Get Your Rabbit to Stop Chewing Up Your House (and other disciplining techniques!)

Get Your Rabbit to Stop Chewing Up Your House (and other disciplining techniques!)

Sincerely, Cinnabun

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@SincerelyCinnabun - 28.09.2021 16:50

NOTE: Rabbits' teeth NEVER stop growing, so chewing is an important part of bunny enrichment. Providing your rabbit with chew toys is essential to keeping a happy and healthy bunny. This video is directed towards keeping your bunny from chewing up your personal items INSTEAD of their toys. I have my favorite bunny toys linked in my amazon shop (linked in the description). Enjoy!

@caliracks9991 - 05.11.2023 19:59

My bunny literally just chewed up my wifi wires. So salty!! (he’s ok!)

@camilxrp - 04.10.2023 23:50

Does this work on 1 yo rabbits?

@synalyiadreams4330 - 03.10.2023 23:00

Oh my my my I needed this video !!! Goodness my bunny can transform to a real gremlin sometimes !! And when she does something wrong she does it with an attitude!!! So sassy !!pheww careful buns ! if you keep disobeying... You're going to end up in jail !!🔒 (worst part is when they look at you as you get not happy with them, they look so sorry !! But no no, these little angel face can eventually transform into little demons for a minute, but goodness we love them

@Gabuun.P - 15.09.2023 18:54

( i have a bunny for only a month now so i'm learning as i go but he's been amazing and loves me <3) i gave mine a chewing mat, one of those grass ones, but i want him to sleep on it instead of chew it haha so i told him NO a few times and when it wasn't working, i would put a finger under his chin and elevate his chin like 1cm higher and he would stop chewing and lay down :D then i started saying only NO and pointing the finger at him and he stopped and laid down ready to be pet haha he's adorable <3 i think i should just let him bite it down but he has biting things already and i want him to NOT associate the mat as a bite toy cuz once i move back to my place with him, i want him to free roam and i don't want him to eat the carpet at home.. so yea... kinda wanna teach him that he has to lay on the carpet and not eat it, but maybe i should let him eat this one cuz it's made of grass and the one at home isn't gonna smell like grass so he MIGHT not be as interested.. idk..

@humanperson9480 - 28.08.2023 20:54

Thankyou, I was considering giving up and eating him.

@helenhenry9816 - 23.08.2023 12:26

My rabbit has scratched me... I don't want to be scared of her.. but she's scary like grunt n scratches.. I'm scared she's gonna bite me

@alinabbyy - 20.08.2023 01:34

My bunny marks on my bed everytime i let him on it

@nightsable8 - 16.08.2023 04:50

I just got a new rabbit two days ago (a Mini Plush Lop buck, under a year old). I've had a rabbit before, also a buck, when I was MUCH younger, but my mother is the one who really took care of him due to me being so young. I'm trying to relearn the ways of pet rabbits and how to balance our lives (because let's face it, a new bunny can be quite the struggle). I did research beforehand, but little of it prepared me for the little energy ball who is now in my care. Your videos have been SO helpful in teaching me how to guide him to not cause (too much) trouble and helping also teach me, not just him. I know it's way too early to say, "oh yes, this worked!" but it's easy, logical, and honestly, I've heard so many people use your tips and agree that they helped. So thank you for your channel and your tips and guides, it's making my bunny-raising journey a lot smoother!

@fairmaiden6472 - 15.08.2023 08:57

Makes NO difference whatsoever

@jeanclark567 - 12.08.2023 17:04

Try all but I have an 11 month old giant Flemish she just loves cords and does understand no but to no avail
Just found chew proof covering
And coated with bitter flavoring
Do you have any further suggestions
Had other rabbits but this one is a challenge

@askingaliicja - 31.07.2023 08:06

Just wondering, because to me, I'd think you'd actually want your bunny to like being picked up, or atleast neutral towards it. Using picking up as a punishment, seems kinda.... Not what you want. Or atleast not what I'd want😅

@xmxshi - 19.07.2023 17:47

Ive tried all of these and my rabbit either thumps or ignores me completely. I've stomped, picked her up while pointing to the bad thing she does, and time out. But nothing is working and its honestly discouraged me so much

