The Vivziepop Angel Dust Hazbin Hotel Controversy Explained

The Vivziepop Angel Dust Hazbin Hotel Controversy Explained

Ayy Lmao

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@MxkoTsunxmi - 16.01.2024 17:31

Now I’m not sure if the person genuinely has a non-Con/ R4p3 fetish but if they Do, I understand why people are a little upset, the Episode leak is an entirely diff thing.

@NocturneJester - 16.01.2024 16:24

I don't see how it's shocking or "offensive" to have darker subjects or themes in a series that's made for adults and is centered around Hell and former humans turned demons who have to deal with their own traumas. Especially since we've known this is something that Angel has gone through since one of the two webcomics and the Addict music video and Valentino is clearly meant to be an antagonistic character.

@ChimpickyChimarnChimoul - 16.01.2024 16:12

The fact y’all support viv’s insane

@aessemr5169 - 16.01.2024 15:43

Yup twitter still being a cesspool of the biggest babies is not surprising. Wah wah wah people don’t understand they don’t have to watch the show if they hate it or are offended by it like boo hoo. Honestly just fuck off atp.

@rafcor6799 - 16.01.2024 14:54

Viv doesn't deserve that crap at all, like, she's a human, come on!
I am gay (despite the fact I don't like using tags lol) and I don't hate Angel at all, I see him as a funny character sometimes and I feel bad for him
I don't really see him as a stereotype because, despite there are people who think all gay people are, for example, like Angel, I know that's not true, yes, there are gay people like Angel, but there's also gay people who isn't, me for example
Because "gay" isn't a personality, it's just a sex preference

@lightyearpig12 - 16.01.2024 14:10

How many of these people follow someone even worse that Viv, like Dream or some kinda grifter?

@ChimeraLotietheBunny - 16.01.2024 14:05

This just hit the irony

@godzilla4082 - 16.01.2024 13:49

I’ve always just felt sorry for poor viv she’s just trying to make a funni adult cartoon and she just get shit on whatever she does

@aubreyh5545 - 16.01.2024 12:52

I love the stuff viv creates but she's just another James Charles collien Ballinger
Someone with a public platform that really shouldn't.

@BennyHyena - 16.01.2024 12:32

I guarantee a ton of these people would break very quickly if they were put through a FRACTION of the crap they like to put Viv through.

@carpetking69420 - 16.01.2024 12:07

I don’t agree with all the hate she’s getting

@Spinner-Star - 16.01.2024 11:41

Honestly don't blame her a bit, I'm an old salty bitch and I have never seen a fandom this relentlessly toxic. If people don't stop were going to lose the entire thing, all that talent and all that art because no one will be able to survive being associated with the bullshit.

@AuroraClarx - 16.01.2024 08:46

Soooo.... it's just people going Wah Wah Wah?

@alatuslenhares - 16.01.2024 08:25

I think one thing that bothers me about this is that people are acting like non-con is a normal reaction, when it’s not it’s a trauma response which should get helped in therapy. Fetishizing a serious assault isn’t a good thing. That being said, it’s exactly what happens to some victims and a lot more than people think. And THATS what is being portrayed that no one is perfect and it’s what happens a lot. If they can’t handle reality they need to grow up. However if they endorse actual non-con instead of fantasy about it, I find it wrong.

@biobennie-kk9hu - 16.01.2024 07:55

I feel like viv and dream would have a lot in common when it comes to Twitter they would just be in controversy for littering nothing they did wrong

@Sarlasmancranmaji - 16.01.2024 07:37

I swear to God, every time I hear about Vizvie it is either her messing up gigantically, or something crazy happening to her. It's NEVER something good. And then the regularity of it.

@Lily-yk6dz - 16.01.2024 07:20

when she gave alastor voodoo magic it was wrong since its a closed religion but thats a simple fix that deserves a genuine apology other than that shr hasn't really done anything and i hate to see her get so much goddamn hate i hope she leaves Twitter and moves to insta for her mental health

@shydog7276 - 16.01.2024 06:13

Well, you know you've made it when you have an entire sub community with a raging hate boner for you lol. Viv should just stay off social media and stop feeding the trolls. She's doing fine, haters just gonna hate.

@Prittykitty42099 - 16.01.2024 05:27

People are mad they’ll never be successful with their shitty shows is all.

@TheJokerImpressionist - 16.01.2024 05:07

Ahhh more drama. sips tea

@professorpengu502 - 16.01.2024 05:05

You mean a villain gasp does something villainous clearly we sh9uld harass the creator

@Roodles03 - 16.01.2024 05:00

Im a SA survivor and I refuse to look at any sort of leaked content, so I refuse to form an opinion on whether the scene was handled good or not until I can watch the full scene, and by extension, the episode itself. I want to approach this scene without jumping to any conclusions, and I will form my final opinion once I see it. Because, beileve me, if it's bad, I will have things to say as an SA survivor myself. I completely understand that other SA survivors are extremely upset rn, and that's vaild, but for me, again, I want to see the enrire episode first before forming an opinion, especially since I refuse to look at leaked content for any series I watch or play.

@Sparkle8205 - 16.01.2024 03:58

Yeah twitter is a mess but ive also talked with friends of mine who are survivors of SA and its really a mixed bag. Obviously its awful esp with the shit viv has said and dug a deeper hole for herself, but I'm probably going to withhold my final judgement until the series is released. I've seen the first two episodes (definitely legally) and theyre mostly fine. There are some weird animation errors and perspective errors which were funny and some of the songs were alright. I still think Helluva has more quality control over Hazbin but we shall see what comes of it.

