TikTok Is Causing A Mass Psychosis

TikTok Is Causing A Mass Psychosis


1 год назад

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@dominichill8037 - 13.01.2024 01:09

Lavender Town all over again!

@moto3463 - 10.01.2024 10:33


@LilShredd - 02.01.2024 06:04

Maybe these people have demons...

@deanhend1235 - 27.12.2023 11:11

Yes it's not helping. Fake news, brainwashing from the mainstream media is the main cause

@josh8006 - 21.12.2023 21:59

Great thumbnail!

@Hi-lmaooooooooo - 20.12.2023 08:14

i never installed it and never will. cant get addicted to something u never had or watched

@h.b.p1197 - 19.12.2023 03:05

A truly good parent would stop their kids from using TikTok

@EliAlexanderClark - 02.12.2023 01:40

Tic talk

@justiceisCLEAR - 25.11.2023 20:47

Tik ToK causing Ticks 😂😂😂😂😂😂

@zebradiah4831 - 17.11.2023 03:41

This was such a wonderful analysis of TikTok’s impact on society. Shame to see your conclusion being to just moderate app usage when the algorithm has clearly been designed to make that very difficult

@arthurpriestley8103 - 31.10.2023 19:41

When parents ignore their children's needs . When they sit in a car with dad starring at his screen and mom starring at her screen while the oldest child stares at his screen in the back seat and little brother who isn't old enough to have a screen is talking to himself and flailing his arms and legs . Is this how the empire ends ?

@Hollowdude15 - 08.10.2023 07:19

I hope tiktok fix them issue on their platform and great video man :]

@siberianresort5722 - 07.10.2023 10:23

Is it like epilepsy?, But TIKTOK does not blink, although the colors of the icons are very similar

@heartsofiron4ever - 29.09.2023 20:16

Ban TikTok already

@rosyfunni1939 - 29.09.2023 17:10

I’m 14 and find the videos on there boring. I had to delete it because I rarely get interested in a video that’s under 15 minutes. 20-30 minutes is the perfect range for me

@Ouroboross- - 28.09.2023 21:14

Crazy how good you get at spotting when channels are going to shove their sponsor in your face. I skip that shit immediately. Also that was extremely poor timing to inlcude it. Do better

@Red-Wolf-Ben - 26.09.2023 05:59

I don't even have Tik Tok, and would never download the app, but... This video is making me want to put my phone down and read a book.

@MrDosTheBoi - 22.09.2023 05:47

As a person with major depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms, actual psychosis is far worse than just having one off delusions. If you were actually having psychosis, you would have a strong belief that you actually have ticks and a doctor telling you "You do not have Tourettes" wouldn't stop it, or you would experience similar delusions in other areas of the world. Psychosis doesn't even have to include delusions. Other symptoms of this, which I experience, are hallucinations. Many people who are unknowing of my actual diagnosis confuse it with schizophrenia, even though actual schizophrenia is much worse than what I have. I'm not saying what you've defined it as is wrong, I just personally do not think this is actual psychosis, especially since it was just a one time thing. Actual psychosis require a diagnosis which they probably tested for. Plus, the dancing plague and other examples are considered mass psychogenic disorder which is a way of saying they were sick but had no actual sickness. It is basically mass hysteria. I hope I can get my point across and if anyone else has any constructive feedback for me, feel free to comment. Thank you for reading this and have a good day.

@LOGICAL-JAY - 10.09.2023 23:51

Generation Z are done..I used to label them weirdos but I see social media's heavy influence is destroying them and is very detrimental to their health..they're social awkward because of the lack of one on one communication..they fein for attention and to be accepted.

@There_Is_No_War_In_Ba_Sing_Se - 31.08.2023 00:21

Not social media but the people who use it. Idiots getting famous then idiots copying them kids seeing this think it will make them famous as well

@ELJUAN500 - 04.08.2023 00:41

Here is my advice, I'm a young man in highschool this changed my life. If you want to be like the rest live in balance, only the extreme are the successful.
No Video games (level up in the real world) no porn (become high value enough to attract real loving partners) no social media (learn to communicate effectively in the real world)
basically no distractions and everything else in your life will develop, you are the one in control here. (realized this is a social media get off this too hahaa)

@5688gamble - 18.07.2023 19:33

This is your brain! 🧠 This is your brain on e-Crack! 🥜Any questions?

