FAQ: How long after my hair transplant are my grafts secure? - Hair Restoration Blackrock

FAQ: How long after my hair transplant are my grafts secure? - Hair Restoration Blackrock

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@emilietije4836 - 12.12.2023 19:22

I mistakenly removed the scabs after 9days but they were falling from the pillow, is that ok or should I worry?

@engr.jerrymiegalvanpee8403 - 29.11.2023 16:02

My hair transplant is 1month now, may HT started to shed,. I put on hair shadow to cover up my bald area, is it okay to used hair shadow? Thnx

@priyankajaiswal26 - 12.11.2023 02:40

A few things that actually helped to control my hair fall include: (1) I stopped wearing ponytails because it leds to tension breakage. (2) I began massaging my scalp 2 times a week with liitleextra cocoonnion hair oil while bending over & holding my head inverted to allow blood flow to the scalp. (3) Protecting my head while moving out to shield my hair from dust and pollution. (4) Using gentle shampoo again from liittleextra only to wash my hair.

@BenjaminTemplar - 09.11.2023 12:10

What a wonderful video. Direct to the point with long intros and unnecessary bs. Thank you so much!

@saifurchowdhury2588 - 08.11.2023 14:56

For those who struggle to sleep - i did too until i bought a better travel pillow, and then would lock the front to mid of the travel pillow to the side of my head whilst lying down sidewards on my normal pillow, works everytime, feels comfortable and wouldnt let me move all night, would recommend

@user-Red5hield-exp0ser - 02.11.2023 18:29

Hello. Are the new grafts resistant to DHT?

@Minoria_Seryian - 14.10.2023 18:57

Ok so after 2 weeks I scratched my scalp with my fingers (not nails) and my scalp bled a little should I be worried about the transplanted grafts?

@misscamay - 31.08.2023 08:23

when can hair coloring be resumed?

@sportsgo22 - 20.08.2023 18:04

Can I play football after 2 weeks? And will be playing with head protector?

@edbredin6406 - 12.08.2023 00:27

Are you sure about that. I heard they just last for 10 years and you have to go back for more treatment

@user-nv1qx7fn9g - 09.08.2023 02:49

Hey guys, I know it’s been a year but I was hoping to get some help. Day 17 post op dhi, I woke up and my head was itching. I scratched it with my fingertips(no nails) no lightly and I looked at my hand and there was blood. I found a hair with skin on it and I’m missing a hair where the blood spot is. Can I have lost the graft? Will hair still grow? Was it secure?

@jakeeeeyXx - 17.06.2023 13:29

Im 3 and a half weeks post op, and had a couple of questions.. due to the hot weather ive been sweating quite alot under my hat as im protecting ny head fron the sun but in turn that causes me to sweat a fair amount.. i also bumped my head earlier today on my transplant area. This has all occured after 3 weeks, as the first 2 weeks i spent off work and isolated sleeping in the dracula set up...
Are my grafts likely to be okay? I have started shedding and thats heen happening from around 2 and a half weeks onwards.
Thanks for any help

@mohammadmonjezi8154 - 25.05.2023 20:15

how about doing exercise and playing football? I want an exact answer

@sillkthashocker - 03.05.2023 17:40

Im almost at 14 days and i just want to go back to sleeping on my side asap 😫

@ashtonfrett2536 - 07.04.2023 22:27

Thank you for this

@secretdiamond7198 - 01.04.2023 03:38

How does it looks when a graft come out? I did hair transplant a week ago and i worry if i lost a graft bec yesterday i slept by accident on the side! So i would like to know how it will look like if i lost a graft? Will it be a blood? Or will it be hair somewhere outside the graft?

@jakepiere6412 - 22.02.2023 04:40

Short and simple ❤

@aarongopi6749 - 22.01.2023 05:16

Can i apply coconut oil on transplanted hair before bath?? Itchy scalp .

@logic9436 - 30.07.2022 12:30

I did a transplant 3 months ago, I got zits and they became so annoying I squeezed 'em and sadly I saw grafts come out of it. Hairline ofc :(

@alexxxmmm1 - 25.05.2022 17:22

After 7 days post HT I was stupid enough to wash my head in the sink and I hit my head hard against the faucet. I was bleeding for a while and at least one graft fell out. Luckily it was not hairline zone.

@SHADMAN94690 - 19.05.2022 20:53

I hit the corner of kitchen cabinet hard on the 12th day.
very little blood could be seen in that area.
Is the graft safe?

@mixxworld1867 - 20.10.2021 10:37

I care 14 days. After 14 days i removed all scales from head. In this removing many hairs looks fall. After 30 days i do not care of sunshine and i played football and ball hits my heaf many times. Did i damage myself or damage my grafts or i am fully secure???. Remove my confusion please

@alifinnegan1797 - 28.09.2021 18:50

Very interesting video.
