Does video gaming ruin people's lives? | Antonius van Rooij | TEDxGhent

Does video gaming ruin people's lives? | Antonius van Rooij | TEDxGhent

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Sammy LPT
Sammy LPT - 27.08.2023 13:07

I think they are partly responsible for ruining a real life. I like to play video games because as in most games they are relatively easy to pick up, the learning curve is intense and within 30 hours you can be very good at something you initially sucked at in the beginning.

Life, is not like that. Many skills in life require many months at the very least to master and some skills can take years. Case in point, if I wish to become a helicopter pilot I need to train for years and spend a lot of money. Whereas if i invest 100 hours into a helicopter simulator game, I’m now pretty good.

For me, video games offer an instant reward and I can feel validated. Life, offers slow rewards and seeking validation requires far too much time and effort. It’s the reason I fail in life more. Video games have moulded gamers to seek immediate reward which unfortunately does not transfer to real life.

Not to mention as well that video games often offer a unique view into our deepest imaginations. Where as life, real life, is boring in comparison. That said I’m still going to play video games even if I believe them to have a negative skew on my real life.

Kris - 19.04.2023 10:25


Toomuchfakeinthisworld - 03.04.2023 08:46

Bro my husband is addicted to gaming… it’s ruining us

The Bicycle Man
The Bicycle Man - 05.03.2023 21:23

Gifting your child with a videogame should literally be the equivalent of buying them their first crack pipe. Parents play a huge role in enabling their children on destructive ways, that's where the real problem is, a parent that buys their kids a video game should go to prison for creating a life then destroying it.

Dave - 16.02.2023 22:04

Kudos to the editor and putting the broa make on screen

Paulo - 03.01.2023 05:22

If you are planning your days around gaming instead of planning gaming around your days, then that's without a doubt, an addiction.

Kim Broers
Kim Broers - 02.12.2022 23:22

Worst Ted talk I’ve watched

Renug - 06.09.2022 06:37

Using exception as an example shows what is the rule… most kids playing videogames all day are not being called to go to Korea. Most kids are using videogames as refuge from reality, so they dont have to deal with teenage life, which is a hard time in our lives. But we need to go through as we learn a lot in this period. They will have to go through life without social skills, wont have motivation to learn a instrument, read a book or learn a language. Meanwhile other kids might be out there riding bicycles, playing footy, building tree houses… as everything in life it need moderation. I would say they should allow video game as much time they do other things. Too much of anything is not a good sign.

Fourtay - 07.08.2022 02:55

Games are extremely dangerous. They slowly grind a promising life into dust. Specific people are more vulnerable than others. Low self esteem, ADHD, no role models, enabling environments. A life with a lack of structure. Missing parents.

Damon Miller
Damon Miller - 20.06.2022 19:18

You can tell you're definitely a gamer skinny dude that barely ate when you play video games it's pathetic what man is becoming little scrawny wimps with no muscle

RainbowSlinky5 - 27.05.2022 00:25

they don't. It can actually be a healthy past time/activity, and give people a more satisfying and enriching experience than any other artistic medium could hope to achieve. That does of course, totally depend on the quality of the video game that one chooses to play. you would know this if you weren't so closed minded and gave some of them a chance.

MixterPhysique - 09.05.2022 13:05

I really think video games is an excuse to escape a traumatized life, and to not handle real life problems. I did this at the age of 11-14. Gaming is like a drug, and you need to get to the stage where you find your real life too interesting to have time to play video games.

Valerie - 22.03.2022 03:24

We homeschool/unschool our kids, my oldest daughter plays video games for her school work she has her own yt channel and loves everything video games. She also reads, draws, helps with her younger siblings and plays outside everyday even though I dont force her to get off. When you have restrictions on things like TV or videogames kids cling to it because they get limited time with it and they want to play as much as possible because they only get some much time with it. My 11 yr old is proof that when you have no limits on screens, they arent so fanatical about it.

Saideep Ps
Saideep Ps - 19.02.2022 09:53

For me video games are like drugs , I can’t get over it even if I try

John Thomas JT McLaughlin
John Thomas JT McLaughlin - 14.02.2022 03:36

Answer me this question how long is to long I play 3-5 hours is that to much?

Nalters - 27.01.2022 10:22

It doesn’t have to but currently the answer is mostly yes

Niall Flynn
Niall Flynn - 19.01.2022 14:42

A Ted Talk that starts with "I knew a guy once" hmmm

Ankit Saudi
Ankit Saudi - 05.12.2021 16:08

How wow gave me life & then took it.

Unknown Human
Unknown Human - 18.10.2021 16:32

Gaming community like discord, more just ruin my life into social media and I feel guilty

siddhantx - 22.09.2021 19:38

imagine wasting your life playing a game

Farhan Rahman
Farhan Rahman - 30.08.2021 15:00


Brittiany Istre
Brittiany Istre - 19.08.2021 23:40

Any addiction, is bad.
Learn self discipline.