@hazchem2340 - 16.01.2024 03:39

What’s ironic is, these people do all this sick shit, and when vivzipop tells them to stop they say “sHe CaN’t TaKe CrItIsIsM”
People need to learn the difference between criticism and harassment

@captain2299 - 16.01.2024 03:13

Ppl fr find anything to get mad about, and will twist things and make it the worst possible thing.

She made angel and gave him a past, and wanted to show that. That's all.

Yes, she hired a bad person. But she hired them for thier skills, not everything else

@SlyHiro - 16.01.2024 03:11

I feel really bad for Viv and the team there getting all this hate for something that was leaked and of course people are making random assumptions about what they see instead of having the whole episode

@mirandazhang1359 - 16.01.2024 03:11

Tbh I’m not sure if this is defendable now.. maybe there’s context but for now I think this is overly insensitive

@user-dt1ow7ll7p - 16.01.2024 02:59

Nan mais.. sérieusement ? hé faut vous réveillez un peu là, c'est juste une série ! les personnage sont des démons a la base hein, vizzie fais un travaille géniale, et je le sais je la suis depuis très très trèèèès longtemps, elle sort enfin sa saison sur hazbin hôtel et juste pour un truc a la con vous crachez dessus ?! autant remettre en question tout est n'importe quoi alors
Pour moi vôtre travaille et parfait et resteras ainsi.

@theotterside3871 - 16.01.2024 02:51

Honestly, I feel like the only way for this and any controversy for that matter is to shut down X. Of course, this won’t solve every problem as there are other big platforms to cause problems on, but maybe I’m just salty that Pokemon TV is being shut down this March for no reason.

@prismstar438 - 16.01.2024 02:30

I seriously have to wonder if she's even mentally okay from all of these.

@ambregille549 - 16.01.2024 02:21

The whole point is that every famn character is flawed as funk. That's why there's in hell. And there's diversity in the main cast just like there is diversity irl, the effing point is that no matter thoses traits/defining things about you, you can be "good" or "bad".

In this case, Angel Dust has been made a complete caricature of himself, and he goes full into it as a way to cope and hide what he find shamefull in such an environment as hell, which is how traumatized and fucked up he is from the SA.

Everyone will react differently to things, but I genuinely believe that leaning hard into the role others have assigned to you is one way some people will react to horrible events where they were abused, in SA or other abusive situations. Because that turns out to be the only control they have over their lives anymore since the other abusive person is controlling everything and they cannot flee, hide, or fight. All the person can do is pretend.
(This I've lived myself, that is why I think that.)

@Loki-bv7cx - 16.01.2024 02:10

This might sound rough but vivziepop, the most professional and healthy thing you can do is delete your social media. Trust me, the hate will calm down darastically after that. NEVER speak your mind, especially on social media like Twitter, I know it’s hard but please refrain from typing anything.

@danteitzu - 16.01.2024 01:54

Hazbin/helluva channels can make a living purely off of videos from how many dramas there are

@notsopopular5641 - 16.01.2024 01:24

I honestly can't even with yall idiots anymore..

It's like if you hate what she's doing so badly...

@THEDAMNRATMAN - 16.01.2024 01:21

The day twitter gets shut down is the day genuine world peace happens.

@savarinchan4082 - 16.01.2024 00:47

People when something 18+ is in fact 18+ and not meant for people who can't tell the diffrence between reality and fiction: 😨😨😨😨

@dndgeek4112 - 16.01.2024 00:35

Viv went from no talent, to overrated, to terrible, all the way to fascistic within a very short amount of time.

@missunknown3755 - 16.01.2024 00:32

Angels character was supposed to be like that from the start wtf do they expect? Yeah you can skip it but like wtf else is supposed to happen? His character won’t adapt in the future of the community and people need to leave her alone she’s giving them what they want…

@raptorneon4919 - 16.01.2024 00:18

As an SA victim I genuinely am okay with what is shown, I find it good as it shows some of the stuff us SA victims go through, hence why my fav character is angel

@myheroacademia1888 - 16.01.2024 00:17

I love angel dust

@societys_reject - 16.01.2024 00:15

im not exactly sure why people are angry/surprised at val r'ing angel? (that didnt sound right hold on) as a man and an s'a survivor (i was a kid) people saw the addict video. we know that val is a BAD MAN so why are people surprised when he acts like it? also i LOVE angel. people talking about selling their bodies but they never mention that men struggle with that too. not to mention isnt it based off of something that happened to viv? (dont quote me i could be wrong) honestly i dont understand why people cant just not watch a show? if you hate it, great! join the club! basement dwelling mouthbreathing talentless mindless keyboard warriors.

@xrayso - 16.01.2024 00:13


@synista493 - 16.01.2024 00:09

avarage twitter moment

@dumbly-stupid - 16.01.2024 00:05

I would like to add that raph2 said they weren't a SA survivor so idk why vivzie said they were

@alysongroves3063 - 15.01.2024 23:56

I really think that Viv should just like not be on twitter anymore legit people are gonna critique and bitch it’s how it is.

@lK-rw1mv - 15.01.2024 23:55

Can we just stop hating on something amazing!👏👏
All this hate is gonna end up getting Vizzie or Hazbin cancelled! 😭🥺

@diamundopetermiguel7483 - 15.01.2024 23:42

I hate Twitter there are only people who make drama and complain.

@zakerose5885 - 15.01.2024 23:35

I can't wait to see hazbin hotel when it comes out i'm so exited i love all viv's stuff and i can't wait to see my fave characters❤

@Local_user - 15.01.2024 23:28

Ugh, for some reason they are just annoying. The only thing I like about Viv is to not sell out to big companies, and give out to indie animators. Other than that, she sucks

@ufoluder - 15.01.2024 23:11

i don't like vivzie too but damn.. some people need to cut her some slack, she doesn't deserve this harrasment
