Australia's top spy chief on the threat of Russia, China's rise and the war in cyberspace | ABC News

Australia's top spy chief on the threat of Russia, China's rise and the war in cyberspace | ABC News

ABC News In-depth

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Australia's top foreign spy chief, Paul Symon, the outgoing head of the Australia Secret Intelligence Service, talks the Russia-Ukraine war, China's influence in the Pacific and what he looks for in a secret agent. Subscribe: Read more here:

Interview by John Lyons and Geraldine Doogue.

00:00 Intro
02:30 Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the role of the US intelligence community
04:10 War games and its role in intelligence strategy and planning
05:27 The Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan and Australia's exit from Kabul
08:32 China's rise and influence in the Asia-Pacific
10:08 Cyber security and hacking
16:30 National security and Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin
18:10 The Cuban Missile Crisis, Fidel Castro and John F. Kennedy
19:50 Ethics at the Australia Secret Intelligence Service and how agents raise issues
21:00 What the Australia Secret Intelligence Service looks for in a secret agent
22:00 What role social media plays in the intelligence community
23:18 Diversity and inclusion at ASIS
25:00 Leadership at ASIS
25:40 Power of democracy and freedom when it comes to our security challenges

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@beesplaining1882 - 15.12.2022 11:06

In summary: Be afraid, be very afraid!....roll the music.....the end.

@atmoo3447 - 15.12.2022 13:20

The West should never of been doing business with a Communist dictatorship or any other dictators

@truthalwayswinsonewayorano9518 - 15.12.2022 15:22

It never was unimaginable, ever.

@jamesforresternewone4423 - 15.12.2022 15:56

The real threats in our own backyard

@stellartrent1775 - 15.12.2022 17:24

Wumao in the chat just ignore them.

@junaji - 15.12.2022 18:09

anyone knows the background music to the introduction?

@davidwilkie9551 - 15.12.2022 18:58

No comment.

@frederickmiles327 - 15.12.2022 22:32

The take from this tour of the horizon and retired Australian PM strategic advisors, Dibb and Hugh White is the ADF re equipment and reorganisation over the last 35 years was not on a scale and capability relevant to the current and potential threat and assumptions of a safe 15-20 years warning of a direct military threat build up to Australian security no longer apply and represented a inaccurate left wing disarmament assessment even then. The assessment at ANU then and now that the USSR/ Russia had neither the capability or intent to directly threaten Australia in 1950, 1962, 1968 or 1983 is incorrect. All USN,RN and RAN and probably RAAF communications were broken in real time 1968-1985 by the Walker spy ring as confirmed Lehman US navy Sec 81-87, CIA Sunick Dep 2000-7 and Georgia Tech analysis which showed that the USSR had recreated and reverse engineered USN encypters by mid 1968. And the Soviet advantage gained by communication intercepts led directly to the expansion of the Soviet Navy from 1970 and the pattern of global exercising from Op Okean was intended to provide cover for naval and sub movements into position for simultaneous conventional, tactical and nuclear strikes on major USN global platforms SSBN, SSN, ICBM and CVN and CV . The statements by eg Paul Dibb of known US intercept and satellite cover of Vladivostok Soviet naval command does not confirm or indicate that the US had the ability to monitor Soviet Portibulo or staff discussion in say 1980-1987 and the lack of US knowledge of the degree of Soviet Navy plans and capability or intercept achievements <1985 is too > too be tactical non disclosure. The Australian ANU assumption of a general common modern ideology ith post 1956 USSR/Russia or post 1980 China was not only incompetent analysis by ANU strategic advisors but indicated strong anti Americanism and idealogical consistency with Wellington rather than Washington DC or Santa Monica in the Canberra political class

@marcopaganotto9125 - 16.12.2022 00:59

If peace and stability is the objective then WTF did America and the UK refuse to listen to Russia's concerns?
Because this war is exactly what they wanted to happen.
Should be pretty obvious by now...

