Kakashi Was The WORST Sensei in Naruto!

Kakashi Was The WORST Sensei in Naruto!

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@OffGridHacks - 07.12.2023 06:38

Im gonna play the optimism card here. I think Kakashi had a long term plan in regards to team seven, one he specifically planned on implementing after the chunin exams. I think he was essentially torture testing and feeling out the entire team while also working through his own issues. I believe he intended to be genuine teacher, but que the chunin exams, death of hiruzen, sasuke getting the curse mark, ect ect and you get the mess we all saw. Perhaps he himself acknowledged his failures and decided to hand his 2 remaining students off to teachers he viewed as being even more qualified than himself- Tsunade and Pervy sage. At the end of the day when you consider the ridiculously complex issues in regard to his team, i feel that Kakashi may simply have not been given the time to be the teacher he wanted. Example- Helping Naruto learn RasenShuriken.

@codyroberts8345 - 05.12.2023 19:04

Sasuke and rock lee did square up though. and you are right, lee rocked his shit.

@nvsg101 - 04.12.2023 09:36

Kakashi also taught Sasuke to abandon sakura.

@SenpaiPlayz - 04.12.2023 02:34

A little late to say this but I'm pretty sure Hiruzen said he assigned Kakashi to that team not because he thought kakashi would be a great sensei but because he thought that team 7 would be able to heal kakashi

@TheChamp04 - 03.12.2023 12:18

He taught chidori to sasuke, taught wind style rasen-shuriken to naruto

@purelydumb - 03.12.2023 12:12

orochimaru is pretty bad tbh

@adamevans9697 - 02.12.2023 20:48

Honestly substitution should be considered Gen and nin not just ninjustu

@darisking9022 - 30.11.2023 00:52

Kakashi was like a college art teacher who just gives you assignments with vague instructions and gets paid six figures to drink coffee.

@AdamRelayson - 28.11.2023 23:00

BTW if Lee had fought Sasuke instead of Gaara, Lee would have wiped the floor with him.

@AdamRelayson - 28.11.2023 22:59

All good points, but I think the Third Hokage is the winner here. He showed clear favoritism to Orochimaru, one of the most evil Ninja in Konoha history. Then when it came time to kill Orochimaru while he was still stronger, Hiruzen was too soft. Later, he chose to put Kakashi in charge of Genin, not for their sake, but for Kakashi's. Hiruzen's plan was for Kakashi to learn from the kids. And it worked, technically. But like you said, Kakashi was a terrible teacher and his choices led to Sasuke leaving and becoming evil. However, unlike Hiruzen, Kakashi did decide he would kill Sasuke. Unfortunately, it was debatable whether he even could at that point.

@matt-ui5bz - 28.11.2023 08:15

😂 100%

@connorjade5460 - 27.11.2023 21:03

Kakashi taught rasenshuriken to Naruto dude....

@falmer5639 - 27.11.2023 00:29

Idk if its canon but I distinctly remember Kakashi meeting some of the students he'd failed and they were ninja

@frankiejones7858 - 26.11.2023 10:30

Dam ig kakashi is worse than scum

@patrickeles8437 - 24.11.2023 00:14

Kakashi needed advice from batman😅, batman trained Damian to be a better robin than a wepone for the league of shadows

@amiablereaper - 22.11.2023 18:11

Note: I've actually heard ot get said that, in the land of waves, Kakashi actually already knew the water style technique zabusa used, and used a genjutsu to make him think that he just copied him on the spot to unnerve him. So there's evidence to suggest kakashi has actually used genjutsu

@ggEmolicious - 21.11.2023 04:15

People will overlook your shortcomings if you're hot, and Kakashi is hot. :3

@eliteotaku8988 - 18.11.2023 14:51

Besides basics he never taught sakura or naruto anything until shippuden which wasn't much either

@MEIAMDYLAN - 18.11.2023 01:25

Jiraiya wasn’t all that better to be honest. He had 2 1/2 years to train Naruto and Naruto really didn’t start progressing until further in. You mean to tell me that after 2 1/2 years Naruto still can’t form a rasengan one handedly?

