StarCraft 2: Clem's Terran vs Zerg is INSANE! (Solar vs Clem)

StarCraft 2: Clem's Terran vs Zerg is INSANE! (Solar vs Clem)


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Perfecto Agualada
Perfecto Agualada - 22.04.2023 02:23

Awesome nice game 🎉🎉😮

Jojocandy - 24.10.2022 02:05

Even with 85%+ wr against zerg Clem loses to a Z key spammer, unbelievable how stupid zerg is.

Arkelis - 20.09.2022 16:00

I love when Lowko breathes a little sigh of relief during a brief respite in the game. Shows how exciting the game is, now imagine playing it, if that's the effect it can have on someone watching it 😂

I would disagree just a little on the comment about Starcraft being clean to watch for new viewers.
It wasn't until I started to practice playing and listening to casts that I truly got a grasp on what was happening in tournament games.
It also gave me a huge respect for just how amazing these pro players are at what they do.
When you try to practice a build order against the A.I. and even without harass, you find it hard not to mess up, it tells you alot about how good these players really are.

Ghoraxe - 20.06.2022 02:07

Clem relies way too much on offense.. you gotta protect your CC's even if it's just a bunker and a tank .. it goes a long way

Thomas - 28.03.2022 18:15

clem was so much better but its always the zerg winning..

RedLotus - 18.11.2021 22:22

I don't really play sc2 often because I get anxiety in 1v1's and none of my friends like sc2, but I love watching lowko's casts, its so entertaining.

Renato BoB
Renato BoB - 17.11.2021 19:32

jogao da poha

INGLESCONDAN - 12.11.2021 21:46

Maaan i get you when you say that you wonder why people would watch anything but SC... and you are right.... Now... the league of legends comparison doesn't fit there... cuz league of legends I would say is a differente type of game. So these two games I think shouldn't be compared... they are incredible in their own particular style.

jdogzero silverblade
jdogzero silverblade - 01.11.2021 02:56

lowko the reason people dont only watch SC2 is because it has almost no variety. how have you not noticed this. you only have a few ways to play at the top of the game. and each top player has their own style but each style is only slightly different. when you compared it to league which has over 130 champions you can play then the 3 types as well as only having like 5 good ways to play per race it gets boring very fast. SC2 is one of the most repetitive games ever. only real difference they have is the maps. btw im only talking about pro play not the gamemodes. while league has only 2 maps as well as the worst rotation for gamemodes ever they have over 130 champions that give variety. you need to keep track and know what every single one of those champions do so you can counter or prepare against them as well as fight them. its like if SC2 kept adding 3 units every month one for each race. hate to break it to you lowko but SC2 is dull. gets boring very fast. the only reason the top players dont stop is because its literally their life. they cant just stop. btw not saying league is better. its a pretty shit game overall. plus riot is full of actual morons with 0 thought process. they get rid of 2 maps one that was used for hide and seek which was the most popular custom gamemode played. but they also get rid of twisted treeline which while not great it left them with 2 maps left. instead of adding maps to widen the variety they get rid of maps cuz no one plays them. that and unbalanced champs show up all the time. they are also the type of morons that change the game because the best players in the world on league made them broken with how skillful they are. changed them for the minority not the majority. their ban system is utter shit as well. you can be banned for the stupidest things. their site is also ass. their support team sucks. they cant even think of anything new seeing as they basically just copied overwatch with valorant. lazy work there. only 1 gamemode was good and even that wasnt all that fun. gun skins cost more than E3 games so exploiting the hell out of the players is also a thing. overall riot is a shit company with 0 ability to make new fun things and treats their players like shit. but SC2 while it might not have it as bad in terms of how things are run it doesnt change the fact that when your at the top your forced to play a certain way. making it not fun anymore. at least not like it was when you first started enjoying it.

Orlando Braga
Orlando Braga - 27.10.2021 03:48

Omg clen is so bad, he looks like a bot

Vorname Nachname
Vorname Nachname - 25.10.2021 22:29

reported. only one arrow in thumbnail.

madrox8 - 17.10.2021 07:05

ever since i heard of clem in SC2, i have always woundered if he got the name from Warframe since the grineer faction in that game tends to say "get clem" alot, and its where i first heard of that word, back in 2014

benini1 - 16.10.2021 16:24

All videos with Clem start by praising him because he always wins against Zerg... But then in all videos I saw Clem ends up losing :) I would be happy to see Clem win from time to time (as apparently that should happen 9 times over 10)

Kyle Sanford
Kyle Sanford - 15.10.2021 07:35

Love the way he utilizes hellions.

Vexor - 15.10.2021 01:51

I love Solar's style in this one - embracing the swarm tactics despite the massive cost.

