Moonlight (i. Little) Juan and Chiron Scene

Moonlight (i. Little) Juan and Chiron Scene

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@Spongebrain97 - 05.06.2024 06:16

It wasnt ever stated or implied but I kinda wonder if Juan ever said the word f*g here and there in the past and didnt really think much of it. Especially because it was the late 80s-early 90s. But him hearing Chiron ask what it meant showed more of perspective of how ugly a word can be

@dlo2656 - 22.05.2024 08:55

Cant belive this guy dies offscreen

@dongiano - 06.05.2024 18:58

Juan's d3ath was way too abrupt and unexplained. I mean, we didn't need an entire backstory on it, but SOMETHING would have been nice.
It would have been amazing if he was in the movie until at least Teresa's last appearance.

@TheRigomoni - 21.03.2024 12:52

He was so heartbroken for letting down the child he cared so much it was like a farewell that turned out wrong

@Frostman411 - 03.03.2024 03:05

Juan's just such a deep character that I wish we got to see more of. It's a complicated relationship to say the least to step into a father figure role for a young man whose mother you sold drugs to. We don't know if Chiron's mother started drugs because of him, but we do know he's profited off her pain, Chiron's pain by proxy, and likely so many others. Juan lives in relative comfort, and has the room for Chiron in his home where he can give this young man safety. But in this small scene, he realizes how fucked up that is. It's 1+1= He's a bad guy. Simple math. Being a good man to Chiron doesn't change that, even though we still love him as a character we have to see all the harm Juan causes.

@dongiano - 01.03.2024 17:56

Sht made me cry

@David-xc4we - 31.01.2024 22:18


@jimramos2613 - 12.12.2023 00:09

You know what I really love is that they talk about it has nothing to do with who you are 👈. I'm not going to say that the mean word is just not okay you know I kind of respect of this movie Moonlight Mahershala Ali is best actor 🙏

@romilrh - 07.12.2023 22:21

Mahershala Ali has such a distictive presence on-screen, and yet he disappeared into the character of Juan

@KekasihMuGelap - 27.11.2023 15:46

Notice Juan body language, he stopped making eye contact and bow his head down after Chiron asked about drug.

@korlu01 - 08.11.2023 07:15

I’ll never forget the first time I saw this scene. It absolutely shattered me. I honestly almost wanted the movie to end like it did it’s job and blew me the fuck away with just act 1. What a one-of-a-kind beautiful human work of art.

@Joker88LESWALK - 26.09.2023 02:00

He Basically WON the Oscar for this one scene!! I remember seeing it n theatres before the Oscar’s n knowing he was gonna win cuz of his presence.. even after his death

@joyajohnson2216 - 26.08.2023 04:30

when that beautiful, sweet, gentle black boy looked up at his elder and asked, “Am I a f*****?” I absolutely break, every time.

@inleblack1136 - 04.08.2023 02:18

I'm not crying, you're crying

@sidharthaa - 25.07.2023 01:05

Mahershala Ali earned a spot and deservedly so wins 2 oscars for best actor.

@akashamac5549 - 16.03.2023 19:57

I love how their able to just talk about it and speak on it like there’s nothing wrong. And how they’re supportive in a way towards Chiron.

@butaleo - 18.01.2023 12:53

I still don't get it, what does he mean by "unless"? why does she shake her head?

@Gutgulper - 08.11.2022 16:58

Ended at the best bit wtf 😂

@Lanooski - 15.09.2022 03:36

one of the most compassionate, no-bullshit scenes put to film this past decade. masculinity is complex, parenthood isn't always easy or fair, and kids are smarter than we give them credit for. all conveyed in two minutes, with no music or hokey writing to cushion the ideas in.

@ciara6359 - 02.09.2022 11:49

He knew right away that Chiron heard that word from his mom. The way he looks off and shakes his head.

@jgivens637 - 09.08.2022 04:24

Such a powerful scene , so much to unpack from Juan being a father trying to ease chirons pain to also coming to terms with his part in causing it . This movie man

@XimenaZhao415 - 12.07.2022 11:13

Little deserves an Oscar, too. That boy is exceedingly talented.

@josecarranza7555 - 01.05.2022 02:42

Juan made Chiron gay.

Cause he knew the little nigga was on the fence of being gay or straight, he’s just a kid, so Juan had a chance to make Chiron a real alpha man, but instead was politically correct about it.

That’s the result of someone’s actions and words.

@tysonmack3350 - 11.04.2022 14:59

Just realized that’s little Kevin

@robertgraydon146 - 23.02.2022 11:26

I will always remember how he responds to the boys question about the f word. So intelligent yet easy enough for a child to comprehend.

@shawnchen156 - 02.10.2021 17:31

This scene won him an Oscar

@cakeisavegatable - 21.09.2021 22:51

This one scene is such a brilliant social commentary on human society. All people - drug dealers, shady lawyers, politicians, all ethnicities. The hurt person grows up to do what they feel necessary to survive, only to face the innocent person they inadvertently hurt and so the tragic cycle continues...

@TheBlackKakashi - 21.08.2021 03:18

I love the headshake Teresa gives Juan after he says "unless.."

@mrpresjg - 16.08.2021 07:25

This scene absolutely wrecked me. You can tell, his whole life, that Juan has justified his life as a drug dealer. And in the span of 20 seconds he finally knew he was wrong. He had to come to grips with the fact that he was a bad person. Ali plays this perfectly. So heartbreaking

@NGJ05 - 25.04.2021 22:15

Remember watching this scene in the theatre and it was dead silent. When Chiron left, entire audience was crying.

@andrewbrown3447 - 06.12.2020 17:37

Damn that refreshing glass of orange juice looks good.

@TheDAVIDXIII - 08.08.2020 04:44

You cut the best part

@beatricesanfilippo6925 - 14.06.2020 19:34

Is Joseph Boggs from Hunger Games :D

@MobHeataEnt - 26.04.2020 10:56

Hollywood perpetuating the Gay Agenda

@Ivosferatus - 24.03.2019 14:41

For me, Theresa & Juan are like the parents Chiron never had. Cause even though he was a drug dealer, Juan always acted like a 'Dad' when he was around Chiron. And even though she is now a widowed, Theresa always acts like a mother when she recieves Chiron in her house.

@Gturbos - 13.03.2019 10:28

U dooo duuhhhhhgggggsss writeeee?

@ShawnKawaii - 26.02.2019 01:02

I wish the scene didnt cut away so soon, in the movie, you can see Ali's character is just broken. it is some of the finest acting you'll ever see.

@kentonpryor7091 - 01.01.2019 23:17

In the scene, Juan let's his inner father figure come out to Chiron!

@shakke52 - 16.11.2018 04:06

Heavy scene, despite being short.