@arhamkhan584 - 16.07.2023 05:51

I was punishing my bunny mochi who was so sassy 💀 ☠️ then she came at me stomping and til she when TO JUMP ON MY FACE SCRACTHING ME SO MANY TIMES WHEN ON MY LAP FOR THE FIRST TIME AND SCRATCHING THE BLOOD OUT OF ME I WAS A GONNER😢😢😢😢😮

@TheLateral18 - 15.07.2023 17:11

What can you do when the rabbit starts bitting you

@willowheartprimitives - 15.07.2023 15:25

What to do if your rabbit doesn’t like sticks, hay (I’ve tried all the hays and she just won’t eat hay, she’ll eat her pellets but not hay) she won’t chew on any rabbit toys that I’ve bought for her. I’ve made toys from cardboard and stuffed it with treats, hay, paper and looks at it and rubs off. I’ve put a log in there for her. I’ve tried having her just be in a certain space and she gets mad about that. She just wants pellets, salad, free roam and all my wood furniture and base boards. I’m at a loss. Any tips will be very appreciated. Thank you.

@Phosphorescent-fox - 13.07.2023 19:15

Ive just been trying hard to distract mine 😅 when she nibbles me too much i kinda lightly brush her away with my fingers, its not really a punishment i just want her to stop 😅

@Weekend658 - 26.06.2023 11:21

My amazing and loving bunny is a real asshole sometimes….he chewed my $3,000 carpeting …. He pulled the f… string out of the carpet…now there’s a hole.

@sunsetberry1397 - 21.06.2023 09:11

My bunny would most likely 'attack' my hand or growl if i put my hand between her face and the thing she's chewing.. Last bunny was nothing like this! He was sweet and a free roam bunny but this female bunny is such a sassy pants.. Any idea how to get her to stop the 'attacks' and growls? She has never ever bitten but she makes a sudden move towards me/my hand and growls.. It's really odd. It happens randomly out of nowhere, for example if i add hay to her litter box!

@dkt1me - 18.06.2023 18:34

I have a bunny that’s just like yours, but not that fluffy Jerome the place he get me mad sometimes black I always wanted a bunny like the really really really really really really really really really paranoid

@Mushroomzz-mu9gj - 10.06.2023 23:03

My 8 week bunny eats the carpet so I will be trying the "stomping" thing thx

@jaxonscootz - 06.06.2023 09:17

This is extremely helpful because when I heard first say you pick cinabbun to discipline her, I tried it and quickly realized just how terrified mine is of being off the ground. He will actively jump out of my arms even before he's in my hands and freaks out If I do manage to pick him up. He trusts me a lot. He flops, sploots and even exposes his belly to me in my presence, he's just terrified of being in the air.

@tiffanybishop188 - 18.05.2023 22:11

Does this really work? I’ve got a month old bunny and he’s starting to chew on my furniture already

@lynnlewis9938 - 14.05.2023 01:28

Cinnabun is beautiful. Thank you for sharing and helping others with your videos.

@moonyfruit - 12.05.2023 11:51

I'm gonna have to try the bunny jail one. 😂
My boy bun hates being cooped up. I think he'd get the point pretty quick.

@samusranzer - 24.04.2023 06:00

I can't have my bunny free roam my bedroom since she jumps on my bed and digs/chews the bedsheets, and I haven't been able to stop her. I tried the NO+ thump method, I even tried picking her up and saying NO to her, and I even tried doing the time out method (putting her back in her xpen). Would a small cage be good enough for time outs? (I will get her spayed within the next 1-2 months and the vet said it would be useful to get a smaller cage for the recovery). Before anyone says anything, the cage would be ONLY for time outs, and nothing else. I wouldn't keep her in a cage.

@Oscaritoooo - 10.04.2023 15:17

Very useful! Thank you

@user-cy2jb3ss6b - 05.04.2023 10:25

Hey i'm trying to do some research on bunnies, because i'm trying to prove my parents i'm responsible for a pet rabbit for my 12th birthday which is in like 5 months it's a long time from now, but if i do get one, can someone PLEASE give me some tips about bunny pets? Also, i have a pet dog so i don't know if dogs are aggressive near bunnies

@IzzyandShadow - 03.04.2023 11:59

My Smokey is so destructive 😂 she even gets into bunny proofed things 🤦🏻‍♀️

@malayanewell2042 - 27.03.2023 23:25

Does your bunny not chew on furniture at all or still just a little bit with these tactics?