@joebullwinkle5099 - 16.12.2022 03:25

Mmmmm, can’t say I’m thrilled with what I heard in this interview. Is Australia really prepared for China’s ever increasing territorial and political aggression. Australians appear to be so oblivious and naive to the reality of what the Xi Jinping has in store for Australia and every other nation in the Pacific. Perhaps a decade or two of paying tribute to China would help to clarify what their role in China’s plans are!

@ahmetakgun5358 - 16.12.2022 03:32

Afghanistan has been taken over by islamist terrorists and this guy is saying he and his motley crew were successful in afghanistan...

@PhiloSurfer - 16.12.2022 04:07

Major conflict with China may be forthcoming because Australia is war-mongering on behalf of the US, and the lies told by the Australian press. And the fairy tales spun by ASPI (America Sponsored Propaganda Institute) on genocide, forced labour and concentration camps based on the lies by one Adrian Zenz.

@JoelTheGamer - 16.12.2022 14:38

Get rid of the corny music

@Ssm19494 - 16.12.2022 14:46

Australia has spies? What does he dress up like a kangaroo and infiltrate the outback 😂😂😂 🦘

@stoneout6467 - 17.12.2022 12:28

These guys are disgusting, including Lyons promoting ASIS, they should come clean on their dirts what they did on behalf of CIA on 911 in Chile. I am afraid one day australia will get its own 911, now that US had one.

@julianfoster3581 - 17.12.2022 14:59

ASIS was useless in 1975 when foreign powers decided Australia’s government. This raises the question: whose purpose does it really serve?

@beverlyhills7883 - 17.12.2022 17:59

Australia has fought countless wars in other countries where it was not our business to be there. From the Maori Wars, the Boer War, WW1, the incursion into Russia 1919 - 1921, WW2....I could go on. Most of these wars were not our wars. So WTF are we getting into a territorial fight between two equally corrupt countries along the Ukrainian border?

@andrewmantle7674 - 18.12.2022 13:54

Where were the questions.
How are we supposed to put these rambling statements into context.
What can we take out of this.

1. Expect a greater US militarisation in the top end of Australia.
2. Expect greater surveillance of the general public.
3. Expect the level of Propaganda in mainstream media to increase exponentially.
4. Prepare for the demonisation of world leaders that are not prepared to surrender their nations over to Western Capital Investment and ownership of resources.
5. Accept that these leaders will be removed from power either through covert or military action.
6. If you’re an employee of our organisation and you have an ethical dilemma with anything we do, come and talk to us. Don’t become the next Edward Snowden.
7. We are an equal opportunity employer and accept people of any race, religion or how you identify sexually. It’s not just lip service.
8. Democracy is dead, but what we have is still pretty good, it could be a lot worse so just accept what’s coming.
9. Even though we’re a Vassal State I’m still a glass half full type of guy but boy am I glad I’m getting out of this.

I hope I’ve taken all of what was said in context and have not been confused in the purpose of the message being delivered here.

@BuntingClipClop - 19.12.2022 13:04

Interesting, but could've done without the spy music gnawing away at my ear in the background. Just let the man speak!

@dickiesdocos - 19.12.2022 23:15

Dr Strangelove for the 21st century. Yippee!

@doctor3264 - 19.12.2022 23:38

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq... Lies

@kenambo - 20.12.2022 02:15

Seriously, declassifying, public awareness, propaganda is the vital tool of regimented we are not immune.
I have not heard anything in public forums that remotely reflect the incredibly complex situation in Ukraine.
In fact most of what I hear is regurgitated pap by uninformed journalists. All wars are nuanced and in this instance it can only be resolved by intelligent and balanced negotiation.
Anything less is unthinkable and not just for Ukraine but specifically Europe and more broadly all of us.

@fmalexander5555 - 21.12.2022 16:27

Hey John, Do you work for the Jesutis ? All inteligencie agencies work together at the top. Wars are created to kill innocent people.

