Chart in iOS in SwiftUI

Chart in iOS in SwiftUI

Rebeloper - Rebel Developer

3 года назад

3,677 Просмотров

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@rebeloper - 03.12.2020 18:52

How do you add a chart in iOS in SwiftUI?

@dezkiir4322 - 22.03.2022 18:17

Module not found :/

@omerkaraca7375 - 26.10.2021 10:23

While i am adding package(version 2.0.0) I get the error saying: "Failed to resolve dependencies". How can I resolve this issue?

@omerkaraca7375 - 26.10.2021 01:50

Your videos are life saver sir

@metamototomo - 13.03.2021 04:29

Awesome tutorial. You covered multiple type of charts quickly and very easy to follow

@FrederickCLee - 27.12.2020 02:39

I noticed that the Version 2 branch hasn't been worked on in MONTHS. In it, RateValue appears to be absent.
Questions: 1) What's the purpose of 'RateValue' and how to remove it?
2) When is version 2 coming? Any movement?

@FrederickCLee - 26.12.2020 03:40

Great Video: simple and to the point.
How do you handle landscape mode? 
I notice that it remains in portrait even though the project allows landscape (by default). 
Would a future version (2+) automatically resize for landscape?

@nicksears9285 - 20.12.2020 00:52

Great video! Do you know if there is anyway to add/customize axes to the barcharts? The interactivity on ChartView is great but I wish there was just a little more visual help without needing to use the interactivity in order to see and understand the data.

@christianbearden8849 - 12.12.2020 21:53

how can I cast Firestore data using combine into the data: [Double]? I tried to use ForEach but it keeps rebuilding the Chart Views. The challenge with the for-in loop is accessing the user ID. I feel like I need to compactMap the subscription but I cant figure it out.

@StSoslan - 08.12.2020 10:15

Can you make video about RXSwift? Pleeeeease, we really need this.

@BalaaLyf - 05.12.2020 10:57

Bike pic up

@BalaaLyf - 05.12.2020 10:57

I need Google maps.try bike ride booking Uber and Ola
