Get Your Dog To Calm Down With This Common Sense Protocol For Relaxation #191 #podcast

Get Your Dog To Calm Down With This Common Sense Protocol For Relaxation #191 #podcast

Dogs That

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@user-qv8bd5gm7r - 09.01.2024 23:36

Yes I would love to have a dog that is calm when I leave the house.

@jaimemiller7950 - 31.12.2023 00:14

I love this!

I'm having a bit of a hard time conceptualizing if and how to differentiate this relaxation protocol from Hot Zone and from working on the Pedicure Please program.
(I've already built a lot of hot zone value for my pups bed, and just recently started working on the side-lying position for Pedicure Please, and also started a modified FRIDA for when my pup is in her pen or crate and I step outside).

Please feel free to point me in the right direction for how to keep these things separate or how to properly integrate them!!!

@timmiet47321 - 25.12.2023 12:06

Maybe, just maybe it's a good idea to be calm around your dog instead of trying to train them to relax. Be the source rather than try to create one.

@josesolorio-hz5ip - 21.12.2023 05:54

Love it love it love it!

@nikkiantone9463 - 17.12.2023 21:51

My dog goes to his mat but just stares at me because he knows it's treat time. How do we decondition the begging and introduce treats FOR relaxing?

@margaretmorris7335 - 11.12.2023 09:14

Elderly Aussie: Thankyou Susan. I have just discovered your channel. I have a 15 m.o. Fox Terrier/Jack Russell X. He is extremely hyper-active (as per their reputation) and I have been sitting here trying to calm him down during a fierce Electrical Storm, needless to say he is quite distressed. I acquired him @ 9 weeks old, first born of first litter (only male, with 4 sisters) - he's very intelligent and very Alpha. (Very protective of me) but like all puppies, does test the boundaries. We've recently had several Electrical storms (past 2 weeks) and he is very noise reactive and these have been very distressing for him. I don't believe in sedatives unless there is a genuine medical problem. Could you perhaps cover "chilling" your dog in distressing situations. He's a great little fella but I would appreciate some advice. (My 2 previous dogs were Fox Terrier X but not with a Jackie).

@dmkulbacki - 30.11.2023 20:54

More relaxation please! Our dog is great at relaxing at home and rarely barks at home. However, ever since I introduced him to high arousal sports like Lure Coursing and Flyball, he is unable to crate quietly at Agility and Rally events (He continuously demand barks very loudly if I'm not sitting right by his crate like when I'm walking a course or helping out). He is pretty solid on It's Yer Choice. I'll start this protocol STAT and would appreciate more on this topic!

@optimalwellnessyoga - 22.11.2023 02:10

This sounds helpful. Our little guy barks at everything outside, but gets super triggered by delivery vehicles and it doesn’t matter the style - UPS/FEDEX trucks, Amazon vans, the USPS mail truck. He was a 4 year old rescue with no story so haven’t a clue. It would be great to be able to get him to chill.

@lsisak7651 - 18.11.2023 19:48

This is great. I love your style of teaching. I have minimal interest in common how to or show you style videos. A+

@user-tt3vk9do5x - 16.11.2023 04:33

What type of dog mat did you mention?

@rogehnimunoz4327 - 12.11.2023 11:56

I'm being addicted to your videos. Thank you so much. Love the look of Tater at the end. He's so cute.

@YourNotesEchoedFar - 09.11.2023 01:51

Silly question maybe, but could this be helpful for puppy naps for a puppy who has a hard time settling in? We’re practicing it’s your choice and crate games, and trying to squeeze multiple enterichments/puppy friendly exercise/training in between, but she’s recently started barking when I try to crate her for a nap after she’s been awake for an hour and should be exhausted. I don’t let her out or interact with her when she’s barking, but it’s. Really hard to hear. 💔 (And headache inducing okay I admit it. 😂) I’m wondering if this would be a helpful transition from exercise/play to nap.

Thanks for all your videos, Susan and Team!! Y’all have been SUCH a blessing and I know my puppy (and I) appreciates it. 😂💙

@lovethewoods3836 - 08.11.2023 22:08

YOU are brilliant and I'm crying!!!

@vkmorgan5591 - 01.11.2023 22:44

Even if my dog is relaxed on the mat I’m using. As soon as I deliver the reward & he knows there are rewards around, he pops up wanting more. Did I miss how to deal with that?

