Log Disk exhaustion and low disk space on VMware VCSA appliance Fix

Log Disk exhaustion and low disk space on VMware VCSA appliance Fix


3 года назад

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@Shannon-ul5re - 23.03.2023 09:06

very helpful thank you

@Darkk6969 - 01.12.2021 04:43

Make sure you take a snapshot of the appliance before deleting any log files. Once the space been reclaimed reboot the appliance. If it comes back up without issues you can remove the snapshot. Linux (vmware) is picky about missing log files and the services won't start. I too have the same issue of log files not being rotated properly in 7.0 Update 2d.

@YoungfolkKnits - 14.10.2021 20:36

Very helpful thanks for the video

@urielcortes1812 - 14.10.2021 18:31

WinSCP helped. I didn't know of that tool prior to this. Very helpful.

@adriansalas8478 - 30.06.2021 00:03

Thank you my friend, your video and blog were very useful as this the first time I've experienced this error on VCSA 7.0 U2. I was able to reclaim some space on the appliance log disk by removing old log files. I believe VMware will address this housekeeping issue in there next update.
