R Calculate Combinations & Permutations (Example) | combinat Package | permn, combn, length & ncol

R Calculate Combinations & Permutations (Example) | combinat Package | permn, combn, length & ncol

Statistics Globe

3 года назад

5,578 Просмотров

How to generate and count all possible permutations and combinations of the elements in a vector in the R programming language. More details: https://statisticsglobe.com/calculate-combinations-and-permutations-in-r
R code of this video:


permut <- permn(3) # Create list of permutations
permut # Print list of permutations

permut_count <- length(permn(3)) # Count permutations
permut_count # Print count of permutations

commbi <- combinat::combn(3, 2) # Create matrix of combinations
commbi # Print matrix of combinations

commbi_count <- ncol(combinat::combn(3, 2)) # Count combinations
commbi_count # Print count of combinations

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