@berilaltiner8958 - 01.11.2023 20:44

I’m really confused. Seems like first we’re first teaching the dog that there is a special mat/towel that has value, then we’re capturing them relaxing. Does that mean you’re putting the special mat in a location and when you catch them relaxing in that location that’s when you reward them?

@melissatuttle3872 - 01.11.2023 10:30

I've tried the chill mat and all my puppy does is try to eat it. So far we have failed at literally everything despite trying to follow your steps. I'm at my wits end

@aslrunner - 31.10.2023 22:00

I've come to realize that I need to advocate for my dog more in public. He's super friendly and sweet and gets ultra-hyped meeting people. People think it's cute 'cause he's wiggly and licking them, but I need to speak up and tell them to please just ignore his crazy/cute behavior and only give attention when he calms down, because they're inadvertently encouraging his out of control behavior.

@bearvalleypomeranians - 30.10.2023 01:26

How do you do this if you have several dogs?

@pamelalee9677 - 29.10.2023 13:30

A regular schedule and regular exercise help calm pets down in the home a lot because they get into a cycle of energy output and resting to rejuvenate energy. It also really helps limit destructive and mischievous behaviors. Dogs appreciate schedules because they know what to expect. I have set times for feeding, bathing, walking, dog parks, brushing, massages, etc., and it really helped after my GS got used to the schedule. Now I know when it is time for something just because she is sitting in front of me staring at me, waiting for me to get out from behind my work computer to do something. She keeps the schedule better than I do now!

The way we pet our dog can breed relaxation vs. excitement. My fur baby has anxiety issues. She licks her lips often (which always gets her put in a muzzle at the vet) and tends to do the one-paw lift at odd times when she is unsure about something. Her moods also tend to mirror mine. If I'm calm, she is more relaxed. When petting her, I watch her ears, paws, and tail. Rubbing her chest in slow circles and talking in a soft, soothing tone makes her ears droop and her head tilt downwards in relaxation. If I stroke her quicker or pat her, it raises her level of excitement.

Massages help calm our pets as well especially as they age. As soon as she hit 3 years, my GS would tend to keep me up at night when I was trying to sleep. She just seemed anxious and unable to rest. Then, I bought a massage kit to help with her hip dysplasia, and I discovered that she slept much easier at night on the days I would give her massages.

@daveonezero6258 - 17.10.2023 03:42

I have a reactive anxious fearful heeler. Glad this came up. We are almost out of ideas to deal with him.

@Chicagocanine - 17.10.2023 01:27

I use a bathmat for my dog’s “place” mat because it’s a perfect size and has a no-slip backing.

@myrahouse2368 - 16.10.2023 22:49

Unfortunately my Dog dislikes my hubby he’s never harmed her… he’s lovely.

She tends to get frantic when he enters the room … I put her in her place … she calms but watches him constantly.

@rachelfalardeau7258 - 14.10.2023 19:48

Thank you for this video. I get the idea of shaping relaxation in contexts of this present video. But how do your incorporate these behaviors for everyday life situations. For example, I work in a veterinary clinic as a vet tech and I sometimes bring my 6 months old lab puppy. He is so crazy when I enter the clinic, pulls on the leash, wants to jump on my coworkers, etc. What's your advice on this particular context ? Is the problem another matter ? What should I work on ? In my home, my puppy is pretty capable of relaxing, on a mat, for example. Hope my question is clear ! Thank you :)

@cherylschubert3201 - 14.10.2023 16:48

What is it’s my choice

@bettynix3678 - 14.10.2023 16:39

3-month old Dachshund puppy will not stop barking

@rachelogden189 - 13.10.2023 13:29

Interested in seeing how I can help my dog be less an ious

@user-wi4wl3nu9r - 13.10.2023 09:00

My Yorkie puppy at least once a day, usually in the evening goes absolutely crazy. Running, growling and biting. We both need help please.

@tammyvreesstaff5823 - 10.10.2023 14:14

Can you please send me it’s your choice please?

@dallemon15 - 09.10.2023 02:07

I'm still watching. Nice discussion, but too much talk. Somehow people need to be able to do things live in-person in presence of dogs and trainers or trainers-to-be.