Yamil Abugattas
Yamil Abugattas - 14.10.2021 22:28

I did not expect such an incredible game, and I certainly did not expect Clem to lose that after such a significant advantage. Impressive game!

TacoMedic - 14.10.2021 00:49

Love the new stats screen (Clem’s TvZ W/L) you displayed at the beginning of the video. Hope to see it more often!

Bierbulle - 12.10.2021 21:21

I miss the "hello everyone this is Lowko!" Another great video man :D

Denis Jekov
Denis Jekov - 11.10.2021 00:00

My heart hurts for those thousand fallen zerglings ...

tgaudlol - 07.10.2021 14:16

the thing is terran is higlhly micro intensive, especially Clem gameplay.
So it is higly related to ping,
Clem, with Byun are maybe the 2 players in the world which gameplay is impacted by Ping the most.
So when he play vs korean player online, he struggle.

Perseus Portaliono Assissiono i Dotaaria
Perseus Portaliono Assissiono i Dotaaria - 07.10.2021 13:28

ling, bane OP. nerf pls

JSiuDev - 07.10.2021 08:43

The title and the first few minutes of Clem intro is so misleading, LOL!!!

Carl Lazarraga
Carl Lazarraga - 06.10.2021 18:59

clem lost the game when he lost all those ghosts to those banelings

Punctuated Equilibra
Punctuated Equilibra - 05.10.2021 11:51

Why don't we have these battles viewable with AR/VR? I think it'd be so cool!

VoteCthulhu - 05.10.2021 01:56

Rip the 1k lings

1 2
1 2 - 04.10.2021 23:48

I feel like making so many ghosts was a mistake, should have went more siege tanks or mines

Thomas Bruneau
Thomas Bruneau - 04.10.2021 22:46

the comparison with league of legend is kinda true, you need less knowledges about the game to enjoy watching!

LoudWaffle - 04.10.2021 21:22

Holy shit, DRG has a 100% win rate against Clem this year!

xARM4G3DD0Nx - 04.10.2021 20:19

I love every game that clem loses :D

Michal Vodicka
Michal Vodicka - 04.10.2021 17:29

Dont get me wrong, Clem is super great player. But he is one trick pony against zerg. Marines mines is must and later it is ghost time. Even when ppl knows what is he going to do, they cant punish it. Reynor tries to mix things up against him, but none of the mix seems to work great.
This time I think he only lost because of that one ghost missplay. Is Clem really that good? Or is just this strategy really that good?
BTW huge thumb up for Solar, his focus was insane!

Hans Nørløv
Hans Nørløv - 04.10.2021 16:43

How come terrans never move their production structures to their mining bases in the late game? I mean if Clem had moved his barracks to the 6oclock base he wouldnt have had to shuffle between his main and mining base. He would just have to stand his ground... and i dont mean fly them all at once but maybe one or two at a time maybe?

bankaiii bankaaa
bankaiii bankaaa - 04.10.2021 15:43

Yep, you are a fanboy and you surely delete comments that are not in agreement with your fanboy opinions, so don't say you are not a fanboy! Anyway it was a very entertaining match.

Caesar_S - 04.10.2021 12:10

This was a great TvZ match to watch

Jeremy Kiahsobyk
Jeremy Kiahsobyk - 04.10.2021 09:45


Keanu - 04.10.2021 08:58

Poor Reynor not in the match but still catching an L with those Clem stats

Lance Fehr
Lance Fehr - 04.10.2021 01:56

Aw, I wanted to see Clem win again. :( The title is so misleading... Although I kinda expected that.

01of10 - 04.10.2021 01:36

Damn, what a game.

Răzvan - 03.10.2021 22:32

Hey Lowko, regarding your winrate calculations of Clem this year vs Zerg.... His Winrate based on your video informations is 57.90% not 89%. I dont know where do you get your numbers.

Havochaos - 03.10.2021 20:43

Watching random esports? Nah
Watching pro-Starcraft 2 with lowko? Hell yea

Helpful Drawing
Helpful Drawing - 03.10.2021 20:33

why did clem insist on having 90 scvs? at some point he even rebuilt one at 89 even though all his bases were oversaturated

Angeldust - 03.10.2021 19:08

SC2 benefits a lot from having such a great caster. You seamlessly explain the basics of the game to allow newer viewers to understand what's going on. Keep up the good work Lowko! 👍

sirgaz - 03.10.2021 17:19

As great as the gameplay was in this I've had waning interest in SC2 because TvZ is my favourite matchup but I'm tired of seeing widow mines ""great hit" "super efficient" "OMG those widow mine hits" "amazing widow mines" "so many dead lings to widow mines" Widow mines Widow mines Widow mines Widow mines Widow mines Widow mines sigh. I'd like to see some other Terran units doing well.

Britty2Hottie - 03.10.2021 15:44

Not out until the bitter end….