His taijutsu was mid at best. He never expanded his arsenal throughout the series beyond the rasengan and shadow clone jutsu. His progression in the war arc is purely plot armor change my mind.

@lucassatchell8906 - 16.11.2023 06:14

I won’t stand for this slander of on of the coolest characters ever, which is why I’m sitting

@piadas804 - 16.11.2023 04:35

Rock Lee also did not come from a ninja family.

@snowjinxgal - 15.11.2023 19:22

Also Apparently before the chunin exams didn't Naruto get a tutor or is filler messing with me

@guldrev - 12.11.2023 17:50

You keep comparing team kakashi with team guy, but the biggest flaw was kakashi letting them join instead of waiting a year, you know like guy did.

@tobito2013 - 12.11.2023 07:49

Makes sense since his teacher is Minato. Minato who had 2 dead students and 1 traumatized and depressed alive student.😅

@randonroth1579 - 11.11.2023 04:17

It felt to me that kakashi obviously saw himself in Sasuke due to the traumatic events that are similar between and didnt want him to face it without guidance.

He was aware of the favor he had for Sasuke and because of that let Naruto be taught by, 1 a better teacher, and 2 someone who coukd themselves relate ro naruto.

Sakura however is harder to defend, but she was actually better off as a person and as a ninja than either naruto or Sasuke. Both of them were physically stronger and more adept in fights yes but sakura was leagues ahead of them in every other metric of a ninja, and most likely had Tsunade not come to the village, sakura would have followed the steps of kurenai. Sakura at that time was simply just a regular genin but with exceptional genin performance.

Naruto and Sasuke were potent enough be capable of chunin strength, but genin comprehension

@deleteduser121 - 11.11.2023 03:13

Kakashi was a piece of s*** and it's so weird that people can't see it. People just don't know how to watch these animes I just don't think there's mindlessly consume and not really understand the characters at all. Kakashi did not deserve to be hokage

@miabrv614 - 10.11.2023 20:48

Secretely marrying Guy 😭😭😭

@TheBobbyONeill - 10.11.2023 17:00

Tbf, when kakashi was teaching Sasuke the chidori, Sakura was already out of the chunin exams, so teaching sakura new jutsu wasn’t as urgent

@ivancabrera3289 - 10.11.2023 14:07

i didn't like kakashi when naruto first aired he seemed so uninterested in naruto the real reason why naruto was on team 7 is so saske could use his sharingan to control the nine tailed fox and sakura was there to fill in so it could be 3 teammates he even scolded hiraya for teaching naruto the technique that minato created when kakashi himself knew how to do it well at least later on he helped naruto to develop the rasenshuriken but like you said it was on shippuden

@assassincharizard - 10.11.2023 06:55

Sakura is the absolute definition of wasted potential. From her genius intelligence to her astonishing chackra control to her second soul that never felt like it got a proper pay off. What a waste of potential, both within the Canon of the universe and for the way her character was written and subsequently discarded in real life.

@juke9576 - 09.11.2023 03:08

Tenten had a decent shot against many kohnaha 12. She rocking ino, Sakura, choji…maybe more

@eredulop - 08.11.2023 00:42

Coming from the Ranking Sensei's video, I was actually puzzled on why you put Guy below Kakashi. And I'm still wondering why. E: And now that I finished the video I'm more puzzled on why Kakashi is even in the Ranking Sensei's video lol.

@Saintmadman - 07.11.2023 12:33

I love Kakashi and I agree :)

@Panda-24 - 07.11.2023 08:34

Now I see why Sakura is "weak" or "useless". Well...not useless.

@Djay-tz3in - 06.11.2023 08:28

Why does anyone say Kakashi was like a father figure and sleep on Iruka when he was more like a father.

