AUTO Loot Bag Collector Base for 1.0 - 7 Days to Die

AUTO Loot Bag Collector Base for 1.0 - 7 Days to Die


6 месяцев назад

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@okamisgamingden6280 - 22.08.2024 16:05

Love the idea. But maybe an underground approach would do better and ensure those dires would fall into them.

@RinoaCraft - 22.08.2024 22:45

Please, we need a tutorial on this !!! Very good

@sneezyanus4251 - 23.08.2024 04:30

Wat if werewolves get in there tho?

@silverportals9193 - 23.08.2024 14:51

I got one of those. My friend Gio grabs the loot bags before they hit the ground.

@FFGamingenYT - 25.08.2024 21:13

Wow lot of Views u have on 2 weeks good that u have activ subs

@Raida7 - 27.08.2024 14:29

Whoo! Assists like a base design from Cautious Pancake 🥞

@slab-dd6vj - 29.08.2024 19:35

Very interesting design, The thing to remember is the "cube 1/8 centered" for he zombies to walk across and let the loot bags drop. the dire wolfs may not have seen a path, I am unsure if they can fall down a single block hole you had at the top of the roof.

the only downside is how much iron you need to feed all those dart traps. Personally, I prefer using turrets since I always have tons of unused ammo by doing missions and general looting of POI. you need to put them to the left of the zombies path so they don't trigger the demo zombies

@tomoyat1 - 01.09.2024 19:40

How are the electric fences connected if the setup is 12 block wide (telling from the video) and their max distance is 9?
I tried to replicated this in my world but I couldn't get the electric fences wired. (I built from ouside in as suggested in the video)

@otheremail123 - 08.09.2024 23:13

Beautiful grinder 🎉

@colecook834 - 09.09.2024 18:19

One thing that could be done is make the top the surface of the ground and tunnel out the rest underground. This would remove the need for stair pathing.

@GatesOblivion - 12.09.2024 07:12

Good design. Too bad it's on creative mode, hence made all loots irrelevant.

@thealchemist3575 - 12.09.2024 23:54

and here i am dying to the first wave in first blood moon :/

@Jinzzo. - 13.09.2024 15:57

Will definitely use this design but probably work differently with it I’d probably upgrade the cobblestone to concrete or steel, also make allot more stairs with spheres around the stairs for more damage support. But interior looks super fun to tinker with. Also instead of doing it above ground to avoid stairs I’d probably do it underground. Get your self an auger and just dig out your base. Almost like catching chickens 🐓 😂

@alecumarco1244 - 15.09.2024 10:59

Lovely base, probably the best trap base so far, do you have a step-by step tutorial for it? Cheers mate!

@dasohneende317 - 16.09.2024 07:43


@gettingtherevegan421 - 23.09.2024 01:26

When I watch a video like this, I realize how bad I am at this game 😢

@ScootZMedia - 23.09.2024 10:05

just a small tip when i build bases like this i add a second set of electric fences at the bottom so they cant attack you when the get down. i experimented with campires to see if i can set them on fire too but it didn't work too well as campfires have such low hp

@ScootZMedia - 23.09.2024 10:07

idk if the 1.0 version allows cat walk rail stacking but if you want some invisible pillars they are really useful

@danickparizeau6929 - 23.09.2024 23:49

good job

@NinaJnoland - 24.09.2024 01:03

You made a zombie food processor!!!!😂😂😂😂

@chrisdubose9573 - 25.09.2024 11:46

Why darts instead of turrets? Are the darts stronger?

@krynox200 - 29.09.2024 13:15

it cool in all . but no point of doing crazy base from someone else no fun tbh

@TheFeinmotoriker - 01.10.2024 00:32

im playing the craft until you die mod with a friend. looks like you would enjoy this mod. its made for people who dont like the easy way

@Prime1740 - 01.10.2024 12:49

somehow i only get 10 blocks between each cable not 16 like you mentioned, any clue why?

@fairykiller-za1429 - 03.10.2024 19:03

Dont know what you did but me and my friend build this base 4th and 5th floor middle not working out getting pink blocks could you maybe make a video on making the base?

@luisleos1062 - 05.10.2024 22:08

Tot tier engineering sir!!🫡

@FlareFluff - 09.10.2024 19:17

loot bags can now be damaged by traps:)

@yakub.179 - 12.10.2024 20:16

Does the dart trap shoot through the blade traps?

@baconoverlord7982 - 14.10.2024 19:39

"inverted stack base" equals a very quick topple in real BMs due to the fact that the stability is at probably 5% and if a single block gets broken the whole thing is coming down. Fun, but not functional.

@baconoverlord7982 - 14.10.2024 19:43

FYI dogs aren't affected by electric traps.

@Techfanatic73 - 16.10.2024 20:15

These builds are great. But am I the only one who tries to do existing poi's do a base and horde base? Never made them separate. I think the best poi so far is the grain towers. But I am pretty new. 300 hours. Lol.

@apelike - 20.10.2024 22:19

I tend to think traps are tedious because of the repairing... to me, it's easier designing a shoot em in the face base where I'm not stressing on the base all night... it's one of the fundamental contradictions to this game... you spend all your game time building a base to protect you, then spend all your horde night protecting the base. But this is impressive engineering... it's as compact as the inside of my laptop.

@zillatattoo - 03.11.2024 19:00

why not just make a program to play the game for you? 🙄

@abortonii - 07.11.2024 22:56

I challange you to do that in DS insane difficulty XD

@richspruce7147 - 08.11.2024 17:07

It's also easy to go to the wasteland during a horde night and collect bags and rotted meat on the streets.

@grimsgraveyard3598 - 26.11.2024 18:54

I'm over here just making trenches and spikes like a dry moat since water doesn't seem to impact them much anymore. Then I make a concrete tower and a big pit they can fall or be knocked into also filled with spikes.

@lordzkiller113 - 26.11.2024 23:18


@wedding6515 - 30.11.2024 21:48

how does this base go if the suicide bombers get in?

@afd1959 - 06.12.2024 17:46

This was wonderful. Your imagine never fails to astound me. Well done!

@clarafedde8674 - 10.12.2024 01:01

Pretty cool. I usually just make a sniper canyon with walkways to pick up loot. The roboturrent duo make it much easier for three way max killing...but I have to mine a lot of lead each week. Ap ammo is great for multiple kills

@DarthPeachy - 12.12.2024 01:52

Hi mate dont know how I missed this video. Great base design absolutely love the concept. I think this is potentially another project we could work on together in the future if you're interested.

@Jericho4runner123 - 18.12.2024 19:20

Long time player since alpha 13. Love the diagonal entrance and pathway through the traps. Very cool.

@decoy_man9199 - 16.01.2025 00:57

Got half way through making it and realized that's I might have wanted to see how he did the wiring no chance you could make a video on that ???

@niklask7635 - 16.01.2025 08:32

wireless crafting? That's not in the game anymore is it?
Only in overhaul mods

@HowlingWolf2101 - 17.01.2025 00:13

Broo.this is Sick!! You should make a Tutorial on this 😅

@goz7017 - 17.01.2025 03:59

Is there a video tutorial of the constitution?

@JustinKing-o3h - 13.02.2025 11:12

I wont lie man this is sick!!! im actually in the process of building this exact build ingame no sandbox mode damn it takes alot of materials!

@JustinKing-o3h - 27.02.2025 02:47

so im 90% done building this and even if the whole thing is steel even the foundation you cant get it built with out the bottem of the 3rd floor supported to the ground unless you did have them and took it out afterwards once you had the 4th floor pillars done! starting the electrical today
