How to Grow (Spiritually) in 2023 | 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life | Melody Alisa

How to Grow (Spiritually) in 2023 | 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life | Melody Alisa

Melody Alisa

1 год назад

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Melody Alisa
Melody Alisa - 09.01.2023 20:53

hey, sis! Today's question is: Which of the 6 spiritual disciplines comes easy to you and which is one you want to grow in this year?!

For me: the spiritual discipline that comes easy for me is Bible study/ bible reading. I kindaaa like studying in general so studying the Word is pretty fun for me and the spiritual discipline I want to grow in this year is service!! I used to be much more intentional in this area and I look forward to seeing what God is able to do through me as I strengthen this muscle!

Amore Leto
Amore Leto - 22.08.2023 20:51

fasting is very hard for me

Gcinekahle Dhludhlu
Gcinekahle Dhludhlu - 16.08.2023 13:19

Prayer- praying alone and using the word of God
Meditation- meditating about the word of God and about God
Service- helping at church and helping people who a in need.

Tyra B
Tyra B - 19.07.2023 02:46

I feel like service comes natural to me! I’m always compelled to help and fill the need!

I think Bible study & meditation are my areas to grow

I know it’s like July now lol but I’m blessed to have come across this so I can examine myself and get positioned for growth✨

Jasmine Thomas
Jasmine Thomas - 16.07.2023 22:32

Psalm 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Also Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

God Bless everyone
God Bless everyone - 28.06.2023 17:52

Glory be to the Holy Heavenly Father , Jesus Christ , Holy Spirit , Amen 🙏 . Jesus didn’t go to church ⛪️ Prayed in the nature

peaches - 28.06.2023 11:51

This yr we are growing closer to the Lord !😋💅

Daily Bible verses
Daily Bible verses - 21.06.2023 15:51

Jesus loves you all

Elad Mitchell
Elad Mitchell - 17.06.2023 07:07

theres nothing like drawing close to god spirituality, especially as a loving couple,he'll bless yr relationship, pray as a family❤

Keep it Moving Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul
Keep it Moving Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul - 07.06.2023 02:29

Prayer is my most definite spiritual discipline that I use alot

Mokgobu Seopa
Mokgobu Seopa - 29.05.2023 15:27

I personal need to work on Fasting i will start the first week/days well but as the weeks goo i tend to branch out or eat certain food i am not suppose to eat through Fasting but my God will do good in my spritual journey at the area. All is well❤❤🎉

Jalesa Green
Jalesa Green - 22.05.2023 13:39

It’s easy for me to pray and service with my girls group I’m working on meditating

Malik Johnson
Malik Johnson - 19.05.2023 05:17

Praying comes easy to me everything else im struggling with especially meditation.

Francisca Dwumaah
Francisca Dwumaah - 17.05.2023 22:51

please i need the baseball counseling link, urgently,help a sister

URIELA Show - 17.05.2023 12:18

Thanks alot Melody for such a great outline on my personal spiritual growth ❤

heyimnaomi - 14.05.2023 19:57

Prayer comes easy to me, but I love to get better and I like to work on bible study using the S.O.A.P. method.

Kia C
Kia C - 08.05.2023 20:48


Jacky M
Jacky M - 04.05.2023 15:11

Wow.. Just bumped on your channel and am totally blessed..just subscribed

Eniri Mcclain
Eniri Mcclain - 30.04.2023 16:40

I’m here trying to grow in every way possible to get closer to the lord, I have practiced many of the things you said and that makes me so happy but I still have a ways to go. My next goal is to fast as I have never done that before ❤

Blake Calloway
Blake Calloway - 28.04.2023 08:17

Thank you for your evangelism here on your channel. I really enjoy your content. I realized that your sometimes you may be directing certain things toward a female audience, but I still enjoy it and learn from it. I really enjoy following along with your bible study in the book of Esther right now, as well as videos like this that gives Godly advice on how to draw closer to God and become more like Jesus. Thank you so much for taking the time to create this. It motivates me to be a better Christian than I was yesterday. Progression over Perfection!

Denise Turner
Denise Turner - 03.04.2023 23:38

Hi Melody,
Thank you for making this video, it's very informative!🙂

Patrona Mallet
Patrona Mallet - 28.03.2023 22:28

I can feel the Holy Spirit so much now in my life and the Good Lord is everywhere I think twice before any action or even speaking at times I noticed him once I hit my 30s ik he was there I guess now I just pay attention and actually listen I love him so much and I'm craving his embrace.

Sharon Carruthers
Sharon Carruthers - 28.03.2023 01:27

Bible Study comes easily for me because I have a similar framework that I use to study and apply the Word. I desperately want to grow in the discipline of prayer.