@Helloworldwrjfjrjrj - 23.12.2022 10:36

Spot on. We funded or USA allowed CCP into world trade Organisation. . That’s the root cause. In 1949 at Bletchley park senior employees said Russia is not the problem China is. It’s taken nearly
100 years to wake up. I should know

@buravan1512 - 23.12.2022 17:17

RUSSIA and CHINA are not a THREAT for AUSTRALIA 🦘... please stop playing this group thinking game.

@harryk8696 - 24.12.2022 04:04

so hypocritical to say australia will act in our own best interests re china right after skipping over the 20 year afghanistan war we should’ve backed out of 😂🤡

@samueljcarlson - 26.12.2022 23:29

Is the raw interview available without all this sensational music and effects? It does a great disservice to the information being presented.

@richardsimms251 - 27.12.2022 22:42

This could be an interesting talk but the music is very distracting

@STROONZONY - 28.12.2022 02:14

Most people in Australia have heads in sand and if we are attacked, they will be shocked.

@questioneryusef8264 - 28.12.2022 07:34

If you want Australians to be ready be prepared to legalize the games of paintball. Training with paintball guns. But do not emulate with US Second Amendment. Bad during economic downturn if legalize real guns. Humans are no angels they are demi-gods capable of hurting each other and themselves.

@RandomTutorials2012 - 29.12.2022 10:35

This is a long way to say that: “shit is about to go down, and we need to make sure that people don’t freak out when it does.”

@bdebs6796 - 30.12.2022 03:35

You have the opportunity to interview the "Top Spy Chief" with access to information and knowledge that no one else has, that plays a huge role in the life we are living and will live, and you ask about diversity. A poor selection of questions for someone that could give us insight from behind closed doors. Luckily now we know behind those close doors, there are women and people of different ages. 🤯

@Willchannel90 - 30.12.2022 07:53

Communists are smart octopus and Fox.

@tthex6484 - 30.12.2022 22:45

The western domination of the world is coming to an end, all these fake 'intelligebt' organizations used to suppression the non-white part of the world can no longer deliver colonial domination

@medicuswashington9870 - 31.12.2022 09:28

Will China allow Russia to lose?

@realisticrealist3267 - 04.01.2023 07:17

Don't call something an invasion when you use to call the same (or even a covert exploitation of far away countries) a mission as soon as your own gov or allies do it 😂🧐

@kevinmaccallum336 - 05.01.2023 19:32

Morale is essential. Will power??? The power of imagination is more reliable and productive. The 'winning hand.'

Will power needs an enemy to overcome before it reaches its goal. It tries to be tough and, like most tough guys, it becomes a 'cream puff' when the going gets rocky. There is a gentler, easy way - imagination.

Imagination seizes directly on the goal; it gets what it needs.

"When the will and the imagination are in conflict, it is always the imagination that wins." -
Emily Coue.

@kevinmaccallum336 - 05.01.2023 19:39


is a matter of mental habit.

You can learn to practice the habit of optimism and thereby greatly enhance your chances of achieving your goals in life.

Optimism is one of the most important traits of a pleasing personality. There is no substitute for a pleasing personality.

It results largely from other traits:

- a good sense of humour
- hopefulness
- the ability to overcome fear (self belief)
- contentment
- a positive mental attitude
- flexibility
- enthusiasm
- faith in yourself, in other people.
- decisiveness.

Spend a few minutes every day enumerating the pleasant events that will happen tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. By thinking of them, you find yourself laying plans to make them happen.



Like attracts like in human relations, no matter what the rule maybe in the physical world. An optimist tends to congregate with optimists, just as success attracts success.

Optimism is, in itself, a kind of success, for it means you have a healthy, peaceful and contented mind.

Optimism is a firm belief you can make things come out right by thinking ahead and deciding a course of action based on sound judgement.

Possess the spiritual strength to seek victory in any of the set backs we all encounter from time to time.

Learn to meet the future head on. Analyse it. Weigh the factors with clear judgement. Then decide upon your course of action to make your goals turn out the way you desire them...

