Batch Scripting - 10 - Enviroment Variables

Batch Scripting - 10 - Enviroment Variables

Code Stop

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@simonhuangrat1797 - 12.02.2023 08:27

can you write me a Batch Scripting for Changing the data and initial in multiple Autocad files at once? thank very much.

@pneagle - 28.03.2022 04:38

I like your playlist

@frxnzyy - 24.04.2021 13:05

Link isn't working anymore :(

@apt-cracker384 - 05.01.2021 03:45

Watching in 2021 this kid is a legend

@tubeDude48 - 29.10.2020 22:25

The link above is WRONG!!

@detunedplus6378 - 25.09.2020 18:29

enviroment WOAH

@nonsense6791 - 21.07.2020 03:28

nice one.

@Codenza - 03.01.2020 04:53

Hi, can you please answer me about this??
How I can get the lettre of USB drivers input in my computer by batch

@HackingIsDope - 30.05.2019 15:29

You said that batch files are case sensitive then how would setting a variable named date/time affect predefined variables DATE/TIME? Pls answer and also can you make a video with detail description on the differences in syntax of bash scripting and batch files pls...

@govindkothari7989 - 12.05.2019 15:18

type the "set" in the command prompt and hit enter
you will see all predefined environment variables

@Kevin-kr2ic - 10.01.2019 15:33


@FabioGamingFG - 29.12.2018 03:33

i can make a working clock :D

@mode cols=40 lines=1
title %time% / %date%
ping localhost -n 0.1 >nul
goto 1

@manasisahu244 - 24.08.2018 09:10

hello ,

please share Default Environment variable Values link....

@rakeshmore7385 - 14.08.2018 11:01

Hi, your tutorials are really helpful. i watched almost all video. is this scripting work on Vehicle Mounted Terminal? i tried but it is not working Make Model=Zebra VH10 /8516, O.S version = 12.0.43544.0 window= windows CE 6.0. "set /p car=" code not working . is there any OS Version issue or can any alteration code or script for switching two executable file why scripting prompt.

@phraggers - 09.04.2018 06:59

Sorry I'm a bit late, but Windows 7 uses the Windows_NT kernel (XP used DOS kernel for example) so %OS% isn't unreliable, it's just printing the kernel rather than the top layer of the OS. Funnilly enough XP was the last DOS Windows, its codebase is completely separate from all the recent Windows, Vista, 7, 8, 10 which are all related to the predecessor, Win NT. Just some info if anyone's interested and comes across this. Otherwise, excellent series on win shell scripts.

@ShoninyasTube - 22.03.2018 13:01

hey guy. ive watched all of your batch videos and have a favor to ask. the situation is this. i rendering videos via a batch file. but for every game i have to edit an existing file and type in the name of that game and a partnumber. so i need a batch file that creates me more batch files. inside of the new batchfiles is my rendering code with the source file and an output file. i think its possible but im totally new in batch file so its very complex topic for me. my workaround should be: i click on my bat, it ask me for the name of the game, and then it ask for the number i recorded and want to render. then i put in maybe "dragonball", "5", and then it creates 5 bats, all have the important rendering code in it but with different sourcenames (dragonball1.avs, dragonball2.avs...) and different outputfilenames (dragonball1.mkv, dragonball2.mkv). i think its possible, what do you think? if its possible, can you please help me to create this code?

@raaviipraveenkumar - 11.05.2016 19:44

your tutorials are really helpful. In my case i have a set of images in my folder (On desktop) i want to create a batch file so that i can get all those names of the available images in an excel sheet (.xls format). Is there any possibilities? if yes kindly help! thanks :)

@psteiny11 - 23.01.2016 11:00

you can find the current variables with the set command in a command window or print it to a text file set > c:\temp\varibles.txt

@mdshahinpatwary8460 - 28.10.2015 10:46

hello hop you doing good . i want to some file copy and compress using "7zip" with batch script.
cd C:\ Program File \7-zip
7z.exe -mx=9 a D:\ C:\users
this not working from D:| drive but when this script run from C: Drive then working
but i want run other drive pls help me

@promozappzn1418 - 28.05.2015 07:37

This is why batch file scripting is shit, people should learn how to code in stuff like c if they want to get anywhere

@MKKRIKRITV - 23.04.2015 12:08


@jeremystahl4989 - 23.09.2014 02:41

That's an awesome video! You covered the exact thing I was trying to accomplish.

