Crushing Codecademy PRO WEB DEVELOPMENT career path Challenge - JavaScript Versions: ES6 and Before

Crushing Codecademy PRO WEB DEVELOPMENT career path Challenge - JavaScript Versions: ES6 and Before

Dusan Cajic

3 года назад

77 Просмотров

You might have seen the term “ES6” or “Javascript ES6” and wondered what it actually means. Well wonder no further, because we’re going to dive into what ES6 is and how it relates to Javascript!

First, let’s bring in some history. JavaScript was introduced in 1995 by the company Netscape Communications as a scripting language for web designers and programmers to interact with web pages. The next year, Netscape submitted JavaScript to a standards developing organization called Ecma International to create standards for a scripting language (a type of programming language). In 1997, Ecma International released ECMA-262 which sets standards for the first version of a scripting language called ECMAScript, shortened to ES.

These new ECMAScript standards provided rules for the architecture of JavaScript features. As new programming paradigms emerged and developers sought new features, newer versions of ECMAScript provided a basis for a consistency between new and old JavaScript versions.


#programming #DOM #html #src #div #section #html5 #nav #audio #rule #value #tag #rel #type #text #text_align #color #opacity #important #local #dev_tools #localhost #console #console_log #javascript #javascript_comments #javascript_data_types #operators #arithmetic_operators #string_concatenation #properties #length #methods #touppercase_javascript #variables #var #let #const #increment_operator #decrement_operator #interpolation #typeof_javascript #math_object #floor_method #es6_javascript #es6 #ecmascript_2015
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