Manychat Made Simple For Amazon FBA Sellers

Manychat Made Simple For Amazon FBA Sellers


5 лет назад

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@AliAghajanzadeh - 24.11.2019 16:38

is this just for new product?? if we have a product and lunched few month ago,is it ok to use it?? is it against amazon terms and services???

@nwbklr - 10.07.2019 06:25

Anybody here interested in setting this up for me? I’ve been looking for a shop or individual on Upwork the last few days but now I’m lookin everywhere.

@reynold1350 - 09.02.2019 05:42

Great value, cheers man.

@pocketman5510 - 02.02.2019 11:41

Can you put a manychat link in auto-emails you send to your Amazon customers when you get a sale?

@pocketman5510 - 02.02.2019 11:40

James, 2 questions A) What does your day look like? You don't have to waste 8hours a day dicking about in an office: you live and work on your own terms, what do you do with all the free time? I wonder what I would do without a job
B) Ive been trying Amazon for a year now and I still haven't had a home run product (next one is the one I hope). I make about $1k a month profit, What should I be doing in all this waiting around time? I have 30 days until my next order arrives, Ive tried freelancing Copywriting and Photography for Amazon listings but find it hard to get clients

You could make a video out of both maybe, not sure. Either way I like watching your videos since you're a smart but down to earth guy I can relate to. Not trying to ram your course or lifestyle in my face

@brianpfeiffer - 01.02.2019 14:03

Thanks for sharing I set it up on all my Fan Pages

@mikehuffman6051 - 01.02.2019 00:47

Great video! Manychat is amazing for running promos. Perfect for growing your customer list! Has worked like a charm for product launches!

@friggy1477 - 31.01.2019 22:05

manychat is so powerful!

@ChristianoFX - 31.01.2019 19:22

Thanks for the value

@ritvikshandilya - 31.01.2019 16:48

You're the best.

@Greeneyedization - 31.01.2019 15:06

That's brilliant! Thanks a million

@timjeffery7490 - 31.01.2019 13:44

Heard the open rates are through the roof with many chat message bots. like in the high 90% range

@denysmedvediev2085 - 31.01.2019 13:27

nice video, thank you a lot
