2024 Specialized Gen3 Turbo Levo ebike long-term review - still the best emtb?

2024 Specialized Gen3 Turbo Levo ebike long-term review - still the best emtb?

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@StoicBerserker - 20.02.2025 03:59

How did you get two batteries??

@buzzofftoxicblog791 - 29.01.2025 13:32

❤😊 thank you 🙏

@Sunshine-wn5ev - 25.01.2025 20:53

What size bike is that frame ? And your height ? Thanks

@ronhazelaar7044 - 11.01.2025 20:55

Thank you for your honesty!!!

@DRDOOM-jl7tv - 26.12.2024 20:56

Fast forward.. Specialized is going from dealers to Direct to Consumer. My local shop went from being Specialized to TREK because of the switch. 🤷‍♂️

@matthewcurtis4083 - 24.12.2024 07:31

Why didn’t I get a grandpa like you?

@johnnywallace8123 - 30.11.2024 00:57

How would you compare this bike to the Bulls Evo AM 4 that you reviewed. Please respond.

@chriscummins1745 - 21.10.2024 23:33

After watching your review a couple of weeks ago I went and bought a Levo Pro, what a bike its awesome, loved my Gen2 Levo but this is so much better and the price what an absolute steal! I know Gen 4 is coming soon but how much better can it be and the price will go back to and maybe beyond where the Pro was.

@mc100gram - 02.10.2024 09:56

Is the bike really heavy for a full power 700Wh Enduro? In the specs on the webside it says it is 22kg. Can you confirm?
And is there still the issue with the air leaking suspension?
And the Codes are really not sufficient?

@Dwyeb73 - 23.09.2024 17:12

Great thorough review! What bike stand are you using?

@user-xq5rp9fm1p - 11.09.2024 06:20

Uff...sorry dude. Your explanation about how mullet set-up is better for turning, it actually has to do with a tighter wheel diameter, and as a result something called "angular momentum." Basically just means the that smaller wheel turns faster than the bigger one and can thus come around the turn quicker. Nothing to do with getting the seat and your body lower...nice try ;-)

@andy5478-MTB - 10.09.2024 02:26

Thank you for a thoroughly well done video. My wife and I just ordered 2 2024 comp alloys. We got into MTB riding in 2019 at age 57 with Rockhoppers then a couple years later Stumpys and now Turbo Levo. So much fun! Thanks again for the great info!

@tonyvaccarelli7950 - 08.09.2024 19:48

what bike stand is that and where can i get one ,any info or a link would be appreciated

@Scott-mu4xw - 05.09.2024 16:20

Just bought a 2023 used one for 3 grand, only had 50 miles on it, the suspension is terrible. RS 35 fork is really lacking.

@scottenman2005 - 19.08.2024 02:08

Got my Levo a month ago love it! Thanks for the Video!

@valiantthor5238 - 13.08.2024 09:11

Well, i have the 2024 G3 Turbo Levo Alloy….im very happy so far.

@smakusdod - 05.08.2024 08:09

To have motors on a $12k bike not have a lifetime guarantee is nutty.

@smakusdod - 05.08.2024 07:50

Finally an empirical review. Thank you! Subbed.

@dee1251 - 31.07.2024 18:31

I’m new to e-bikes , can someone suggest a good used ebike to buy for a begginer ? Would this be it ? And what to look for when buying used ?

@fredsobotincic1587 - 26.07.2024 17:57

Specialised USA is a skank company.
They advertise a summer sale $1000 off on a,…
" Turbo Levo Comp alloy." Then cancel the order. One day after receiving payment with no valid rationale, for their actions they refused to sell the bike at the sale price.

@jayfunk-n6t - 12.07.2024 02:16

Would love to see a detailed video on the Levo that walks through suspension upgrades. coil shocks and cascade links in particular

@SuperRobbro - 16.06.2024 15:53

It’s such a perfect bike to ride, both Gen2 and Gen3. But you cannot even remotely imagine how many motors we have to change here in Switzerland.

@chrisaquino4602 - 13.06.2024 21:51

Thank you for your review. I just picked this exact bike up at a local dealer in Albuquerque NM. First EMB and first full suspension MTB and first carbon MTB. Huge upgrade from my old Gary Fisher hard tail. So far love it! Looking for some good places to ride and hopefully find a group to link up with... Wanted to ask about protection for the finish. Did you add any kind of stickers or decals to protect the frame from scratches or chips? Any suggestions for pedals? Thank you!

@MrHarry1220 - 11.06.2024 18:06

What a great video.
I in fact have the bike you tested (S-Sworks Turbo LEVO) but with some changes.
Magura MT7 brakes & SRAM AXS.
I bought it August 2023 .. and it was not cheap …. But I love it.

@theokingshango - 10.06.2024 04:53

Guys its a fine bike but the e part is 2x weaker than my 1000$ build wtf

@50.Baryshikov - 03.06.2024 21:44

Bike totally shreds. I love it.

