5 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Should Learn How to Answer

5 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Should Learn How to Answer

Alisa Childers

2 года назад

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@dennisswanberg1718 - 10.01.2024 06:02

Wow, excellent. Thank you

@arcticpangolin3090 - 29.12.2023 07:30

1. I don’t really care to much if the texts we have today are reflective of what was written a couple thousand years ago. The more pressing issue is whether or not these texts correspond to history and are reliable, something I’m convinced they are almost certainly not.

2. And no, the best explanation of these mundane facts is not that Jesus resurrected. I never understood the appeal of this argument as it literally relies on points being so mundane that non believing scholars affirm them and are still not convinced of a resurrection. That itself is incredibly damning. The argument almost relies on the insignificance of the minimal facts. That’s really all that needs to be said, all these facts can be accepted and still you don’t get to a resurrection.

3. This one depends on your definition of god and the things you claim god has done. For example, if you claim that your god is the one who flooded the world then the scientific fact that no worldwide flood ever occurred would disprove this god.

4. The bible explicitly condones chattel slavery and the ownership of other humans as permanent property of whom you can beat. To deny this is to ignore what the bible says, something apologists seem all to willing to do. And no, it wasn’t just indentured servitude. Read Leviticus 25:44-46. And there are also cases where the act of slavery was commanded by god.

5. There is limited contemporary reference and most references around this period were making reference to what Christians were claiming/what they believed rather than being independent attestation. Of the ones closer to Jesus’s time, there is very limited reference with one (from Josephus) being known today to have later Christian alterations. But the standard of proof for saying a person existed in history is so low that epistemologically speaking I’d say this is sufficient if only just. And no, we do not have eyewitness accounts of Jesus at all.

@Glathgrundel - 27.12.2023 04:17

So about 10 years ago, my pre teen daughter came home from school with a crucifix on, and I didn’t buy it for her or give her permission to wear it.
She said that she had made friends with kids from the Christian teenager club that had recently been formed and was interested in the Bible.
I explained that it was full of contradictions and was a primitive superstition that illiterate herdsmen had invented to explain what they couldn’t understand.
I told her I didn’t want her to hang around with those kids anymore.
She complied … or so I thought.
About a month later, she told me that she was thinking of getting BAPTISED of all things.
That was all I needed to hear.
I contacted the school and made a formal complaint, as the God Club we’re not allowed to recruit on campus.
They were told that they could no longer use the library annex to hold their meetings.
I explained to her about paganism, islam and all the other spooky nonsense, I described the harm religions do and about their indoctrination of the vulnerable … as well as how they exploited people throughout the world to make money for their leadership.
My daughter promised me that she wouldn’t have anything else to do with them and I believed her … she’s a good girl.
She soon lost interest in religion and refocused on her studies, which had begun to slide during this period of being targeted by the cultists.
That was a decade ago and she is now happily free from their influence.
Two years ago, she came out as being gay and I was so happy to hear that.
If she had succumbed to the harmful doctrines of superstitious mythology, she would most likely be trapped in a loveless marriage, denying her true nature and living a lie, with all the guilt and fear that Christians foist upon their followers.
She and her partner are expecting their first child next year.
A gay male friend of theirs had donated some sperm and they had both been inseminated.
My daughter has become pregnant and her partner is continuing to receive his sperm … they want to have two kids with the same donor so that they can be blood siblings.
They are very happy and have even given the donor permission to visit their children and have a (limit) relationship with their kids.
I am so happy that I was able to stop the rot of religious indoctrination before she was able to get exploited by it.

@jamalkhan3708 - 20.12.2023 06:09

Thank you for sharing. It’s very informative. God bless 🙏

@jerrybessetteDIY - 17.12.2023 06:43

Science affirms my belief. The interlocking systems and subsystems of organisms that must be present, and the mind-boggling complexity of even so-called simple cells. And their constant need of self-repair because their materials are unstable.

@ballasog - 15.12.2023 07:00

1. Gary Habermas teaches at a retard school.

2. He cites near-death experiences as evidence that a resurrection could happen. (See 1)

3. Paul's experience reads like a vision.

4. You're saying a dead guy came back to life. Pics or it didn't happen.

@allgood6760 - 12.12.2023 01:16

Jesus says you will be hated in my name and I will spit you out if you are luke warm..I left church because I treat others how I like to be treated and I don't need a manmade book to do it. Amen🙏

@rodniki14 - 10.12.2023 16:07

Nothing here convinces me Christ was divine, rose from the dead or the bible is the word of God. I do believe that arguments like this help Christians to justify their beliefs. Arguing against it is fruitless, since theology is based on faith which is in turn based on beliefs, not facts.

@siredwin7741 - 09.12.2023 22:17

Now will you tell the rest of it? Or just keep lying to people

@SantaFe19484 - 09.12.2023 04:10

Wonderful video!