@dallemon15 - 09.10.2023 02:02

This all sounds complicated. But interestin. Has anybody designed a program to TRAIN PEOPLE how to condition and train and communicate with dogs?

@judithward1611 - 05.10.2023 01:06

Yes more relaxation protocols please. My dog gets very excited when people come to hour house and when we come home after being out for an hour or two.

@shirleyspadorcio6182 - 27.09.2023 23:27

I'd really like information on how to Chill....Siblings! They are 5 years old and go crazy when anyone comes to the front door.

@anthologyIN - 27.09.2023 16:45

What if your dogs don’t have a calm
Stare? Like ever? Lol. They don’t lay down but once a day. Lol

@susancarroll3099 - 26.09.2023 20:28

My dog has a fear of riding in the car. She pants and tends to walk around. She was an abused rescue and I think cars are a trigger of her past. While I while try this relaxation Matt for her. Is there advise you can give us about dogs hacking fear of car rides. She doesn’t run away from the car. She begs to go with because of her separation anxiety.

@patriciamalcolm2853 - 25.09.2023 13:07

Yes more relaxation please.
Dog vertigo food motivated.

@daminimalhotra4422 - 21.09.2023 07:32

Yes! My dog is anxious several places

@5085858 - 20.09.2023 20:41

Yes to more relaxation protocol, particularly when I am not around. My dog is not food motivated at all though.

@sheilasmith7779 - 19.09.2023 20:09

If the dog is a Beagle, no remote feeder. Beagles are food hogs and if food is always available, as they age into adulthood, they will become overweight.

@Kate98755 - 19.09.2023 05:48

i joined your training, but never understood how to use it, so wasted $50.00. I couldn’t find anyone who could help me with my biting border collie/GSP puppy….now she’s almost 2, she’s better, but because of my frustration with her sometimes things trigger her…i was working on getting her to lay closer to me, placing a treat on my lap, all was going well and then she grabbed my knuckle with her teeth and wouldn’t let go, i said leave it 3 times, she released…i should have used her out command but i was panicked and in pain….then she stood staring at me, she seemed ready to pounce, i told her a couple times to back away…and finally she did…
she’s done this with my granddaughter, but only held her forearm, she had a firm grip on my grandsons shirt, he was holding a treat….these moments worry me, i won’t let my grandkids give treats…
i don’t know how to fix these few bad traits…she’s a great dog but won’t cuddle….except she will do a cuddle that i taught her as a puppy, bow her head in a sit and slowly rub her ears…


@Kate98755 - 19.09.2023 05:36

if you breathe in and out your nose it’s more relaxing

@soslegacies777 - 18.09.2023 22:43

More on this topic, please. The TV seems to be a trigger for excitement in my pooch and I would like to watch it with him in a calm state instead of anxious nipping and barking.

@angelacironedebenedictis9014 - 15.09.2023 02:55

Yes more please

@janeranke1737 - 12.09.2023 06:44

Is there a video on how to teach my dogs to stop barking at everything.

@TheDoghouse-dd9sp - 10.09.2023 18:45

Can you please give information for separation anxiety with newly adopted rescues?

@Zumone1one - 09.09.2023 03:08

This is my number one problem right now!!! My guy is a year old i made the mistake of not crate training him or training him place and now i cannot have a moment of peace or space its litteraly becoming overwhelming

@ruthlanni898 - 07.09.2023 15:30

I love your training videos. No I can't really justify some of their tech items but I certainly CAN do simple protocols. In fact I've instinctively done alot of your techniques that ARE working. You are down to earth and have practical useful suggestions! Thank you!!!

@amills9261 - 05.09.2023 07:23

Frankly get to the point

@susananovo9215 - 31.08.2023 16:49

Susan I have a big problem with my Frenchie. He is nice and chilled indoors, gets super excited outdoors. My problem is at night time. He is afraid of the dark. Once night comes he starts pacing, lays on top of me or my husband to sleep and is restless all night until morning comes. Then he relaxes. I don’t know what to do, even leaving a light on doenst stop him from moving around. This is causing a huge impact in our sleeping pattern and I don’t know what to do. Any advice would be appreciated.

@aileenconnor834 - 16.08.2023 19:37

relaxation please! ‘so looking forward to this new series :)