I am no longer addicted, the more I cared about myself the less I played games. Don't get me wrong I LOVE games still. But I know how to limit myself... Lol just like sugar😜

Xoce Ingo
Xoce Ingo - 09.08.2021 12:55

He delivered his talk in a way that everyone can understand no matter you have a degree or not and it was amazing. And his English is really good too!

Ihcv csd
Ihcv csd - 04.08.2021 08:02

Why is you b00mer

Jauza Alif
Jauza Alif - 14.07.2021 13:06

i play samp

Hilary Baird
Hilary Baird - 29.06.2021 00:10

I hate video games

train_go_boom2065 - 10.06.2021 03:23

Does video games ruin your life, short awnser no. Does addiction ruin life, short awenser yes

SKIPPERRR - 31.03.2021 00:06

That's what i say im addicted confirmed

KnowledgeLand - 28.03.2021 13:15

One of the major problems people run into when playing for extended amount of time is the reward.

Video games provide short term reward, whereas accomplishing a goal in the real world takes a very long time depending on the goal you set up. People whom fall to addiction don't think about their future, they want to have something right here and now, they don't have patience and willpower to pursue their goals for decades, if it takes them that much.

Land of Burger
Land of Burger - 11.03.2021 09:09

Screen time in apple’s setting helps a lot

Mohammad Kanaan
Mohammad Kanaan - 04.03.2021 11:10


Jostein SH
Jostein SH - 02.03.2021 22:00

The big difference between TV and radio as compared to video games, is that the they are not interactive and are therefore less taxing on the brain's reward circuitry.

Jostein SH
Jostein SH - 02.03.2021 21:59

Has anyone ever lost their job or their spouse because they just wanted to listen to radio? Probably not... On the other hand, I know several people that can't hold down a job, or have no motivation to get one, because of their gaming addiction. Excessive gaming is also increasingly cited as the cause of divorces.

Jostein SH
Jostein SH - 02.03.2021 21:49

Can someone tell me if there's ever been any radio addicts?

dj pac
dj pac - 08.02.2021 10:13

Does video games ruin people's lives ? No people ruin their own lives. Don't blame it on other things. Take ownership of your bad habits

Logman Tarig
Logman Tarig - 01.02.2021 19:16

I'm addicted to PUBG, and I'm trying to quit

DropD1 - 15.01.2021 23:30

F you düd, weirdchamp

Th1Con - 17.12.2020 13:23

I know only one thing for people who hate gaming.the only thing they want,is their child to be something very good (DOCTOR,BUSINESSMAN,etc) but they dont think that gaming makes them happy,dont tell your child to not play but tell him to control it.

devilgaming - 10.12.2020 11:48

I play 6 hours a day games like lol and cod modernwarfare and then 1 hours on anime and 2 hours on Netflix and then 1 hour on yt 6.5 gb data I use daily and 7 hours constant studies and now I cleared neet exam so everything is good if you are doing what you love in balance then its going to be a lovely life like my

Cup O Tea
Cup O Tea - 01.12.2020 13:12

Amazing speech!

Sherbersh Lemel
Sherbersh Lemel - 28.11.2020 05:21

i think a lot of smart people get lost in games because its kind of a continuous puzzle and constant brain stimulation which not so many activities in the real world can offer.

and for me gaming allows me to do things which are impossible in the real world or highly expensive/dangerous. i.e swordfighting, shooting, street racing, fantasy adventure, theres so much.

these are things i want to experience and only games allow me that, the real world is a disappointment sometimes.

GoldenBerry - 11.11.2020 16:12

not the games are the ones that ruin people's lives, but people themselves. It is your choice if you play a game for 1 or 2 hours, or if you do it for 8+ h a day. People like to blame others for their problems, but you are the one who is choosing in the end. It is just like the knife métaphore where you can use a knife to prepare a good meal or to murder someone. Is about your choice and how you use that tool, not about the tool.

bobo chan
bobo chan - 10.11.2020 05:48

What happen after i quit, i got married, got good stable job, able to take care of my ageing parent, going to the gym got ripped n buff, financially stable, honed my mechanical skills, etc.... go figure.

Eli K.
Eli K. - 30.10.2020 13:56

Yes, yes it does. My life ended on December 25th 1999, the date I unwrapped my green game boy colour with Pokémon Blue. That was the worst present I have ever received and would spark a lifelong gaming addiction. The speaker in this talk touched on a very key point in his presentation, in that parents taking games away until the weekend or until school work is finished doesn’t benefit the kid in the slightest; this tactic actually has an adverse effect and makes the kid crave games more!!!! This “tactic” was employed on me as a kid and by middle school my brain was absolutely fried. I wish more than anything that I never had a single gaming console in my adolescence...had that have happened my dream of becoming a professional football player might have came into fruition but I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.

Cr4me - 05.10.2020 20:56

CSGO made me aggressiv.Very aggressiv

Gantzuka - 07.09.2020 17:17

I don't have an addiction. I just play game because real life is meaningless. And anything I do is just another false happiness, that someone else told me to do so they can be happy.

sss Ldrago
sss Ldrago - 06.09.2020 06:05

I was playing games like 4/5 hrs daily n m life was very stressful but now i have not played any game and i m going Jim m cycling n now m life is very happy