@johnbadminton5713 - 07.12.2023 18:39

Nice. But the question to be answered is is there a God?

@noyota - 05.12.2023 13:28

Each and every preacher lack rather essential knowledge of how especially the New Testament and some modern beliefs came about. Sad to say that, for at least part of it, university education is in deficit and can be misaligned.

@noyota - 20.11.2023 20:59

1.25 million white slaves built North Africa; white Irish and British slaves almost equal African slaves to America.

@noyota - 20.11.2023 20:54

The NT manuscripts can be stacked 2.2km/1.5mi high, and get digitised with 150MP cameras at 6000ppi. Just some geekstuff from a Boomer. Boomers know stuff.

@angelmarrero5780 - 18.11.2023 17:53

Good morning Brother.


Christ told His Apostles, “I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until I drink it anew in my Father’s
Kingdom “

Where in scripture does it show this already happened or will this happen when we all get to heaven?

@darkeen42 - 16.11.2023 22:09

Stop lying

@JukeboxWithJay - 16.11.2023 12:15

You’re very misinformed or dishonest

@johnrichardson7629 - 05.11.2023 15:07


1. Yes, the New Testament documents havd been corrupted.

2. No. There is no evidence for the resurrection. And if you believe Jesus was resurrevted, you have to believe that there was a mass resurrection at ghag time. Read your goofy book, Christians.

3. Science has indeed has not disproven God. Science science is the study of nature.

4. The Bible does indeed condone slavery, which is why anti-abolitionists leaned heavily on the Bible in defense of slavery.

5. It is highly likely that there was a historical person whose life and teachings were the jumping off place for Christianity. But where you start the jump can be far from where you land. Look at all the nonsensical claims tgat true believers have held about indubitable historical figures such as Kim Il Jong, Fidel Castro, and Donald Trump.

6. Hope is easy.


@alexfahri2566 - 05.11.2023 11:13

God bless you Ma'am, I'm blessed by your sharing.

@user-ov8iz9vz4n - 05.11.2023 02:18

Also, forgot to ask...what brand of blogging camera and mic did you use for this video? IMO they are perfect.

@honeydew4576 - 04.11.2023 19:57

The New Testament has not been corrupted; it's been amazingly preserved!

@EbukahENzeji - 27.10.2023 08:30

👌💙 Ping!!!

@frederickfairlieesq5316 - 22.10.2023 10:20

Why didn’t you talk about the “more problematic” verses where it’s clear that the Hebrew law specifically condoned chattel slavery? My guess is you know perfectly well that the “more problematic” verses leave no room for doubt that the Hebrew law condoned chattel slavery.

You’re just straight up dishonest, and you should be ashamed of yourself. You know that the vast majority of people who watch this video will not take the time to read the books you recommended there at the end regarding chattel slavery.

@dollostyle9115 - 20.10.2023 21:49

thanks for help

@kangjhha - 17.10.2023 00:43

good luck amateurs,, every professional apologists I've seen in debate loose their marbles😅

@KKruse-jb4cu - 15.10.2023 22:06

Thank you for this video. It has a lot of good information.
I have to make one correction, though; slavery existed at one time in all 13 American colonies, not just in the antebellum South.
In fact, the largest slave graveyard in America is in the state of New York.

@LoveTorah - 04.10.2023 19:20

I love your channel and your material. As a Jewish Believer in Jesus, and also holding a Masters degree in Biblical Languages and Ancient Civilizations, I would simply remind everyone that the L-rd didn’t institute slavery for Israel. Slavery was a common issue in the ancient world in all civilizations; and Israel was released from Egyptian bondage by G-d. When He gave us His law and covenant from Sinai He regulated us as a people and as a nation. His law regulated slavery by making it the indentured servitude and requirements of care and release you spoke of, as well as the prohibitions of human trafficking. I know it may be a fine point but there is a difference between saying the L-rd instituted slavery for His people versus the fact that slavery was already prevalent and the L-rd telling His people it won’t be like that among you. That’s why the people of G-d, both Jew & Gentile, have been abolitionists. His covenant of grace and love for our fellow man demands it.

@saashamoniquew1 - 04.10.2023 14:14

This was so good and help. Thank and God Bless.

@KasandraCoan - 01.10.2023 03:00

Don't mock God. KC Comanche tx

@scottperine9820 - 26.09.2023 01:38

God looks at mans heart. If measuring me works for God, couldn't it work for me? I measure my belief in God's Word with my heart. My heart tells me that God's word is accurate and true. I will go with this.

@johnhasse3995 - 23.09.2023 21:40

Another corruption is calling the Heavenly Father 'god' When His name is clear in scripture. It is YHVH.

@johnhasse3995 - 23.09.2023 21:37

Calling the Savior "Jesus' instead of His real name YAHUSHUA, is a SERIOUS corruption.

