Michael Bordenaro

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@aquarian7 - 23.05.2024 17:27

I recently bought a grill for the sole purpose of having an alternative to fast food.

@Lux_Solari - 23.05.2024 21:21

10$ for a burger at five guys more like 20$

@shannonhoward5979 - 23.05.2024 22:26

You are the man. Tell the people what they don’t know.

@BarbHayes-zn7fi - 23.05.2024 23:40

When I go out shopping now or to drs an hour away, if I get hungry, instead of going to a restaurant, I pop in Costco for a hot dog and drink for $1.50! Not the healthiest, but it fills you up! Lol

@MarcGyverIt - 24.05.2024 06:33

The only good thing about fast food is that it's fast, tastes good and you don't have to tip.

@chadfield376 - 24.05.2024 06:42

I could not agree more with what you are saying. When it costs almost $40 at McDonalds for my family of 5 going through the drive thru, FF prices are no longer a bargain.

@ImGrippinNow - 25.05.2024 06:33

These restaurants are out of their minds. Insane prices for almost edible food. Easy way to kick that junk forever

@Westtxcowboy100 - 25.05.2024 18:53

Applebee's much better and they serve cheap alcohol ! 🤣🍺🍹🍸🥃

@ivicas.4042 - 25.05.2024 23:35

those are the same prices like here in Croatia where wage is 800-1000€

@welshhibby - 26.05.2024 14:04

Fast food isn’t actually food.

@AstonM6 - 26.05.2024 20:00

I work for a hospital and I can tell you they act like they have not one care about money. If any of us bring up a cost saving idea, we are immediately dismissed.
They pay for people to ride the clock, equipment goes missing all the time. No one has a clue about the inventory. Potentially dangerous situations that could result in a lawsuit, and/or bad publicity are ignored.

@MyTv- - 27.05.2024 21:24

It can actually be a good thing. Why pay the same for fast food as eating in a sit down restaurant.

@cousin3386 - 28.05.2024 04:08

Hundreds of dollars, you had to lay out what kind of insurance do you have? Usually it’s no co-pay if you’re on Medicaid or through the state or if you have regular insurance it’s $100 co-pay sometimes $50.
Hospitals lose money because of all the people who come in that they have to treat that do not have insurance, especially homeless and migrants.
And they’re also absolutely not getting paid the $20,000 you mentioned from the insurance company, what they get paid is a contracted rate for what they bill.

@cousin3386 - 28.05.2024 04:08

And the best way to get out of it or around the fast food prices is to look for every special and promotion and use the apps for rewards and loyalty programs, currently Wendy’s is the leader in prices offering the same chicken sandwich which is actually superior to McDonald’s currently here in New York City even for $1.99 and they do not charge absolutely a penny for any of the toppings if you want to add tomatoes and onions it already comes with lettuce.
This is just an example .

@lynnglidewell7367 - 28.05.2024 14:05

I'm fortunate that because I'm in my 70s now that my appetite has decreased and I don't eat as much as I did in younger days. However that being said the one main meal a day I do eat still cost about the same as two meals and a snack I use to eat daily. It's ridiculous.

@raymondlin8728 - 30.05.2024 04:13

Cant remember the last time we ate out together. A graduation, a funeral, a prom. Thats it

@zack6192 - 30.05.2024 06:03

I am single. Cost me around $50 every ten to twelve days if I go to a store. Most fast food places will charge around $15 per meal if you get fries and a drink. $10 for just the cheeseburger. I can see how this is a huge issue for families. $40 per night is too expensive to do every day. Churches Fried Chicken in my area has the best prices of the fast food places. $10 for a full combo meal. At least here in Houston near Johnson Space Center.

@jessekuchinski1172 - 31.05.2024 01:20

The most i ever made was 70k in 2018. I was doing great. I bought a beatiful home on the mississippi, paid bills on time, a harley, 2 trucks. It boggles my mind that 70k now is nothing anymore. You gotta make 6 figures to even be maybe getting by now fjb

@jimb.942 - 02.06.2024 04:06

Regarding hospitals going bankrupt you forgot the blaring obvious reason; non paying customers and illegal aliens!

@Italianstallion-v2f - 02.06.2024 06:58

Nurses are not paid well by any measure. There are always rumors of rich nurses but most are struggling. So when I hear you say people at hospitals are paid too much I hope you mean the CEO.

@bobscruggs8886 - 03.06.2024 01:27

When a jar of mayonnaise cost $ 8.00 things are bad !

@ridawiscowgirl - 03.06.2024 02:17

Oh just give me some crickets. 😢

@bjorn2fly - 03.06.2024 15:59

Maybe the reason is that the people that work there is getting an actual salary?

@bonniemartenez5294 - 04.06.2024 02:12

I just miss going out once in a while. Tired of cooking day after day. I freeze food so I am not cooking everyday. It is my Favorite thing to go out to dinner; haven’t gone out in months.

@7773moses - 04.06.2024 02:14

Hello Mike. Had the same intestinal issues. They said I had tiny ulcers. They’re so small they can’t be detected. They can heal up so don’t sweat it.

@paulcarlson4230 - 04.06.2024 04:28

Michael, Applebee's is not really better than McDonald's, maybe selection wise ues that's true, but don't go in the kitchen in Applebee's or look under the tables, McDonald's the ones I've been to are way cleaner, sounds funny but true check it out

@maryshank7825 - 05.06.2024 15:55

Fast food has destroyed Americans health. Beans and rice baby!!

@arnoldfrackenmeyer8157 - 06.06.2024 15:25

Just went to Chili's for a light lunch. I had a bowl of Chili and my wife had a very nice house salad. The chips and salsa were free with coupon. Soup, salad, and chips for $16. We each ate for $8 plus tip.

