“Families Are Going To Feel This!" - The Scary Math Behind Car Payments

“Families Are Going To Feel This!" - The Scary Math Behind Car Payments


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Paul Marganski
Paul Marganski - 17.09.2023 18:01

People are so stupid. Just buy a car with cash. Why would you finance a car????

Paul Marganski
Paul Marganski - 17.09.2023 17:59

All that matters is the price of the vehicle. Do not borrow money. Do not pay interest. Do not make payments. Just negotiate the price of the car and pay cash for it. I make well over $200k/year (not including my wife's >$100k job). I drive a simple, paid-off 2020 Honda Civic Si. I could "afford" a much, much more expensive vehicle, but there is no need for me to buy anything else. Very few peopl actually need the $100+k trucks/SUVs they buy. It is stupidity at it's finest.

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith - 15.09.2023 02:30

Not idiots but some people r simply doing what they have to do not what they want its called life guys

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith - 15.09.2023 02:25

What crazy is that People pay this for used cars as well

Timothy Brozell
Timothy Brozell - 14.09.2023 18:41

I just purchased an SUV and a Truck .
My income is around that average income.. The trick if you would call it that is to add to your monthly payments so that the interest doesn’t matter.. $1100 expected car payment + $400/ month will have you pay it off in 36 months. Stop going to chik fil a and eat at home 😂

fighterpimp - 09.09.2023 01:02

If the financing is how they make money. How come they sold me my brand new car for under mrsp at 0% interest rate? I am confused. They even want me to trade it in for the same value it was when I bought it and get another car for I can have a interest rate now.

fighterpimp - 09.09.2023 00:57

Hello from future land. To tell you what happened. Well it is simple. The cars don't sell and they are sitting there getting mark offs and still not selling. That is what happened. People don't need new overpriced cars that are more then a house yet loses value faster.

X - 06.09.2023 11:42

If you have to finance a car, you could not afford it in the first place. You can justify or excuse it however you want; the fact still stands.

Mikael Krukoff
Mikael Krukoff - 05.09.2023 04:24

2004 3500 dodge ram cummins 5.9 diesel....own it....80k miles...ill have it for awhile...never had a carpayment....my grandpa always said payments are for slaves

vincent heijns
vincent heijns - 02.09.2023 02:18

You know what Adam is the freaking idiot!! not once did I hear him say or anybody on the panel say anything about Americans only being interested in the payment price because that’s all they could afford. you guys make it sound like people are making the choice because they want to !! that shit really pissed me off. just because you’re making a shit ton of money doesn’t mean everybody else lives the same way. So come off your high horse…

TheSavvyHuman - 01.09.2023 20:57

It’s because people confuse paying their payments with actually affording their payments😂

Douglas Jay
Douglas Jay - 27.08.2023 17:07

They don't want us owning anything. And this is how the get us off the vechile.

Anchor - 27.08.2023 01:37

84 month loans

Aaron Limitless
Aaron Limitless - 27.08.2023 00:20

Definitely something I learned when I was younger, took forever to get my credit back on track consider myself higher income, but not high enough to be able to buy the vehicle I want outright.

So what I did for my most recent vehicle a few years ago a 2021 Mercedes E class it was about 90,000 a little over 110,000 total -35,000 finance from my previous car so with that and what I put down I had to pay about 60,000 back but I saved a tremendous amount in interest by paying essentially a little more than double my car payment. Now you know that this is impossible for many people but on average, even if the average person is just paying an extra hundred bucks a month you can knock off a solid year or so off of a five-year loan, which ultimately saves you more money in the long run and pay less in interest.

Back when I was trying to get my credit back on track I had to do Carvana and I got a vehicle that cost me 30,000 and with a horrible interest rate of 24% making the total that I would’ve had to have paid back $61,000 Again I paid about $300 extra a month and ultimately the overall cost was about 42,000 which ultimately saved me about 15 grand and I’m majority of the interest so I always highly recommend paying it off early if possible just chug away even if you only have 20 bucks a month payback 20 bucks pay the hundred bucks this month when you get taxes back put 500 down towards it it’ll help you in the long run

Anything Goes
Anything Goes - 26.08.2023 19:52

We are being price gouged by an industry that has gotten constant bail out and forgivable loans.

Babiiedoll - 25.08.2023 18:36

I remember some years back I have $6000 left to pay on the principal amount on a car I had I figured the interest and I would pay and additional $6000 in interest I took my savings and paid that car off and they turned me into the IRS for paying the car off lol I’m not sure if that’s normal it I think they where upset

LegacyMicro - 21.08.2023 12:53

It's been a long time (years) since I've had a car payment but I still remember that feeling the week the payment came due. Stress and worry will shorten your life.... I couldn't imagine what I must be like to have a 7 year auto loan....

Chris - 18.08.2023 22:39

California registration is expensive

Chris - 18.08.2023 22:39

Auto insurance went up

Juan Varelas
Juan Varelas - 15.08.2023 21:00

I didn’t know I had 26 % on a loan that I only owed 11k on and I refinance and I ended up paying less and less in interest thank you so much

U Wot
U Wot - 14.08.2023 11:47

In the UK I see people renting shit terraced houses with 35K GBP cars parked out front lol.