@kevinmaccallum336 - 05.01.2023 19:45

Our words have power…

Imagine you are standing in your kitchen holding a lemon that you have just taken from the refrigerator. It feels cold in your hand. Look at the outside of it, its yellow skin. It is a waxy yellow, and the skin comes to small green points at the two ends. Squeeze it a little and feel its firmness and its weight.

Now raise the lemon to your nose and smell it. Nothing smells quite like a lemon does it? Now cut the lemon in half and smell it. The odour is stronger. Now bite deeply into the lemon and let the juice swirl around in your mouth. Nothing tastes like a lemon either, does it?

At this point, if you have used your imagination well, your mouth will be watering.

Consider the implications of this.

Words, mere words, affected your salivary glands. The words did not even reflect reality, but something you imagined. When you read those words about the lemon you were telling your brain you had a lemon, though you did not mean it. Your brain took it seriously and said to your salivary glands, “I’am biting a lemon. Hurry wash it away.” The glands obeyed.

Most of us think the words we use reflect meanings and that what they mean can be good or bad, true or false, powerful or weak. True, but that is only half of it.


The brain is no subtle interpreter of our intentions - it receives information and stores it, and is in charge of our bodies.

@kevinmaccallum336 - 05.01.2023 20:18

Ethics... If a man or woman is right, his or her world will be right.

A keen sense of justice and fairness... Without a keen sense of fairness and justice, no leader can command and retain the respect of his or her followers.

@kevinmaccallum336 - 05.01.2023 20:25

Egotism and vanity are another major reason why people fail. These qualities serve as red lights which warn others to keep away. They are fatal to success.

@kevinmaccallum336 - 05.01.2023 20:33

An open mind is a free mind.

If you close your mind to new ideas, concepts and people, you are locking the door that imprisons your own mentality.

Intolerance severs opportunities and lines of communication.

An open mind frees you from intolerance and allows your imagination freedom and to develop vision. Our imagination is a beautiful faculty of the mind. 🌟

A closed mind is a static personality.

With an open mind you can grasp opportunities when they arrive, AS THEY ALWAYS DO.

An open mind requires faith in yourself, other people, and a free and democratic Australia. Even a Higher Power. It lays down a pattern of progress for all of us.


An open mind is developed by listening attentively and thoughtfully to others, allowing stimulating influences to overcome a withering human mentality.

@kevinmaccallum336 - 05.01.2023 20:40


We all want to be liked, we all need friendships.

More than that, we know unless we can win the close, friendly cooperation of others, it will be difficult to achieve success in life. The number one trait of a pleasing personality is flexibility.

Flexibility means the ability to bend mentally and physically, to adapt to any circumstance or environment while maintaining self control and composure.

Flexibility can best be described as the ability to survey and assess a given situation swiftly and respond to it on the basis of logic and reason with a minimum of emotion.

This allows you to take prompt action in seizing opportunity or solving problems. You become decisive.

You develop a sense of humour and humility.

Flexibility softens hard times we all have to face in our lives and adds to our happiness during the good times.

It helps us to be grateful and make beneficial use of every experience in life, whether pleasant or unpleasant.

@mickeydsouli8377 - 28.01.2023 18:20

haha Australian secret service, that's as funny as Australian armed forces, Australia is 100% reliant on the paper printing countries, all are about to become pages in history, the future is Russia, china and the eastern collaboration.

@shanehudson5438 - 16.02.2023 11:17

If i was spy chief our enemy would be shaking in there boots

@24Ayiolaf - 20.02.2023 01:20

I find it difficult believing this man I really do

@colinlee9678 - 21.02.2023 19:15

Another global war is truly very imminent due to the hegemonistic mentality of the US govt that is behaving as though it owns the whole world so that it can dictate to the whole world! Very dangerous mentality for any govt to have!

@truckiemitch8577 - 08.03.2023 15:27

Thank you for your service Paul. So much great information.

@sandponics - 08.08.2023 11:12

What about the fifth column?