@kodywebster941 - 05.11.2023 20:59

kakashi did use genjustsu on sakura in the bell test

@1fuzzydude - 05.11.2023 18:00

I have to disagree Konaha gives people many different sensei throughout each different parts of training. It’s the will of fire 🔥lol 😂😂😂. All that aside having multiple sensei actually teaches Naruto to confide with people. Something he was starting to get use to and so what if he did. The best thing a sensei can do is give them the best chance to learn and he knew he wasn’t going to teach them everything. Impossible as he didn’t learn everything from Minato as he did die before he matured.

@1slayer959 - 05.11.2023 05:35

What follows is a list of everything kakashi taught naruto:

This concludes the list

What follows is a list of everything he taught sakura:

This concludes the list

What follows is a list of everything he taught Sasuke:

@tylerhern3957 - 03.11.2023 19:57

The one time I can think of Kakashi using genjutsu is actually on Sakura during the Bell test. Somewhat ironic.

@MagiofAsura - 03.11.2023 00:35

Sasuke couldn't answer any questions either on the chunin exam, and Lee also didn't come from a family.

Just some details.

@RA-lh9uh - 03.11.2023 00:26

well gai had lee who is taijutsu like him. so they are close range fighters. neji was also close range fighter with byakugan which helped him in combat. and 1010 who became weapons specialist which gai also knows how to use to some level. they are all more or less hand to hand fighters but 1010 is better on long range. also gai knew what hard work means because he had to go through hard work all his life.
asuma was inteligent tactician and had shikamaru who could take his knowledge very easy. he had choji and ino who were much more clumsy but he managed somehow. ino still sucks.
kurenai.... not much to know about her. she did a good job i guess cuz even hinata became one of the best shinobi in konoha.
kakashi.... well he was emotionally fucked up. also had hardest team to work with. sasuke and naruto always in a fight between each other. sasuke full of rage and hathred for itachi. naruto out of focus.... and kakashi emotionally absent. dude was in ambu, the root, lost everyone, killed his teammate when he did not even want to, saw his father dead...and he was pure tallent. he did not work hard like gai. he did not know so much how to train i guess because he was so tallented plus he could copy everyone

@TheMadYetti - 02.11.2023 22:58

kakashi was given students so he could feel better, socialize, and watch Sasuke (because nobody else had sharingan).
was his task really teaching?

@alexiskoiva5919 - 02.11.2023 18:04

Kakashi placed sakura under gengutsu during the bell test.
And then tried it again on sakura and Naruto during their second bell test. Making it look like Sasuke was dying and in serious pain.

@isazisempi3896 - 31.10.2023 02:55

Kakshi was not a good sensei and jiriya and Gai were one of the best. thats obvious you didn't need a 30 minute to convince me of that.

@GreenMachineXXII - 31.10.2023 00:46

He was "bad' because of all the shit he literally just went through. He said himself he wasn't qualified and yet he was assigned a squad 🤷. Yall giving him to much hate for this

@chrisjoseph3883 - 26.10.2023 15:57

Sakura without Tsunade wouldve been ass
No medical ninjutsu
No summoning lady Katsuya
No 100 healings seal
No increased chakra boosted strength
Literally everything that makes her useful on the battle field….
She would probably jus marry some guy have kids and stopped being a ninja

@chrisjoseph3883 - 26.10.2023 15:55

Naruto without jiraiya would be ass…
No rasengan
No summoning toads
No sage mode (jiraiya doesn’t directly teach him but he does initiate the relationship with toads)
No walking on water
No development of nine tails chakra so no KCM mode or anything like that…
Naruto would’ve just been an unstable jinchuriki that probably would’ve gotten up to a version 2 cloak jus by the ninetails stepping in to protect him in life and death situations
And would’ve had the ability to use multi shadow clones from the scroll he stole.. and that’s it…
