they quickly had be develop a sense of money and how much things cost, and this really put into perspective just how rich some people are and how badly some kids are taught basic economics

@moogie1954 - 05.08.2023 15:44

My body is a temple... ancient, crumbling, and probably haunted.

@siabhatia9003 - 06.08.2023 19:47

I thought it was normal for parents to pay for college for context I'm going to dental school but turns out that people take out a lot of student debt while i will come out of dental school debt free

@TRaWi - 10.08.2023 07:48

Growing up I had very weird ideas about what is wealth. I thought eating potato chips was a rich's thing, if we didn't have them it meant we were poor. I didn't realize we had the money for tons of chips, only our parents wanted us to grow healthy with natural, home food or supporting small local businesses, charitable, organic, sustainable or handicrafted stuff. I felt bad because we used to have wholegrain fresh pasta made by ethnics from a rural area instead of manufactered macaroni from the supermarket, or people in the family knitting sweaters to gift us instead of synthetics from the mall mass-made in a sweatshop, I was so dumb and innocent lol I thought it was a shame to use stationery goods of unblanched, recycled paper instead of the pollutant, whitened shit my classmates had because their cheap parents just didn't care. My wonderful mom was woke decades before to be woke was a thing and stupid insecure me believed her choices meant we were tasteless or poor or that she didn't have urban finesse.

@akiraraiku - 19.08.2023 13:14

The real thing for me is how to get the positions that make you this much money.
I wonder with my engineering degree if i can ever make enough money to have a second home.
Probably not, middle class forever i guess.

@fridge3489 - 25.08.2023 01:39

Chris Rock insisted that his school expel his daughter, to teach her a life lesson after she got caught sneaking out and didn't seem remorseful.

@Rebelartist83 - 21.10.2023 04:18

I grew up pretty poor and still am to a point but I went to school with rich kids that made fun of the poor kids and the irony is 20+ years later some of the " poor kids" ended up Dr's and Lawyers and business people...the rich kids most ended up in trailer parks and Karen's lol😅

@Mraidsan - 23.10.2023 11:21

Going skiing and going to multiple foreign countries multiple times within the year

@captracc5639 - 23.10.2023 22:56

Being able to pay off tuition in full isn’t a filthy rich thing

@courtneypuzzo2502 - 12.12.2023 02:20

my childhood best friend was wealthy both her parents drove luxury cars specially a Cadillac/Mercedes Benz and she now drives a Mercedes Benz C Class Cabriolet and probably her moms 2018 S580. in High school I carried $6.00 a day for school breakfast & Lunch unless we were going on a field trip or I was walking to the YWCA after school

@Excalion88 - 30.12.2023 05:43

"Only middlr class" is rich to a poor kid.

@deebee192 - 12.01.2024 17:11

When I was a child, I thought it was normal to go on holidays to a hotel, have the hotel manager personally greet you and have welcome gifts for you in the hotel room. And have all hotel charges cancelled when you go to check out.

@kiwifruitkl - 14.01.2024 03:01

My father's little brother's current girlfriend (not his wife because that woman is dead) once talked with me on my last trip in China.
Somehow, we were discussing my mother's younger sister's son, and how that guy had a baby picture of himself. He is now in his 30s, with a wife and two boys, living in China.
When that woman learned that we had baby pictures of ourselves in the 1990s, in China, she immediately knew that we were already very fortunate.
At that time, in the 1990s, most people would have their own pictures taken at the photography studio by a photographer.
My mother's side of the family had always been a bit better off than the majority of Chinese society because my mother's maternal grandfather was the peasant boy who left the countryside and got into the city and became literate and became a doctor and made all his sons and daughters to go to college, and this guy married the daughter of a landlord (my mother's maternal grandmother), and they had 5 kids together (the second child became my mom's mom or my maternal grandmother).

@user-vv5bo4ns6k - 23.01.2024 04:54

I thought house cleaners, body guards, and traveling across oceans for the weekends was normal until I was 13/14 ish. I got 5k a month allowances, a McLaren for a first car, and a personal chef. Seriously this was all like daily.. Whoops. Still people not having house cleaners is weird to me

@tonysisemore958 - 07.02.2024 03:50

My body is my temple.

@Suprasylph - 28.02.2024 01:36

Yeah, no, that kid was dumb. If you're wealthy, you don't simply discard of something just because it doesn't work anymore. You should already have people who can fix it for you, and if it doesn't work as good as it did, you give it to one of your family members. When you're wealthy, you don't buy cheap stuff that will break often. You want to buy more durable things so that you can pass them down. I understand that cars can depreciate in value, but there's a reason why you see old money driving older cars and not buying the newest thing like the way nouveau riche people do.

@Badartist888 - 09.03.2024 11:58

Rich people not understanding how poor poor people are reminds me of a book of Chinese Myths I'm reading at the moment and its clear they were written by the scholar class. So many times they talk about poor people and then randomly refer to the poor peoples maids and retainers. Like for them the servants weren't really people so didn't actually count in who was poor. That and how half the stories have people going for their bachelors degree (As its translated) or masters degree... in a similar way to how many artsy movies are about struggling screen writers who have rich parents who don't understand them.

@snowgibson2982 - 20.03.2024 18:38

My body is my temple

@santinosalamanca4378 - 24.03.2024 16:57

For people who are sad that they do not have a wooden fridge: remember, at least you can customize your fridge with cool magnets

@gabrielmartinez-ls5cp - 10.04.2024 16:32

Do these people not have TV’s? Have they not seen any movies or shows? How hard is it to stay this out of touch with reality, it’s gotta be a full time job.

@user-xg3en2lf4v - 04.05.2024 17:02

How many of these reddit comments are actually real?, prob about 20%

@obsidiansugar1123 - 08.06.2024 04:06

Sh*t just makes me mad. Kept making the same face with every dang story. 🤨