@ScottyDont1945 - 07.06.2024 13:08

Fast food has gotten so expensive and so low in quality ive lost weight, even uninstalled uber eats and other food delivery apps because i dont use them enough to even justify the space it takes on my phone

@simonhodgetts6530 - 07.06.2024 22:36

The problem with fast food is that it’s basically crap, tastes horrible, and is poor value. And yet, in the UK you can actually buy fast food on credit……..

@miltonmatthews2138 - 09.06.2024 22:14

It's not just prices out of control but that they downsize the product too. BK has downsized their burgers to a ridiculous level. Whopper Jr looks like a biscuit.

@bryantfloyd7471 - 10.06.2024 08:46

At my local Walmart you can get a 2 foot sub sandwich made from the deli for $48, but Subway witch is inside my local Walmart also will sell 3 foot longs for $24. This is no joke. I thought Walmart was suppose to be the cheaper than everyone else?

@bryantfloyd7471 - 10.06.2024 08:47

I can remember going to McDonald's and buy a cheese burger for $0.89, small french fries for $0.75, and an apple pie for $0.50. Now it's $5 for a cheese burger and $6 for an apple pie in my area.

@LeonardBreau - 12.06.2024 01:43

I’m not saying this guy isn’t correct about the current state of affairs But he’s got to be the biggest doomsday prophet on the internet right now.

@lorihamlin3604 - 12.06.2024 18:28

If our salaries aren’t keeping up increases then something’s got to go and eating out is back to special occasions, not weeknight fast food. Before you whip out that CC think….

@markburnham7512 - 12.06.2024 19:35

Big chain restaurants have economies of scale but they also have bloated corporate infrastructures. Too many millionaires to sustain. I have found many excellent local restaurants that are way cheaper and better than the big chains.

@fourtycents - 18.06.2024 21:32

Nah playa you got $10 Tuesday 8pc bucket and $5 meal deals all over! No tips needed👍 you gotta be one of those none tippers 😂goooooo🇺🇸. Keep dragging your own down the drain

@seanharley6432 - 18.06.2024 23:44

I don’t believe that it’s the hospital employees that are making too much money; it’s the hospital executives that make as much as 30 full time nurses. I think we need to clean out the private equity firms that own the hospitals along with their overpriced executives! That right there would provide better health care at lower cost.

@jpower2010 - 19.06.2024 19:11

Very interesting statements about the hospitals you made. Very unsettling!

One thing that really upsets me is all this negativity about socialism and communism. I feel we need an ACTUAL socialist government which is run by the people to take care of these issues. Its ridiculous for people, like Americans to have to pay so much money for hospital bills! Im canadian so i dont see these costs... Yet!

In a true socialist or communist society the government is not supposed to own anyhing! Their role is to simply manage the resources and products that the people produce. The government is supposed to distribute these things where theyre needed! Not steal everything from the people and profit from it. People shouldnt confuse places like Russia, China, etc. with communism. These are NOT communist governments they are and historically were dictatorships! I would argue that in the West it isnt much different. There are massive corporations who own politicians and they get politicians to do whatever they want. How is this any different?? People in the West think the system is better bc they can own their house? I would argue that we dont really own anything and our assets can be taken away by government anytime they want. The pandemic has shown us that the legal system sure as hell is t going to hold anyone accountable who has power.

Idk... I think people really need to wake up and make massive reforms to the political system. We need people who represent PEOPLE to be in power, not these corporate lap dogs.

@paulleavitt9550 - 24.06.2024 03:17

I cook basically everything that I eat now. I just keep it really simple . Put meat in the pan and cook it. It will be delicious. Use the oven. It can be so simple. Sooo much less money. And sooo much healthier because of it.

@sergiotrucker3011 - 27.06.2024 10:47

the other day i stoped at mcdonalds and theyre double q meal was like $15 and casheier said that owner plans to raise price in next month, i asked whats the reason? and she said that meat is more expensive do to transportation costs and i told her that im owner operator and freight rates are so down that lots of trucking companies going bankropt. mcdonalds just wants to kiip its shareholders happy like everything else. middle class going extinct and rich is getting richer.

@jimkeskey - 30.06.2024 09:59

I went to Popeye's on Wednesday and we were literally the ONLY people eating there. Today, we went to Kentucky Fried Chicken, and again, we were the only people eating there. Both drive-thrus had some guests, but not as much as they normally would. Prices have FINALLY gotten too high on fast food.

@CruceEntertainment - 02.07.2024 17:08

95% of what you are paying to eat at a restaurant is paying PEOPLE…..5% is for the food. Think about that. If you want to go help PEOPLE and you have the money to go help PEOPLE, then go eat out. Otherwise cook your meal at home and save money, so that one day you can go out and help people.

@CruceEntertainment - 02.07.2024 17:49

It’s called a bubble burst. When I worked at a manufacturing corporation years ago, one of the wise old guys in operations told me “the cure to high prices is high prices”. He was and is still right.

@flamaest - 15.07.2024 09:23

The cheesy rice and bean burrito at Taco Bell is well over $2 now in California.

@luna_soleil - 23.07.2024 22:07

Took my dog to the vet for a routine check up - got charged for "medical waste disposal" - all he did was get blood drawn. What on earth??? That's like if I go to Burger King and they charge me an extra dollar because they need to buy trash bags. How does that make sense

@powell4661 - 18.08.2024 19:31

Yes, before the pandemic, fast food was cheap. Post pandemic the world has suffered.

@backpain4ever505 - 24.08.2024 17:20

Sad to hear you say hospital workers are being paid too much. Nurses barely make more than a fast food worker in CA.

@adamd9166 - 13.10.2024 15:14

Lol this is something I concluded a while ago. If I'm going to be paying $ 30-50 for food at McDonald's, I may as well just go to a casual sit-down restaurant.
