Top 10 Legendary Weapons Bethesda REMOVED FROM FALLOUT 76! (Rare Fallout 76 Weapons)

Top 10 Legendary Weapons Bethesda REMOVED FROM FALLOUT 76! (Rare Fallout 76 Weapons)

Rifle Gaming

4 года назад

218,164 Просмотров

Legendary Fallout 76 weapons that Bethesda removed! These are otherwise known as the "legacy weapons" within the game.

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@skeletaltyrant7713 - 18.05.2021 15:43

At one point I had a Quad Explosive Tesla Rifle, I tried to trade it for something else because the build wasn't working for me and ended up getting scammed out of it :(

@apriljewell1279 - 21.05.2021 13:09

I have two shot explosion plasmas weapon is

@shawn9670 - 04.06.2021 06:58

Hey do you think I could get a weapon in game because I have nothing good? You don’t need to

@tech2648 - 10.06.2021 00:52

I found a quadruple ammo legendary effect on a revolver for 250 caps at a vendor
Edit: wasn’t player vendor

@battledsoda6744 - 25.06.2021 21:21

Bring em back let’s get stupid

@deathplayspoker6670 - 15.07.2021 23:20

I've owned every one of those listed and I gave most of them away for caps or for free before I realized they were gonna be worth anything 🗿😭(except the handmade)

@hadalzone1009 - 26.07.2021 16:22

im gonna go craft a 4 star prime handmade with quad, faster reload, bullets explode, and whatever effect that it gives me when season 7 hits..... probably dragons though cuz when we talking damage, boi they do

@yukimizuno4046 - 03.08.2021 18:21

i still got a de flamer and a de gaus XD

@xjavim5349 - 10.09.2021 08:53


@arrx74951 - 13.09.2021 11:12

Just accidentally scrip my two shot explosive Tesla and im furious with myself

@jordanwille1652 - 15.09.2021 16:37

Ahhh man, i started on PC now im lvl 230 and see this vid, I want Legacy weapons but i have nothing to offer :/

@rivakent864 - 16.09.2021 18:25

Got junkies explosive gat plaz

@mrgood7215 - 19.09.2021 01:22

Hey rifle will your friend actually give us the guns we’re working for

@mrgood7215 - 25.09.2021 23:12

I’ve been trying to get a legacy weapon but I think rifle is playing on something else

@SteveConsGaming - 26.09.2021 09:47

hello Rifle Gaming! i really like the videos your making very informative and entertaining at same time, i did subscribe to your channel cause of the quality of content you had. Also i want to ask if what is the music you use in this video, i really like listening to it but i could not find it how ever hard i tried, i hope you can reply to this comment. i want to save this music listen to it while playing fallout 76 lol

@danielauen7790 - 05.10.2021 10:16

I want an explosive cryo...

@wyldechild01 - 11.10.2021 01:48

I hate those legacies ruining my experience I am level 600 and sometimes someone level 150 comes with a BE gatling plasma who purchased from some website for 60 dollars or something destroys everything. WTF? They must be removed from the game. Personally I don`t want to have one of those its like cheating

@shadowmm1365 - 30.10.2021 14:26

I got a bloodied fixer from rolling a 3 star legendary effect yesterday its op as hell

@appearedhalo9625 - 09.11.2021 07:06

i remember during the beta, i had a combat shotgun with double capacity, explosive pellets, and +1 perception, and I dropped it because my friend wanted to see it, and the bag just straight up never materialized, we searched my entire camp, and it just never spawned, I'm mad because of the legendary effects I lost, but it was only about lvl 40, so not my worst lost possible

@falloutjetdealer8556 - 29.11.2021 19:17

i just started playing again i have three double explosive handmades lol

@BionicDread - 04.12.2021 13:01

Man do I love my double handmade.

@paranormalgambler2814 - 05.12.2021 14:29

I dont like the energy weapons the shot bullets cuz other players dont get no chances to get a shot in I'm glad they took them out I use the gatling plasma and I melt people as it is

@triforcelink1310 - 05.12.2021 23:23

I got a DE flamer today and came back here to share

@LowKeyBrit36 - 14.12.2021 16:04

Honestly this list feels sort of disappointing. I know it’s really hard to get really rare legacies but most of these weapons on here were pretty heavily duped. Aside from the doubles I have seen many and used a lot of these guns. Although the inclusion of the double legacies was quite nice

@c.h.u.d - 18.12.2021 03:20

Explosive ammo has no effect on SBQ

@dustinlates3788 - 06.01.2022 18:44

Lol, I have ur, gat plas

@gamermagnum - 22.01.2022 13:51

Fuck I remember selling double ammos to venders

@triforcelink1310 - 03.02.2022 20:18

Hey, I’m back. My Double ammo capacity collection has grown to be 14 weapons.

@lolb4udie - 17.03.2022 20:00

Two Shot Explosive Dragon

@nauseousatom7178 - 22.03.2022 06:48

I got my hands on a bloodied explosive plasma gatling. I don't use it often but it shreds.

@unbidmuffin - 20.04.2022 23:28

Anybody play on xbox and willing to give me some weapons or anything you no longer want?

@user-tu2np9hb3q - 09.05.2022 22:40

This is just my opinion I don’t agree with a double handmade and the best I personally think that the double explosive Gatling plasma is the best

@grandsoviet9813 - 14.06.2022 16:55

you can do a ammo glich wiche makes it similer to haveing the duball ammo cumpasity effect

@LeviAckerman____ - 23.06.2022 20:35

i need blooied gauss rifle i love gauss rifles

@judeblink6791 - 23.07.2022 16:46

Great video

@midget-for-sale - 01.08.2022 02:59

does anyone know if this is someone on the playstation that would be willing to trade a legacy flamer or cryo. any help would be awesome. thx

@chrishooper9951 - 02.08.2022 07:27

I got all these guns and more on my toon but am way over weight

@stanmann356 - 24.09.2022 09:15

I've been playing about a month and a half now, and in my first week or two, while doing the Feed the People event, a random stranger gifted me a Vampire's Prime Gatling laser with explosive bullets and 90% weight reduction. I didn't even realize it was legacy until I looked it up on Fed76. I vowed to keep and use it until I get bored with the game, then I will give it to another random newbie.

@zometthecomet - 22.10.2022 14:21

I use a AA Gat Plasma and I wouldn’t trade it for gods first child 😂

@kapadyakvlogs893 - 03.11.2022 17:04

Imagine getting a gatling teslagun bro i would spend my caps all in

@GhoulishSighs - 13.01.2023 12:41

lol now their being removed

@GhostTrucking545 - 16.01.2023 09:35

Quad tuned automatic ultracite laser rife got it from my dad today. It shreds

@MariaSousa-ge2pz - 07.03.2023 02:34

I got a gauss rifle gold roll sniper 4sale 2shots 25% damage pointing plus 1 perception

@alonsohernandez1921 - 11.09.2023 00:55

I had a two shot explosive gauss rifle and I got on one day and it went from being two star legendary to a one star, now it's just a two shot

@JJ-Schmidt - 15.05.2024 13:00

You know shit is serious rare when something can only be valued in freedom dollars

@AstraKitsune - 06.06.2024 20:56

Double explosive minigun? Doesn't quad explosive exist?

@RedS0L0 - 08.06.2024 17:33

4 years later and I can tell you that the guass rifle has explosive rounds built in by default amount and they only explode for 15%
The total damage

@mrnapolean1 - 06.03.2020 17:14

Ive been playing 76 since it came out and this is the first time ive seen the Double effect on any weapon.
