Origins of so-called monotheistic religions
Why, everywhere in the world and at all times, do we believe in God, that He is at the origin of humanity, that life on earth is only a passage to prepare for access to Paradise, and that, to access it, one must follow its teachings?
Between one and two million years ago, in his evolution, our ancestor began to develop brain "tools" allowing him to gradually become aware of himself and his environment. Like all animal species, he must face a hostile environment to survive. But unlike these other species, he is increasingly aware of phenomena that are known today to be natural (death, drought, flood, famine, earthquake, thunderstorms, thunder, lightning, volcanic eruption, solar and lunar eclipse …). As explanations and to reduce his anguish about these phenomena, he begins to invent myths, and, over time, the religious impulse takes root in the biology of his brain.
Our ancestor begins to lend to these phenomena a will which manifests itself according to his behavior. He invents cults to invoke them, pray to them, thank them. For example, when his father, his grandfather die, they who "knew everything and had an explanation for everything", who protected them, him and his family, against a hostile environment, he believes that their spirit, that one knows today to be the manifestation of the brain, leaves the body of the deceased and remains nearby. He worshiped the spirit of the deceased to intercede with other spirits responsible for his misfortunes and those of his own.
Our ancestor has long wondered about the meaning of life, where it came from and whether there is life after death. Graves of Homo heidelbergensis, ancestors of Homo sapiens, modern man, 300 to 400 thousand years old, have been found containing objects intended to accompany the deceased on his "journey" to the afterlife. Tombs have also been found of Neanderthals, more robust but less intellectually gifted than Homo sapiens, religiously buried and dating back some 100,000 years.
Stemming from prehistoric myths, the first religions emerged in the Near East during the hunter-gatherer era, around 12,000 years BCE. These religions are shaped with the arrival of the first civilizations first in Sumer in Mesopotamia then in Egypt and following the invention of writing, 3400 BCE. They become the first great religions of humanity which answer the questions posed by our prehistoric ancestor: where we come from, why do we exist and where do we go after death, and what are our obligations with regard to the gods.
These first great religions evolve mainly according to the popularity of divinities and the hegemony of empires, either that the conqueror imposes his religion on the inhabitants of the conquered territories as in Mesopotamia, or that he adapts it to meet their needs as in Egypt. For example, in Mesopotamia, Inanna, the Sumerian goddess of love and war, became the goddess Ishtar under the Akkadian-Sumerian Empire. In Christianity, she becomes Mary Magdalene, "the sinner". In Egypt, the cult of Ma'at, the goddess of cosmic harmony, moral conduct, world order and balance, fairness, peace, truth, and justice, was created to bring stability to the Empire.
Judaism was born following the deportation of Pharaoh's servants (high priests, priests, scribes, regional governors, etc.) to Babylon in the 6th century BCE. These servants are designated by a hieroglyph called “Yahuds” in Aramaic or Jews in English. The ancient Egyptians believed they had discovered the rituals that enabled them to survive death and gain access to Heaven. Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead and guide of the living, and Ashur, the “imperialist” Assyrian god, embodied in the eyes of the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians the “sum of the gods”. Yahweh, the God of the Jews, is defined in the Bible as "the Lord your God, the God of gods, the Lord of lords".
Christianity originated in Alexandria, Egypt, in the first century AD. Founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE, this city, known as the "Trading Post of the World", is made up mainly of Greeks, Egyptians and Jews. The Greeks bring with them their philosophies, mainly that of Plato, the Egyptians, the antiquity of their religion, and the Jews, their mystery religion. Jewish philosophers of the community of Therapeutae of Alexandria, in collaboration with Greek and Egyptian philosophers, develop a first version of the Bible, initially allegorical and then historized by joining the Hebrew Bible as Old Testament. In the eyes of the ancient Egyptians, Osiris, the god of the dead and keeper of the living, sacrificed himself for humanity, and his posthumous son, Horus, became the savior god. Rome recovers the biblical "project" of Alexandria, and the Bible, as we know it today, came into being in the fifth century.
Islam was born in the 9th century in Baghdad under Caliph al-Ma'mun. Following the victories of Heraclius over the Sassanid Persians in 622 in Armenia, in 627 in Nineveh and in 628 in Constantinople, the Arabs, until then subject to the Byzantines and Persians, began to govern themselves. Their armies, in the service of the Byzantine and Persian empires, remained intact, gradually occupying the territories of the conquered Persians and those evacuated by the Byzantines. Except for Jewish minorities and a Zoroastrian aristocracy in Persia, the entire Middle East at this time was Christian: the Persians were Nestorian Christians, and the Arabs were either Nestorian Christians or Monophysite Christians. In 832/833, al-Ma'mun brought together at his Academy in Baghdad all the philosophers and scientists of all religious denominations of the Arab Empire to produce what would become the current Koran. It is composed, in the first part, of the Christian Nestorian Koran where we speak mainly of the oneness of God and, in the second part, of the political, social, and religious framework of Muslims. The word "Mohammed" which meant before the recasting of the Koran the praised / chosen one when speaking of Jesus Christ becomes the name of the Prophet of the Arabs.
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