@umbrellacorp. - 06.07.2023 22:36

This is why my wife and I hate social media and we keep our kids away from it. Woke culture and strong female character feminists hate men crap is also causing this Mass Psychosis and Delusional Mentality also.

@Unabatedhalo775 - 06.07.2023 17:51

I'm quite pleased with the fact that I have never downloaded TikTok.

@ryanartward - 28.06.2023 01:17

This isn't what I expected for a real-world Cyberpsychosis .

@holoceph3916 - 21.06.2023 21:50

Sure, TikTok is causing mass psychosis but not Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter…..

@redolfos - 13.06.2023 23:52

sex, people, SEX! It's natural and will leave you fulfilled, especially if it's with someone you like!

@PatrickHenry725 - 12.06.2023 20:46

I think it would be interesting to see what the rise in ADD/ADHD will result…I’m sure in 10 years we’ll have an epidemic, and miraculously there will be new medicines for it

@thefoundationagent61 - 10.06.2023 19:14

"Could TikTok be causing mass psychosis?"

Tik tok IS mass psychosis.

@jeremybeieler107 - 05.06.2023 19:41

TikTok and Tourette’s
TikTok and Anxiety
TikTok and depression
TikTok and Transgenderism

It’s all related. It’s all mass psychosis

@hi_its_dawn - 03.06.2023 19:34

Great video!!

@lazygamer4746 - 25.05.2023 12:02

It started before tiktok.

@rem7502 - 25.05.2023 07:51

They got tics because they tiked the tok.

@eb9450 - 24.05.2023 04:29

I tried TikTok for 2 months when I was on medical leave from work. Even if majority of the content I was looking for revolved around my nerdy hobbies of literature, snobby films, and philosophy, I was still constantly bombarded with the unwanted viral trends and videos. I started noticing how it was affecting my mental health and my attention span was starting to significantly decrease. It was scary but I ended up getting rid of it.

@KrazyKarma - 18.05.2023 09:12

Your perception is your reality. Too much pleasure to the brain is not good and it creates spiritual imbalance.

@MementoTurtle - 15.05.2023 17:20

Im glad I never used tiktok, it being owned by china was a pretty good factor for me to avoid it.

@ilkpg5127 - 07.05.2023 14:06

So it was because of a Tic-inducer german guy who caused those made-up condition. As always, western culture is sickening human beings whenever it lands into. TikTok just proved that westerners are inadequate in terms of self-control, which is absolutely lacking when it comes to western parents teaching their children's psychosocial attitudes. TikTok also proved how immature western sociocultural norms really are.

"In terms of what psychology is seeking to understand, the East is 2000 years ahead of western psychology" - Carl Jung

@Bagelswithcreamfilling - 05.05.2023 14:40

Damn why my tics still here

@snmnk283 - 04.05.2023 10:30

I've seen it a lot, friends if mine have gotten depressed just cause of a few tik toks that were related to their lives in any way were pushed to them, like the whole "my girlfriend dumped me now I'm so unhappy" and there are clips of sad people in the rain

Im not saying you shouldn't be sad but thats all you should be, sad,not depressed for the next year

@carveybarends6800 - 02.05.2023 09:50

weak mindsets

@bkblindside3884 - 01.05.2023 15:59

Tiktok is trash. There is no upside to that app that can't be filled by another app with less concerning aftermath.

@jajoitus317 - 30.04.2023 18:59

stupid people :|

@idkJoey0 - 30.04.2023 03:59

Hmmm. Tiktok. Tik-Tok. Tik. Tok. Tik?? Tick?? coincidence? I think not.

@zozzystudio - 25.04.2023 18:29

I am so glad I deleted tik tok last month, I feel like I’m not failing myself any more. I finally deleted it after a snow trip in the mountains I finally got the courage to change. I will never download it again.
