Stellaris Slander

Stellaris Slander


1 год назад

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@inciacci549 - 15.03.2023 12:34

Late game lag occurs because of too many pops.

Act accordingly.

@vangelisgru7271 - 30.11.2023 22:08

This IS slander

@tristanritchie4703 - 08.10.2023 23:02

Im the rogue servitor player :(

@marcelgrabowski5939 - 23.09.2023 23:38

I once speedruned L-gates, funiest thing is that it was first run after I buy they DLC, and I have so uncanny luck that I don't even need to research any L-gate insight tech or get it from curators, I found all of them within 30 years of exploration, then I found grey within desolate L-cluster.

None of my neighbours expected peacefull, egalitarian, materialists, democratic cute lizard Badesarians, looking unnervingly like Prikki-Ti to get monstrous warship/land army and start declaring ideological wars left and right, as well as hunting down all leviathans, creating massive federation towards the start of mid-game, snowballing enough to become most powerfull civilization in the galaxy, then, when War in Heaven broke out, entire galaxy joined they federation, there was not even single coward kneeling before the awakened empires. Althought AE fleets were to powerfull to be beaten even with entire might of federation combined, they separated them, and get defeated in detail, after wich one of them get conquered, status quo signed with the other, and ten years later new, titanic armada come crushing down on the second one, jumping to they capital system and masacring all of they fleets in one battle, after wich they had joined other citizens of utopian democracy and they automated industry and ecumenopolis (I don't have megacorp to just build one back then) to power ever-expanding war-machine, made in order to guard galactic peace.

When the crisis arived, prethoryn scourge, they were defeated just like awakened empires, in detail, one of they fleets facing entire might of Bedasarian Republic at a time, and they pathetic speed made them unable to react acordingly. Finally galaxy was at peace, titanic armadas of ships, each containing a titan, 8 artillery-battleships, 8 carrier-battleships and 100 torpedo corvettes, each with fleet power measured in more than a milion do to repeatables, and one with restored Automated Dreadnought as the main armada of Badesarian Republic seated idly in L-cluster.

Then AI rebelions start breaking out in alied empires, and some of them left federation, I declared war on them but got bored because they were all entirely unable to match even a single of my fleets and abandon save.

@jonathansalgado6368 - 23.09.2023 04:10

Idk what the fuck I’m doing in stellaris. Dammit I need to stop buying dlc and not reading about it.

@Ajc-ni3xn - 25.08.2023 08:52

i fuckin hate those dweebs that play fanatic xenophobe every fuckin time, like we get it bro, you played one wh40k game and missed the point move on

@jaytim_ - 21.08.2023 00:34

as someone who set the victory year as 3050 the endgame lag is agonizing: every single day is like 5 seconds and i've had to leave my computer on for days

@augwin1804 - 05.08.2023 21:13

I don't play Fanatic Xenophobe, Militarist! I play Egalitarian, Xenophobe, Militarist! Because I do my part! In the fight against xenos! For the United Citizen Federation!

@DeletedUserexe - 04.08.2023 10:31

Yer, I play Fanatic Xenophobe and Militarist. Why?

@FloofMother - 03.08.2023 05:07

You may laugh but the xeno friendly fox commonwealth is that one guy who solo’s the crisis because they never went to war and still actually have fleets

@alexmiller1800 - 27.07.2023 20:28

Fucking Unbidden. I am so tired of manually having to spawn in the other two crises because the Unbidden spawn rate is STILL BROKEN. It also sucks because then when I spawn Prethoryn and I spawn on the edge of a the galaxy, I usually am too tempted to restart and try again to wind up closer to the center to avaoid being the first casualty of the Crisis.

@rheinbewachen1211 - 22.07.2023 11:05

The one guy rp as the a crisis and becomes a galactic threat.

@tristanschmidt1239 - 15.07.2023 16:37

The militrist one reminds me of my only good run till i droped it im planing on getting back in once harvest ether dies down or is over but i was in war for 3 leaders long that all died around 125 years old the first was 60 i think and it took my base fleat to reach the front in 170 days do to there bing a very aggressive race on my other border but for a full 3 years they ether didn't have the ships or they where somewhere else then it just turned into a slog with my very good ships and there shity but numerous ships

@-Penetration4 - 05.06.2023 19:05

Cordyceps whenever they see an innocent family of amoebas

@kotikbr9395 - 07.05.2023 22:31

YES we got ground battle rework. Now armies are completely useless

@kloud630 - 05.05.2023 18:38

Xenophile Best

@LeetleToady7 - 03.05.2023 06:37

Me over here, loudly advocating for justice and security in my Xenophile empire so I can create the Galactic Imperium and purify the galaxy of the rebels who refuse to be a part of it

@Joe-hf1ts - 02.05.2023 01:08

The utopian abundance meme is definitely me

@kalujny - 30.04.2023 11:58

so true for many things...

