Color Grading YOUR Awesome Footage! | Step-by-Step FCP Color Grading Tutorial

Color Grading YOUR Awesome Footage! | Step-by-Step FCP Color Grading Tutorial

Dylan John - The FCP Don

3 месяца назад

21,254 Просмотров

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@infiveg - 28.11.2024 22:45

Вау! Просто вау!

@TheNerdGenReport - 29.11.2024 00:34

Dope this is going to help me a lot

@encristofimls7045 - 29.11.2024 01:20


@Philinusa - 29.11.2024 01:40

This is a brilliant tutorial. It takes about 7 minutes to show us how to color grade a clip. If you have a video with hundreds of clips, it will take forever to color-grade all of them! What kind of customer is ready to pay a fair price for this? None to advertise on social media. Anyway your channel is one of my favorites Dylan.

@recreotelevision - 29.11.2024 03:10

Why do you use the Global Color Wheel instead of Tempt and tint for White Balance and Skintones? Thnksss <3

@bialy_kot - 29.11.2024 04:17


@thefourthperspective - 29.11.2024 04:34

Great job as always dude!

@danielporterAZ - 29.11.2024 06:20

This is without a doubt, the best color grading tutorial available...anywhere.

@turbostunt321 - 29.11.2024 07:12

Can confirm Dylan’s course is well worth the coin!

@ThisisDigitalden - 29.11.2024 09:18

YEH YEH, we all know I’m a massive fan of your channel, color grading course and videos , this is another example of the great stuff you keep giving ! Thanks man

@naturifokus - 29.11.2024 10:22

This is great!!

@عمرعزوووز - 29.11.2024 14:42

I wish there was an explanation in Arabic that I'm really very interested in that

@JaddRyan - 29.11.2024 14:57

Great work. Only in my humble opinion the shot was turned a little too warm and dark ✌🏼

@yourlegacyfilmmaker - 29.11.2024 17:43

not sure if my FCP became stupid but sometimes I click a blue colour with the picker and oranges will show up in the sliders lol

@RealHenryGomez - 29.11.2024 20:38

I have a question: I use Color Finale and was wondering if your course covers it in detail. I'm really considering purchasing the course, but I want to ensure it will help me learn how to use Color Finale effectively.

@The9to5Dropouts - 29.11.2024 21:18

I've never had a video that SOLD me so quickly!!! This single video has helped my color grading SOOOOOO much and it's only 9 mins long. I bought the color grading course immedietely. Thanks man

@jrcardosotravel - 30.11.2024 03:16

Hi Dylan !!! How are you? AS you know I am a big fan of your work. I would like to suggest something that I hope will add great value to your tutorials as great as they are !! THE FOOTAGE !! The best way to learn is to use the same clips you use !!! So !! If you're using stock footage just tell us from which source you got them from : exemple: Envato Elements or Artlist !! the file names !! We can subscribe if we want to get them and it would be a great way to plug these sites if they sponsor you. If you use your own footage; You could just share with us or for a small fee we could download them .. The point is !!! Having the same clips you are using is paramount ... or is the best way to follow the tutorials !!! Thanks man

@TheFinalCutBro - 30.11.2024 20:12

The course is already underpriced with all the value you provide. With that discount? You’d have to be crazy to not get it!

@TonyVic - 30.11.2024 23:18

As always, this is a great video tutorial. As a member of your Colorgrade Masterclass, you always make the explanations easy to understand. Love it.

@onecurl - 01.12.2024 00:58

Just enrolled to the course. I'm quite busy right now but can't wait to start the course! Cheers, jo

@ACONNECTIONTV - 02.12.2024 03:43

Awesome video

@walidoow1 - 02.12.2024 12:14


@robertmendes4181 - 03.12.2024 01:02

Thank you Dylan for the tips and tricks !
Do you have a clip of color grading HDR content ? :) Would love to see that !

@hey_itschad - 05.12.2024 04:06

Wow, beautiful work man! Seriously professional. Dylan, you inspire me, man. I genuinely mean that. You are so talented, and wpay so much attention to detail with your color grading! I am in awe...

@Visuals_by_AJ - 07.12.2024 14:49

wow, this is great, well done, as an editor on fcp , I’ve always hated the complexity of divinchi resolve but felt it was necessary, now i feel confident to learn on fcp , also buying your course tonight.
@dylanjohndickerson does your course explain how to match shots when using different cameras ext?