Richard Sveum
Richard Sveum - 12.08.2023 23:59

With inflation cars that were affordable in 2020 are now ridiculously priced. People just don’t have the disposable income they had BB, “Before Biden “.

Discovering Me
Discovering Me - 07.08.2023 20:37

Holy fuck 33%!

Brad Henderson
Brad Henderson - 04.08.2023 18:27

Culture is ridiculously blind to reality and their own demands.

RJ4EVA - 02.08.2023 18:16

American economy doesn't exist without an ignorant and compulsive buyers. If everyone was financially responsible, its all over.

zo nation
zo nation - 30.07.2023 22:25

I enjoy this content alot. I'm learning alot. I do live paycheck to paycheck and $20 is the difference of making it or not any given week. We are a family of 4. We work very hard in manual labor jobs. Please don't call us IDIOTS just because we don't know how to do what you've done. We may not understand it but we want to because at the end of the day living paycheck to paycheck is a prison and we are well aware of at least that.

Danny Lopez
Danny Lopez - 29.07.2023 20:51

If people were forbidden to buy cars unless it was with cash …after putting 50k together in one bag most people would say “heck no”.
Everyone would still be riding horses 🤣🤣

Philly Strangler
Philly Strangler - 27.07.2023 13:31

The middle class is being evaporated

Nate - 27.07.2023 13:28

Cars.. worst investment in life.

amarbirkumar - 26.07.2023 17:54

I have a theory. CDJR is moving towards becoming a luxury brand right. I think they are purposefully reducing their sales doing this to eventually blame lack of sales to reduce overall staff. Then possibly rehiring new employees when they bring prices down at a lower salary. This is one of the only things that makes sense to me with these high prices. Oh...and also...I'm sure companies outside of the industry will use this "signal" as an excuse to do the same. This isn't natural capitalism this is intentional manipulation of the market. Just my non expert opinion.

# Coach2win
# Coach2win - 22.07.2023 20:08

That’s why repos are off the chart today…20k repos a day.

Emilio Alvarez
Emilio Alvarez - 20.07.2023 11:09

The problem is when america made car the king of the land instead of the person. Theres no walkable areas in America everything is centered around the car. That's terrible for quality of life and it makes life more expensive and difficult. Should've made the country around people for walking and biking and public transportation

Eric - 19.07.2023 22:20

Seen this coming the day covid kicked in… By the way trump warned the country this would happen if the country got shut down.. guess what he was right.. thx Dems

HemiOGT - 19.07.2023 03:07

The average interest is around 6-8% now

JFC - 19.07.2023 02:56

If your income is finite and you have bills, then there might only be a fixed amount you can pay monthly for a necessity like a car.

JFC - 19.07.2023 02:54

People feel the payments—not the interest. The interest is reflected in the payment and the affordability of that payment, so people aren’t idiots. They’re just on fixed incomes or modest family incomes. Salaries just have not kept up with these costs. Inflation now is terrible.

Kif Kroker
Kif Kroker - 18.07.2023 03:01

Oh ffs... just buy a used car! Problem solved!

Javier Murillo
Javier Murillo - 18.07.2023 02:50


Anthony Hales
Anthony Hales - 18.07.2023 01:53

Here’s what this new administration should do. ( and yes I said new administration because it’s coming wether you like it or not ) needs to do is put a cap on auto payments. 500$ max. There is absolutely no reason for this it’s all just to screw the hard working American people. And some stupid people still do it. 1300$ 1500$ a month. They just don’t care when they’re done with it they’ll come repo it and they won’t care. The problem. Not caring.

Bud C
Bud C - 16.07.2023 23:32

Today's question, how does the NWO get you, the individual, to achieve the goals of UN's Agenda 2030, UC Berkeley’s Center for Environmental Public Policy 2035 report and WEF's you will own nothing and be happy.

Mike Carter
Mike Carter - 16.07.2023 11:21

You're not adding in how much full cover jinsurance increases that payment.
You have to carry full coverage insurance on a new vehicle.

Jason Mau
Jason Mau - 15.07.2023 17:55

My first car was 340 a month for 6 years n was a lease....they saw me coming

DIY GUITAR STUFF by Chris Berrymanalo
DIY GUITAR STUFF by Chris Berrymanalo - 15.07.2023 16:56

People need to wake up to Louisiana taxes

PCG - 15.07.2023 06:47

So what is the strategy behind Toyota?

THA KING - 15.07.2023 02:00

I went ahead and bought my Jeep Gladiator since World War 3 is looming cuz you know.. YOLO

Jeff Becraft
Jeff Becraft - 14.07.2023 21:14

Thaxs sleepy Joe

bryan dorrell
bryan dorrell - 14.07.2023 20:50

This is why the used car market has sky rocketed also.

angel sky
angel sky - 14.07.2023 09:16

Adam is so annoying. YES we know about interest rates 🙄

John Randle
John Randle - 14.07.2023 08:16

Either drive a new car and live of beans on toast and coffee just having a guess for some credit comes into the equation?
