Music Production Habits That Improve EDM Workflow

Music Production Habits That Improve EDM Workflow

Producer Dojo

2 года назад

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@unnecessary-roughness3303 - 27.11.2023 05:05

I know this is 2 years old but I havent seen this, And, I needed this today

@rik-keymusic160 - 14.09.2023 09:34

I mostly admire other artists because some make the most crazy outrageous tunes that sound so damn good that i start to question if i even have the talent to make it. I’m not a jealous guy but i get pissed at myself for not being beter… it’s what my mind tells me but i know that these thoughts are merely conditionings from my up bringing… although these thoughts are loud, i try to move on but you got to become very aware of the mental chatter… we are not the mental chatter eventually. We can become aware of that mental chatter… once you do, your not identified with it no longer so it has no power over you anymore. It does take practice and self reflection but once you catch yourself before a negative spiral, you can snap out of it!

@andinov_ - 14.03.2023 06:22

DOJO 2023

@xtrullor - 31.01.2023 23:24

It's nuts how central this issue really has been for me. Like goddamn it's been taking years and years trying to get out of it, I have no idea how it is so persistent.

@aqualili - 13.01.2023 11:44

You just have such a way of saying things man. I can tell you're speaking to yourself just as much as to us.

@JaspaOrigin - 12.01.2023 20:55

Love it!

@dzinga1 - 03.12.2022 06:37

awesome video. every producer needs to see this!

@afi6061 - 23.11.2022 10:05

Great advice. 👍

@ThriveKing - 20.11.2022 01:29

I just gotta say this is the best shot PD video I've seen to date - best mic quality as well
More like this please !

@lucastrapeze - 25.10.2022 21:07

Thank you for the reminder brother!

@Theycallmebrando - 20.09.2022 03:27

I needed to hear this today. Thanks for the insight man, seriously!

@ajahncodar - 08.06.2022 22:46

Wooooo watching this before I sit down to push buttons.

You're the best Dylan! I love that you not only identify problems that can be very subtle and deceiving but that you offer a solution that seems implemented and approachable. Every time I watch you talk about this I go away feeling like the playbook to reaching my goals is so simple that there is absolutely no reason to feel intimidated by it or feel like every minute of practice is not progress

@milla874 - 13.03.2022 08:12

How are you so dope man… Speaking to my soul

@rayrollinsjr.775 - 16.02.2022 15:48

i need to watch this once a day lol

@stardazemusic - 27.10.2021 08:46

youre beautiful bro, ive repeated what youve said millions of times over in my head. you also having these realizations helps me realize it wasnt just me alone that was the problem 💜

@Marshedbass - 22.10.2021 19:20

Love ya dylan❤️ you always have such great insights in this music scene, finish finish finish

@GritsandGravyyy - 22.10.2021 09:00

such a great upload! ive been having such a mental block everytime i open my daw and this has helped me set a plan for myself when i go to make a track. i really want to make the best piece of work i can make and it ends up crippling my workflow and i dont finish tracks because im not pleased or im thinking what others would think of the thing ive made. i just need to keep going and have fun with it. and actually finish tracks!! lol

@fordfjord2602 - 22.10.2021 03:44

this is identical to everything I have struggled with in the past year. Really appreciate the insight here, needed to hear all of this.

@sinat8571 - 21.10.2021 22:16

Exactly what I needed to hear today! Thank you for the amazing content!