@BassPlayerAvailable - 11.12.2024 02:58

You’ve finally become a Bee Gee 😂

@langeldonao - 13.12.2024 19:55

With this video alone you helped people learn enough to practice and get better over time thanks

@Binod_lopchan-y2z - 18.12.2024 08:34

I dont have that line in vector

@NaveenKumar-xj2hp - 23.12.2024 09:26

I truly appreciate the effort you’ve put into this course—it looks incredibly valuable. However, the $99 fee doesn’t account for purchasing power parity (PPP), making it unaffordable for those in countries like India. Adjusting prices based on geo-location could make it accessible to a wider audience. I plan to start saving in 2025 to buy it, but I hope you’ll consider this in the future!

@fatdaddymac - 27.12.2024 01:19

Excellent video Dylan, thanks

@RoamingDevi - 27.12.2024 19:30

what about hue vs Luma

@alkophoto - 28.12.2024 04:13

Nice video, thanks! The Color Finale does the same as the Final Cut, just using Final Cut tools in a different form. I'm looking forward to buying your course.

@Neazzy - 03.01.2025 03:26

That’s amazing man! Wow! Definitely subscribed and will be purchasing the course for sure 🤩

@ginoXcaron - 05.01.2025 04:44

Why I don't have the custom log effect?

@NeenjaProdux - 08.01.2025 16:18

So is color finale 2 outdated now? I was thinking of buying it but maybe it's not a good idea with fcp11?

@fpdrum - 11.01.2025 17:55

Great video, congratulation! one of the best ever, how do you rename "color wheels" at 3.28, my text line is blocked, can't change nothing, thanks

@vincentbaldwin5842 - 15.01.2025 06:50

If i buy the course, will it be mine forever or do i only have it for a certain time?

@himarossi - 18.01.2025 20:22

Why i dont have the magnetic mask tool? Might be because im on trial lol?

@EzraRetiefYT - 19.01.2025 23:27

no jome this saved me...will pay you big bucks one day thanks

@JakubARW - 22.01.2025 02:45

wow this is insane

@BridgettHBeauty - 25.01.2025 08:46

Hello, Does your course go over color grading without shooting in log? The goal is to eventually shoot in log, just not today... 😩

@matthewelkins1466 - 31.01.2025 04:24

This video just pissed me off honestly… Like Wtf?! How is it that I can watch 10 color grading videos and none of them mention like 4 things you said that are absolutely essential? I’m so frustrated!

This video was so god** good and helpful that it made me lament the literal hours I wasted watching and taking notes on other videos; videos that just jumbled everything together making the whole process convoluted and f******.

Thank you so much for this! Obviously my harsh tone and harsh words are entirely, yet admittedly counterintuitively, said with complete and utter gratitude. Thank you!

@farmeritsch147 - 02.02.2025 10:41

I bought your course in Sep 23 already and I still love it! Don't wanna miss it anymore! It helps me a lot when I started as a videographer (still a beginner) and it's like a perfect reference book whenever I need it. Just wanna say a big THANK YOU! Can't find any else who explains it better than you buddy! And I'm from Frankfurt Germany so english isn't my native language. Keep going and thanks again 🙏🏼
Greetings from Frankfurt ✌🏼😉

@trvlr002 - 09.02.2025 22:13

OK - I'm convinced - definitely buying the course. But in the meantime, I do have a couple of questions. (And thank you for always answering my questions - no matter how silly they may be).
1) Under project settings, should I be setting up my color space for the project as Wide Gamut - Rec.2020 if the majority of my footage was shot on iphone (Rec.2020)?
2) I have a lot of iphone footage (Rec.2020) so the color conform (set to automatic) converts it from HDR (HLG) to SDR. Is that ok or should I be manually changing the color conform settings?
3) When I apply the custom LUT, if this is iphone Rec.2020 footage, should the Input be Rec 2020 and the Output Rec 709?

Sorry for all the questions - and I promise I'm getting the course. I'm sure it's going to be well worth the price of admission compared to the amount of time I'm wasting sifting through endless 10 min videos on YT. Thanks again!!

@Smorozov96 - 13.02.2025 08:35

Hello! I've have an issue with color grading Slog3, maybe you can help me. I'm shooting in Slog3 Gamut3.Cine. And when in FCP I put ColorWheels above Custom Lut effect and colorgrade it, exported video looks darker (over contrasted) than it was on the timeline. And when I put ColorWheels below LUT layer - exported video looks fine. It feels like LUT layer adds its own contrast.. Have you got any ideas? Thank you

@Sy-db3li - 26.02.2025 17:12

Purchasing the course for sure! The best colour grading tutorial I have seen on final cut. By a mile!

@Treborray - 01.03.2025 09:21

thank you so much for this
