JAMES ST JAMES EXCLUSIVE: Brian Belovitch, "Trans Figured" Author

JAMES ST JAMES EXCLUSIVE: Brian Belovitch, "Trans Figured" Author


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@cshane4603 - 08.02.2019 23:43

BS!!!!!!! As a transwoman, I don't understand this!!!! Seems like you just wanted to be a girl to get more "life" from the people.....things like this is one of the reasons others think trans people are crazy and confused

@pauljohns3081 - 09.02.2019 00:23

Did Quentin Crisp connect with you Tish ?

@thisismychannel9722 - 09.02.2019 07:45

Is this a repost? Or another interview? I’m having deja vu lol

@Khristafer - 10.02.2019 12:00

I thought James had been transformed into Brian and the thumbnail was a split screen 😂

@melissaonorati2243 - 07.06.2019 03:35

Everybody I want to tell you that "God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life"

@bman342a - 13.04.2021 23:32

I remember Tish on the stroll outside of Casa Dario at that time ('87-ish). She looked great, but she was clearly trying to make coin for some stuff. Ironically, we met years later as Brian, and it took me a while to make the connection between Tish and Brian.

@denisebell3435 - 15.02.2022 05:38

oh my just finally got to read your book. so not boring. love it. one of the characters you mentioned in the book was potassa de la fayette. there is nothing on her online is she still living or pass .. your book is amazing.

@denisebell3435 - 15.02.2022 05:49

your book is very truthful and your so honest

@vannamarco5181 - 28.01.2023 18:09

Tish Gervais??

@thelastgeneration5862 - 03.03.2023 00:34

Attitude is more important than circumstance. What a wonderful message. I am so glad you survived the crazy 80's (it was a fabulous time, but it was harder then too) to find peace on the other side.

@jrd3523 - 06.11.2023 09:10

Dear God! James looks like a butcher, these days.
