Create a BUTTON DROPDOWN MENU in Figma (Tutorial)

Create a BUTTON DROPDOWN MENU in Figma (Tutorial)

Mavi Design

2 года назад

14,435 Просмотров

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@toanbui1256 - 27.10.2022 02:25

Thank you ❤ I want to it work with component and variant for this one. How I can do it? I try to do and use for many page like s system design but not work.

@motoangler1992 - 28.10.2022 19:49

Keep doing videos like this! Awesome.

@kaushik4038 - 30.10.2022 03:20

one confusion regarding drop down, To show drop down in a project /work, do I keep all these on the same page as the project, or I can keep these in different page and connect by link or prototype? The drop down I have in project, I have kept all these far away from work files with eye icon turned off🤔

@omurchu - 17.01.2023 19:15

Great approach but I would love to see how you would then prototype a navigational click from one of the menu button options, hard to do that with a hover state and a click action?

@handsoffmyskull - 13.02.2023 04:28

Im so lost. I dont get much results when it comes to sub menu. How to connect them

@Kyle119025 - 20.02.2023 00:18

Why can't I see the options for 'Hug', 'Fill', 'Fixed' under the Frame section in the Design tab?

@oZenakos - 20.04.2023 21:24

How would you go about adding a button hover state that then dissapears when you mouse enter the overlay? cheers for sharing

@patsingsandshares - 24.02.2024 18:47

Thank you! This was really helpful!

@posceve - 15.07.2024 17:51

The problem is not doing the dropdown, but when using it within a modal. It is then not possible to use swap overlays (clicking an item in the dropdown list) because the centre of the new modal will be that of the dropdown and not that of the modal itself. I hope I have explained myself

@mikiyastadesse9704 - 16.07.2024 09:29

bro this helped me a lot ,thank you and subscribed !!!
