How Can a Prosecutor Prove Intent? | LawInfo

How Can a Prosecutor Prove Intent? | LawInfo

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@richardrossi673 - 14.01.2021 21:37


@straynovel - 06.03.2020 01:16

If the thief do not intent permanently keep the item then stole, but only keeps it for 10 years. How to category that intentions?

@straynovel - 06.03.2020 01:15

I don't understand why law needs prove of criminal intent over general intent in that theft case. If some steal other people's property, it is theft. Why intention of whether the thief intent to permanently keeps the property matters?!

@tajaicalip3825 - 26.08.2019 18:39

What happens when they don't prove criminal intent and charge innocent People with crimes anyway and unlawfully arrest them. They have been sued and the prejudice annoying ass Judge keeps holding the Lawsuits which causes and proves criminal intent to make a Person lose their case because the other side does not have probable cause or a defense. They should be forced to resigned. In my cases no criminal intent has ever been proving against me. I do not go out of my way to be around these extra drama People ever. They are not worth nothing that I am accomplishing. I do have proof of criminal intent against me by People who has still not been arrested for losing a home before me. Then trying to come back and start drama like I have anything to do with their miserable lives. They don't have proof yet. The DA has no reason to not prosecute and remove them immediately or be charged with criminal intent to cause damages and other negligence without probable cause and be charged with the criminals. No ifs, ands, or butts about the facts of criminal intent.

@garykoers - 14.10.2018 03:02

this does not explain HOW

@penelopewilliamselliott7353 - 12.02.2018 14:58


@greghammond7416 - 05.11.2017 01:37

Oh intent intent intent intent!

@mikeryan9142 - 03.03.2017 07:46


@TheCptnrsk - 02.03.2013 08:15

S. 54, or the Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act, introduced by Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy (D-VT), “would impose a 20-year prison term if you planned (“conspired”) to purchase a firearm in order to give or raffle it to a person who, unbeknownst to you, is a “prohibited person,” reports Gun Owners of America.

@TheCptnrsk - 02.03.2013 08:15

Intent has to be established, and it is understood. You wouldnt prosecute someone who never intended to commit an act that would lead to a crime. However, this new senate proposal throws this out the window by suggesting that someone that sells something, in this case, a gun, to someone who is a pot user, can be prosecuted. However, there is no tangible way that one can prove or even reasonable suspect that a person purchasing a gun at a gun show, who is a stranger, smoked pot.