@brotoshbrotosh2670 - 09.09.2023 02:48

Say it as if he is your homie 🥺.
Jesus, peace and blessing be on him❤

@svarog63 - 08.09.2023 04:53

When I hear it said that God moves in mysterious ways, I cannot but think of all those priests in all kinds of religions - people allegedly representing God on Earth in their own, often mutually exclusive, ways - that sexually molest children. I can even accept the notion that this God character's ways must necessarily be mysterious, but why, oh why, do they also have to be so unabashedly vile, repugnant, depraved, degenerate, debased and sickening?

@FasterPATH - 06.09.2023 07:29

Just be at peace.

@tjtjmich16p - 05.09.2023 00:09

Jesus was also the first person to survive a full on crucifixion unlike the others,
It has to be spiritual.
I know more about jesus compared to the Roman emperor of his time.

@shadowaccount8620 - 23.08.2023 06:16

I prefer to live in reality so I follow what the evidence shows me. And it doesn't point to god.

@danamifsud6624 - 22.08.2023 23:39

A lot of links

@user-gn4ym6op4w - 09.08.2023 21:49

What an amazing information. Love it ❤

@robertgillis6245 - 29.07.2023 00:37

Slavery in the Old Testament was worse than slavery in America. The Jews were slaves for over 400 years in Egypt. The Jews built the Great Pyramids of Giza. The Jews were slaves in Babylon until the Persian king freed them. The Jews also built the Roman coliseums and were thrown in the coliseums for entertainment until Christianity came around. Slaves in the Old Testament did not have rights. Slaves in the Old Testament were not human. The death of a Jew was worth nothing. The Jews were carried off into slavery multiple times during their long history. The Philistines enslaved the Jews. The Jews never had any rights. Anyone who says that is lying to you.

@robertgillis6245 - 29.07.2023 00:28

All a person has to do is look at all the research available on The Shroud of Turin. The Shroud is the most investigated and tested article in antiquity. There were over 2,000 scientists who tested The Shroud. There finding are amazing. One being The Shroud should not exist. The Shroud defies all laws of physics. Crime scene investigators treated The Shroud as a crime scene. The Shroud is 2,000 years old. It was made around the Dead Sea area. It was also made with a double herringbone weave, and has no cotton in it except for the professional repair job from a mid evil fire. We know the man on The Shroud was 5’11’’ tall and weighed 175lbs. We know the man was crucified with a cap of thorns on his head. We know that the man was beaten mercilessly and bled profusely. The man had AB blood from the mother. The father’s DNA is unidentifiable. The man was scourged over 400 times. he had a total of over 600 injuries. The man’s legs were not broken against the policy at the time. The man had a small ingot placed in his beard which read “ The Lamb of GOD “ in Aramaic. Scientifically The Shroud can not be explained. It is a three dimensional hologram image on a two dimensional surface. The Shroud can not be replicated. Our technology can not reproduce that cloth. A person can also look up “ The Sudarium of Oviedo.” It is uncanny that the wound marks including the thorns match perfectly. The evidence from The Shroud and The Sudarium tells the researchers that it was the same man who was buried. GOD Bless!

@robertgillis6245 - 28.07.2023 23:51

There are no indigenous people in the Americas. Every person is an immigrants. They just immigrated at different times. The American and South American Indians migrated during the last major ice age on the land bridge across the Bering Sea, and what happened was GOD’s will. GOD gives GOD can take away. GOD has taken many lands away from many people, because they continued to worship the demonic instead of him. The most famous is when GOD took the land away from the Canaanites and gave it to the Jews. The American Indian was wasting the land. They were not developing it. GOD gave North America to the world. North America is not just purely European decent. America is a melting pot of the world. There are people in America from the four corners of the globe. GOD gives and GOD can take away. A perfect example is Lot. Read it!

@rehdwolfe - 23.07.2023 17:10

@alisachilders The link the description to your book is broken. It goes to your site but with the error "This page doesnt seem to exit". The link in the description omits the '-' between 'another' and 'gospel'. - Wonderful concise survey of the major works of apologetics. I'm looking forward to your other content.

@gleitonlopes8435 - 15.07.2023 02:07

The video is very informative.thank you so much.

@life.re-defined - 11.07.2023 21:00

great info

@Warriorking.1963 - 03.07.2023 15:13

The only thing I definitely don't agree with, is her answer to the question of slavery. Read Exodus, that is NOT servitude, and I think we should just take this on the chin. There are later verses which are definitely anti-slavery, but to say slavery isn't condoned in the Bible when it clearly is in the Old Testament, is just plain wrong and bordering on an outright lie.

@davidlalremruata - 02.07.2023 16:51

Apologetic is the topic of every Presbyterian Church here in Mizoram.
If you'd like to come and experience for yourself how God has blessed His thriving churches here don't hesitate to look me up.
I'd be glad to show you around.