@ExclusiveLM - 18.03.2023 06:54

I think that what she is trying to say is that bunnies are all blood related to the Latin Rapper Bad Bunny

@Zaanah - 12.03.2023 12:31

I've never done bunny jail. But otherwise I use the same techniques. Nice to know that I've found the right ways to "scold" my bunny. Sometimes he just does bad things just to get attention, I know that from when I scold him he does a tiny binky. :'D

@marissamisterly-iu2ui - 01.03.2023 22:56

My bunny loves to be picked up and held upside down like a baby and getting head/neck massages

@katiewilliams2080 - 28.02.2023 03:54

Today I told my bunny “No, Cece” and she turned towards me, did a little thump so I go “that’s what I’m saying!” And she just binkied away. I don’t know what that says about me or her on how effective disciplining her is but it was for sure the Funniest thing I saw all day and I couldn’t be mad at her after that😂😂

@jenreece2345 - 20.02.2023 22:23

I've hot one that won't stop eating holes in my bedding. 🤦‍♀️

@jennifergaston9318 - 15.02.2023 17:59

Bernice is not used to me yet I got her 4 days ago. I try not to pick her at all until she gets used to me. Or she’ll run away from me

@Susakk - 14.02.2023 18:21

one thing i like about my rabbit is he never peed on anything exept the litterbox

@camilla6845 - 14.02.2023 05:22

i wish the second option worked for me haha ! my oreo actually loves being picked up which i know is … really really odd ^^

@Itslvle - 14.02.2023 02:18

We have two bunnies. For one, you only need say "no" and she will be half-running away from your monstrous and most cruel disciplinary behavior. The other one will actively refuse to listen and there are no disciplinary actions that will convince him otherwise. He once fell off the sofa on his butt(back and immediately after did a happy binky because it was so exciting. If he wasn't such a lovely rascal, it would seriously get on our nerves. The best you can do is remove him from the place of unwanted behavior and hope his ADHD-mind finds something else more interesting at the moment.

@ganymeade5151 - 03.02.2023 15:25

Bunnies cannot resist straw baskets, straw anything, and cords, wires that they equate with food they find in nature. We always provide straw baskets for our rabbits and keep wires out of their reach. Rabbits are territorial and need to have their own stuff and toys. They like to chew paper, cardboard, fabric, wood, etc.. Rabbits need to chew to keep their teeth trimmed. Good idea to take them to vet every 6 months to check for tooth overgrowth. Bunny Rule: Whatever I can reach is mine. It is therefore essential to bunny proof and keep shoes and clothes or anything you do not what Bunny Graphed away from them. Bunnies do not understand cause and effect well. That is why they don't realize what they are doing is wrong; and also because that is what they do in nature, chew, dig, and poop all over. Since we live in a house, we tolerate baseboard chewing, and put cheap rugs over the better rugs for them to chew. Some bunnies are wonderful about using their litter box. Others are not so much; so we clean up after them. Thank you for your advice. You have a gift for training rabbits and are doing a wonderful job training your rabbit. However, some rabbits are the alpha in the house, and humans must do their best to accommodate, LOL.

@angelahill6699 - 16.01.2023 15:36

angela hill
1 second ago
hi there try clicker training it works as i have 2 baby bunnies im using clicker training them and sayin no to them wen i click the clicker they stop chewin what you dont want them too

@angelahill6699 - 16.01.2023 15:35

hi there try clicker training it works as i have 2 baby bunnies im using clicker training them and sayin no to them wen i click the clicker they stop chewin what you dont want them too

@maggieblair729 - 16.01.2023 06:07

How do you wash your bunny…. Ok yea yea I got it

@rainbowbunny8643 - 25.12.2022 19:20

Omg my bunny's name is CINNABUN

@Randomshares1009 - 16.12.2022 00:32

I am a new rabbit owner. When to visit vet?

@gamingjohnstant - 11.12.2022 08:11

My rabbit saw this video with me 🤣😂

@m0jirostreams918 - 01.12.2022 01:54

So my rabbit is very stubborn, so I'm hoping these tips will help