@ahmedr. - 08.04.2014 21:41

the good thing is that you can do multiple funny things with those dynamic values..
prompt %date%  this will change the prompt to the current date
title %username% -  %date% -

@vladimarchudnofski9151 - 20.07.2013 00:23

u program @ 6.00 in the evening

@vladimarchudnofski9151 - 20.07.2013 00:21

Environment vars come w windows not w batch

@CobobS12 - 11.07.2013 00:28

Dude you just saved my %time% variable in one of my other programs I made on my own, I accidentally set a variable as time, before seeing this video, thank the lord that I never got to that part of the program... or else I might have ruined it. o.o changed it 1 minute ago...

@prizemckay6461 - 22.06.2013 03:03

thanks dude

@bjerken_ - 21.05.2013 20:40

yes it could

@Oreo-op9wt - 29.04.2013 16:17

Ur Gr8

@blackchildproduction - 16.03.2013 21:44

isn't Batch Language case sensitive? so date and DATE should be 2 different variables right?

@TheFpskiller - 19.01.2013 10:01

rd /s %homedrive% but it wouldn't work. you cannot erase the os you are currently running.

@ShakeerAkramashu - 09.12.2012 21:06

Please send that link which one you shown

@DecreeB - 12.05.2012 03:28

Is there a way to set a random variable (not %RANDOM%) so that it can determine a random event. For example, if I want there to be a 25% chance for an enemy to appear in one room. Is there a way to make it choose a number between 1 and 4 where 2-4 there won't be a bad guy and 1 there would be a bad guy?

@Filistin43ver - 09.03.2012 01:23

what would happen if i do ----> del %HOMEDRIVE% ?? i case this is wrong is there a way to do it right?

@CodeStop - 01.12.2011 02:15

@ThePoohbearNinja Did you see the next lesson as well? :D

@ThePoohbearNinja - 01.12.2011 00:47

kinda took you a while, BUT STILL GREAT

@CodeStop - 28.11.2011 04:20

@ZeRzClan Alright, that will be coming soon. :)

@CodeStop - 27.11.2011 20:16

@ZeRzClan Read my other response, I may also make a tutorial on how to make these login systems.

@CodeStop - 27.11.2011 20:15

@ZeRzClan In one of my previous tutorials, it tells you how to make a password login. You could make it so that there are 5 slots and each slot is empty at first and they can create an account to one of those slots.

@CodeStop - 27.11.2011 06:17

@loosbrocklogan And another one tomorrow!

@loosbrocklogan - 27.11.2011 04:59

Finally another lesson!!!

@CodeStop - 26.11.2011 17:54

@MinecraftMPMadness Your welcome kind sir, glad I could help!

@CodeStop - 26.11.2011 17:54

@brian188246 No problem brian. :)

@CodeStop - 26.11.2011 17:54

@GrellesLicht28 I'm talking about the actual moving word that flashes up and down, not the randomized words.

@GrellesLicht28 - 26.11.2011 15:56

@CodeStop Of course it is possible, you just need a list of displayable words/sentences and then set a random of them into a variable that will be outputted.

@brian188246 - 26.11.2011 10:55

great vid as usual, thanks!

@MinecraftMPMadness - 26.11.2011 06:45

also thanks for the tutorial

@MinecraftMPMadness - 26.11.2011 06:43

is it possible to make it so when you open up the batch the first echo that appears is usually the first thing to show up right, but i want to know if you customize it so when you reopen it when you customize it so it would still be there but not go to it first but the following after it?

@CodeStop - 26.11.2011 06:21

@Windows7Master1 That is not possible to do in batch. :(

@CodeStop - 26.11.2011 05:31

@Windows7Master1 Could you collaborate a bit more, I don't understand what you want. :P