@svprememe - 30.04.2023 06:50

The idea of an L-Gate speedrun is so fucking funny to me

@UnnamedEmperor - 27.04.2023 16:46

As a rogue servitor player, I agree and can explain how I can play the same empire over and over again and it's a lot of fun. Join us in the rogue servitor memes.

@glowinggreen2607 - 25.04.2023 02:20

hive mind players trying not to roleplay as the flood in a public lobby:

machine players trying not to be the promethean knights from halo 4 to bully the flood hive mind:

@diegoquiroz6099 - 20.04.2023 01:58

Is playing video games from parodox even worth it tho they cost so much money

@alexandrospapadopoulos4297 - 15.04.2023 01:47

Stellaris is the #1 game that gives you a meta reason to leave your mercy at the Main Menu, right next to your compassion and wishes of galactic prosperity.

@lplayerjohnny9778 - 13.04.2023 21:19

Everyone: "You cant rp in multiplayer servers."
Me who made a species that turned themselves into a hivemind in the fanatic goal to stop the preythorn scourge that now grows a pop per month and outscales every economy: "Parry this you filthy non-rp-er." *rushes two empires in the first ten years because 80 monthly alloys and 60 fleet capacity is funny.
also imagine not playing democratic fanatic materialist with xenophile. Imagine not doing that, that would be cringe

@jonharrison3114 - 12.04.2023 23:33

As someone who’s about to buy stellaris what is the L-gate you speak of

@MiksusCraft - 12.04.2023 18:27

So where is my type? Player who do very specific playthrough for eternity only to get one achievment. (And I will do it again and again.)

@kiravatheargonian - 11.04.2023 08:29

GC Rework + Italian Focus Tree Rework (Headass)

@tea-sus8722 - 09.04.2023 06:00

Militarist xenophile forever

Service means citizenship, for the empire

@sylvananas7923 - 09.04.2023 01:01

Fanatic xenophiles laging the game to hell because of their 10K pop with hundreds of variants for dozens of species

@THG118 - 07.04.2023 22:01

Me a Hive Mind main, nervously shaking waiting to get blasted.

@Regunes - 07.04.2023 12:28

Year 25? Rookie numbers

@generalrubbish9513 - 07.04.2023 12:15

Imagine unironically playing multiplayer smh

@harbingergunship92 - 06.04.2023 06:00

Aristocratic Elite player here, I pick it along with Feudal every game + Necrophage. I have 1,350 hours.

@imperialofficer6185 - 06.04.2023 05:05

Ppl RP in Stellaris? Like, as who?

@OneBiasedOpinion - 05.04.2023 11:15

Where’s the love for Megastructure rushers? That right there is almost a lost art.

@setyourhandlex - 05.04.2023 05:55

The RP/brick wall is too real.

@chickenman6308 - 05.04.2023 00:24

If only they knew how abundantly the Shroud provides.

@ethandinapoli2643 - 04.04.2023 22:12

Just play Rock People

Subterranean megacorp lithoid, with some level of pacifist. Extremely tall play style, fortress worlds and habitats everywhere, do nothing but make crime syndicates everywhere you can. When they inevitably come to kill you for your constant syndicate building, you will be ready.

You will be hated, but it’s the closest I’ll ever get to playing the Umbral Choir in Stellaris.

@eleanorgreywolfe5142 - 04.04.2023 06:21

The best way to deal with lag is become the crisis and destroy the galaxy, there can't be any lag if everyone is dead.

@darkoracle7534 - 03.04.2023 18:49

How Paradox operates:
What? Late game lag fix? Uhhh...
Here's a DLC costing 3/4 of the base game. You're welcome.

@pawel12313 - 03.04.2023 17:42

What about Gestalt consciousness

@yudhat1700 - 02.04.2023 20:20

Meanwhile that one small portion of player instaling

Warship Girl R MiST mod

Forget hundred K fleet power

M is the new latter

@An_Average_Arsonist - 02.04.2023 19:46

We all know the true end game crisis is the lag.

Ender of runs, devourer of gaming evenings, the all consuming monster of unspeakable eldritch power, fed by the very existence of every sapient being in the galaxy.

Our only hope is the noble fanatic materialist xenophobe, glassing every world one at a time to save our wretched souls.

@greemstrider - 02.04.2023 15:15

Tanks. Made my day. Big times. <3
