You Should Serve Interstitial Ads (and Not Want to)

You Should Serve Interstitial Ads (and Not Want to)

Overpass Apps

4 года назад

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Overpass Apps
Overpass Apps - 18.01.2020 23:53

Hi guys and gals. Thanks for all the great comments. Make sure you say hello to the community in a comment if you are new here. And don’t forget to subscribe, like, yadda yadda yadda. 😊

Leonel Fonseca
Leonel Fonseca - 22.01.2020 16:09

as a user I will eventually uninstall all apps that have too many ads and then flag them going fwd. even for excellent well done apps/games and try to find an ad free version or just pay up.

Vanraj Ghed
Vanraj Ghed - 19.01.2020 11:44


Ku Syuk
Ku Syuk - 19.01.2020 07:51

I still remember when I first put Interstitial Ads, there is an increase in ads revenue and also 1-star rating. Users do hate Interstitial Ads, but then I implemented UX design for the ads placements and adjust the eCPM floor for each of the interstitial ads unit id and no more 1-start rating ranting for the ads with an increase in ads revenue (this need an A/B experiment due to different country and your users' engagement might be effecting the most optimum eCPM value; mine works within 0.45-0.75$).

For the UX implementation, you need some data on the average session for each page within your app, you can use Firebase Analytics to monitor. By this, you can predict the user's transition and place the interstitial ads accordingly to avoid annoying the users. For example, a video editing app. If your users spend a lot of time on a page editing their video and they can proceed to save after they finished don't put interstitial ads that can meddle with their works let them navigate and focus on the editing, put it when they wanted to save the works and while rendering the video.

Unit Codes
Unit Codes - 18.01.2020 23:39

Amazing video, but don't you think by implementing ads the retention drops quite significantly?

ApeX Apps
ApeX Apps - 18.01.2020 01:10

Most of my revenue is from Interstitial ads. Also, have banner ads implemented.

dudi - 17.01.2020 08:20

Thank you for this video, i make 2/3 of my revenue from interstitial ads,
for developers who don't have in app purchase it's a most to put those ads, if you want to earn something,
and one more thing, please make a video about what is better to buy, (with AdWords) cheap downloads from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, etc.
or from west world countries like USA and Europe which is expensive, but more rewarding, share from your experience,
Thank you for this channel !

Kronos - 17.01.2020 04:56

i had ads in my application and released a 2.0 version that removed them but replaced it with the option to leave a tip via paypal. to no surprise no-one has left even the smallest dollar tip! i'll be re-implementing ads for sure.

KumarAshok As Singh
KumarAshok As Singh - 16.01.2020 22:42

You always talk about ad placement could increase revenue but never told where to place them.
Pls make video about it!!

Pieter Mulder
Pieter Mulder - 16.01.2020 21:34

I am in this situation - I am desperate for my app to make more money; I currently earn around £12 / day on banners alone. I just cannot get myself to pollute my app with interstitials, because I see the bad reviews my rivals gets (despite being better rank than me). I've enabled in-app purchases and basically allowed users to pay anything between 99p and £10 to remove ads forever - very few people take it up. Maybe if I put in interstitials, more people will pay to have it removed? I am a firm believer that some free apps are cheaper than others and users don't realise just how much their data is being exploited by some free apps.

Justin G
Justin G - 16.01.2020 19:09

In my games I don't have any ads or IAP. Instead players compete against each other for small amounts of money $1-$10 and thats how I monetize by taking a small % of each entry fee. For me it works really well. It's Something that engages users more instead of driving them away with ads.

Robert Mihai
Robert Mihai - 16.01.2020 17:13

Hello eric . I m new in this channel. I started learning java and 3d modeling . My dream is to be able to create a 3d car simulator . I started a udemy java basic course .. What else i can use to learn android programming?

M Wo
M Wo - 16.01.2020 17:03

For an app that is used by a person once or twice a month, interstitials are just fine.

AS IF [Gaming]
AS IF [Gaming] - 16.01.2020 16:30

Hi Sir I want to ask you one question: can I promote my app into my other apps . "For Example" in navigation bar: my other app name(ads). and when user Click on the text it will redirect to playstore. It is safe to do?. Please Answer.
Awesome Video.....:))))

Michael Pujos
Michael Pujos - 16.01.2020 15:47

Interstitials are horrible. How did we arrive to this situation where we have to cripple apps with this junk, I do not know. As a developer, I should use them but I never will because I respect my users, and have an alternate way (paid version) to generate revenue.

PalLab Jr
PalLab Jr - 16.01.2020 15:13

Woooohh, Thanks Eric. You made my day.

PhilJ2 - 16.01.2020 15:11

Thanks for the video Eric! I recently downloaded an app that had ads and I paid to remove them. But then the app still had all kinds of “premium” features that were behind an Ad wall (e.g must watch ad to enable feature).

What do you think about this business practice? Should paying to remove ads remove app ads or just the banners and interstitials?

To me it’s a terrible user experience and I’m requesting a refund as I find it appalling. To misrepresent the “buy to remove ads” offer.