@eriknash8783 - 29.05.2024 20:55

Francis, is this still your ATF full power eBike? I had a Decoy for a year and sold it because I never used it. Just got back from Bentonville where we used eBikes the whole trip and I want another one now. I know so many people who have these and say they are the best, but I struggle because I deeply dislike Specialized as a company for many reasons. Want to be sure before I become a huge hypocrite. Swore to everyone I know that I would never buy another Specy and I might have to eat those words.

@Ash-l2k4g - 19.05.2024 19:00

I didn't feel like I was satisfied with your explanation of the range, not everyone is going to be climbing. Hows that thing going to be to ride when the battery dies, that's another thing that would've liked to hear about.

@frank6052-p2q - 17.05.2024 19:55

Why did say choose the aluminum version over composite?

@tannerjack9520 - 05.05.2024 17:02


@kristiancarlabueva4327 - 04.05.2024 08:22

anybody still looking for this levo pro 23 model Gen 3 with X0-t type hit me up i have a bigsale on going. (Socal only) sale on S3 and S5

@jimmyz5831 - 11.04.2024 01:16

Great machine but I prefer the SL. It's a little closer to the stumpy and less weight. Not sure why people need so much power but that's up to the buyer. My only complaint is the motor noise because I LOVE the sound of tires crunching on the ground and the motor noise can overtake that some times.

@MrM1729 - 25.03.2024 04:23

Have a gen 1 Levo turbo comp (202O). I love it.

@siriosstar4789 - 05.03.2024 09:26

it amazing how this bike can stay so popular even with a motor (Brose ) that has the worst reliability record in the industry .

@teejdrives - 19.02.2024 20:40

Do you know of any good deals on the Levo at shops in the Bay Area? It is out of stock on the Specialized website now. Thanks for the great reviews.

@nathanjohnston809 - 17.02.2024 01:25

I find that I am constantly pedal striking on mine and its annoying, I have almost fell off the side of a mountain twice due to striking.
To be honest I don't know if the rear shock can accompany my weight, I am running a Rockshox deluxe select r 150mm in the rear and its
at full air capacity and have had the sag set up the best I could get it, I weigh almost 20 stone, is that the issue, do I need to upgrade to something
that can handle my massive ass?

@jasonyeoman-tr2fx - 14.02.2024 15:17

Good review, I love my Levo expert, pulled the trigger when they were reduced to bring the new stock in. I have added one up longer dropper, gives a bit more clearance than standard. Bit of a Hope fan and have the pro5 e hubs on Stans flow rims and the V4 brakes with heavy duty discs. Coming up to 1400 miles and I am noticing that the motor is getting noisier. I had a Kenevo SL that had the 1.1 motor go at 1700 miles and Specialized swapped out no issues with prompt warranty fix. A good LBS and the warranty is what sealed it for me. Climbing on this on mountain rocky single track is a game changer for me on this.

@Tobinhotherealone - 14.02.2024 07:42

i can tell u in europe the Motors have not so much Problems. Cause its locked at 24.9Kph

@bigwavesurferr - 11.02.2024 01:20

Great review 🤙🏻 I’ve just ordered my 2023 Levo comp alloy in satin black after owning a 2018 kenevo. Cost me £5175 which wasn’t the cheapest but it’s got the new mastermind TCU so I’m happy , I’ve never run the sram code r brakes before but all my riding mates said they’re Naff when pushed hard so I might try the hope v4 or magura MT7s
This is the first time I’ve heard of the T-type gears! What’s with the prices! I’d want a gearbox system for that sort of money . Just ridiculous! they must be far superior for that price

@wvjeepguy8178 - 01.02.2024 01:41

I can't imagine paying this premium over a Canyon or YT. Specialized really needs to come down on the price.

@mtbeliever5833 - 25.01.2024 23:10

You have 20 bikes?

@IPM71 - 24.01.2024 01:18

I have a 2019 Alloy Comp, and love it. But I went through 5 motors, and it seems the newer ones still have problems as well. I really want to get the upgrade, but I'm a bit cautious. Maybe I'll wait for the next gen...

@johnh4650 - 16.01.2024 05:21

I like you Francis own a Turbo Levo and I admit I thought for sure it would win some of the categories it lost in. However, what I really wanted was an unbiased opinion and I think you delivered Thanks!

@JoeMcIntyre-oj2sd - 15.01.2024 06:58

One of the pros not mentioned is the beauty and obvious build quality of this machine.

@WhiteOwlOnFire_XXX - 24.12.2023 20:35

12,000 USD$ no thank you. I can get a full carbon fiber Spectral:ON CF 8 with 900wh for 5000 USD$

@jetskiordie7976 - 20.12.2023 07:36

Wait, so is this a 23 or 24my bike? I just got off a chat and rep said all Levo’s on the website were 23’s? Do you know the correct answer??

@razorree - 13.12.2023 22:19

only few CONS:
1. filmsy charge doors (easy to lose, after rock hit etc.)
2. motor is great, but still lasts only like 3000km (belt, on gen3)
3. suspension tuning (it's not progressive enough, cascade (long) link needed)