Hlonolofatso Neo
Hlonolofatso Neo - 26.03.2023 09:05

I am 14 years old turning 15 and I want to have a closer relationship with God but at times I have doubts whether he lives or is he hearing me when I come before him , so I just came to seek advice on how to revive my faith and believe that the Lord lives

Ashley Shayia
Ashley Shayia - 21.03.2023 18:41

I don’t believe you have to join a church to be closer to god as long as you praises him everyday, pray in silence, read the Bible, maybe find a small group to join and guys worship him because you have to be careful about the energy and spirits that you connect with you just can’t trust these churches NOWADAYS this just my opinion …. but I absolutely love this video thank you sis 🤎

Kolawole Oluwafayokemi
Kolawole Oluwafayokemi - 11.03.2023 16:30

Praying comes easily for me. I want to improve on meditation 😅 my mind is constantly going. fasting and Bible study. I read the Bible but I don't study it

Journey To Wisdom And Wealth
Journey To Wisdom And Wealth - 07.03.2023 16:59

Thank you so much ❤️ for this.. I think fasting is actually the easiest for me but I'm learning that instead of using it for weight loss I need to use it to listen for God and prayer 🙏🏾.. Also I love service but to be honest I haven't done much of it lately.. I thank u again 💓

Reyianna Turner
Reyianna Turner - 02.03.2023 20:02

Therapy and going back to church have been on my conscious for a few weeks. It’s amazing how by just watching this video he confirmed that I need to do these things ! I have been 50/50 with both but after watching this I feel as if he used this video to tell me that I should start there 😊

esther byoona
esther byoona - 27.02.2023 00:46

Beautiful,beautiful...Thank you for sharing....Bible study and worship comes easy to me...I would love to grow more in fasting and meditation

Christina Farley
Christina Farley - 26.02.2023 06:51

Love this. Thank you❤ God bless.

Sierra Bragg
Sierra Bragg - 25.02.2023 14:42

I really want to do all of them! I would say prayer and public worship come easy to me or easier than the rest but thank you so much sis for helping us be closer to the Father❤️

Sierra Bragg
Sierra Bragg - 24.02.2023 23:28

I love this!!’ Thank you for your videos I love it!

Lydia Ncube
Lydia Ncube - 23.02.2023 16:18

I am a living testimony ❤

Mrs since day 1 then other hoes flossing Johnson
Mrs since day 1 then other hoes flossing Johnson - 23.02.2023 16:03

Y’all just make the laws huh

Mrs since day 1 then other hoes flossing Johnson
Mrs since day 1 then other hoes flossing Johnson - 23.02.2023 16:03

This suppose to be a free country with free religious

Mrs since day 1 then other hoes flossing Johnson
Mrs since day 1 then other hoes flossing Johnson - 23.02.2023 16:02

Quit forcing religion on people

LURHROSE - 23.02.2023 09:53

wow your teeth are amazing 🥺

Lovemeeksxo - 23.02.2023 02:00

I enjoy meditating, although I can be more intentional about it. An area I really want to strengthen this year is bible study and worship ❤

Rapswithrhymes - 22.02.2023 12:21

This is Good,A healthy spiritual life is the best life

Faith Lewis
Faith Lewis - 22.02.2023 06:20

I just came across you video and channel and immediately subscribed. Thank you for sharing.

Nae Nae
Nae Nae - 21.02.2023 23:56

hey, prayer is one that’s easy for me. Bible studying is one that I would like to grow more in.

Erica Davis
Erica Davis - 21.02.2023 21:05

I love this ❤, will be tuning in to more of your spiritual videos on my journey to being spiritually transformed 🙏🏾

shanygne downey
shanygne downey - 21.02.2023 18:01

I’m looking to grow in all spiritual disciplines

EMMANUEL JOSEPH - 20.02.2023 21:02

Joshua 1:8 talks about meditation

Marimer Pante
Marimer Pante - 20.02.2023 03:55

Amen yes thank you I claim it

LaTonya Richardson
LaTonya Richardson - 19.02.2023 07:18

I loved this! I just subscribed ❤

Dayan Jones
Dayan Jones - 19.02.2023 07:09

The Soap method is something that im looking forward to trying.

Tyneicka Shaw
Tyneicka Shaw - 18.02.2023 22:30

Love this ❤

Nielpe - 18.02.2023 01:21

it's a super great & uplifting video but
i want to highlight one thought on the third habits 1 Corinthians 14:33 who says

for God is not a God of disorder, but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints,
34 let the women be silent in the assemblies, for they are not permitted to speak there; but let them be subject, as the law also says.
35 If they want to learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is unseemly for a woman to speak in the church

so for a women it not very hightly recommanded

and also the method s.o.a.p its really goog
but for me i'd do it like a p.a.s.o cause
FOR ME God is alive & He talk to you so you may have to
Pray & Ask what He wanted to let you know work on something uplifting you,
after that you read the scripture
then you observe what did you undersand from that
thats what i like to do it but like she said do it at your own way
as long as you receive the message of God
be blessed
hope you will understand God bless you <3

Melissa O'Donnell
Melissa O'Donnell - 17.02.2023 19:33

I find it easy to pray and need to be intentional with fasting. Have to grow mature with His word too. Thank you for sharing these, very practical and helpful. May you bless others more.
