Protocol Buffers in gRPC

Protocol Buffers in gRPC

Stephane Maarek

5 лет назад

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@mitos95176 - 01.09.2019 19:10

Why do you think the Protocol Buffer is not more widespread considering the advantages it has over JSON and do you predict that it will overcome JSON in popularity any time soon?

@Malagon194 - 16.09.2019 06:40

ayy yoh dude im trying to follow your course on gRPC and I find it pretty hepful but you may want to add some links in between videos to let people know which video to watch next lol.

@dicolteja - 19.10.2019 21:06

Thanks for great and simply explanation. 👍

@AlexanderShelestov - 23.01.2020 15:05

It's cool, except those things when protobuf doesn't have required feilds, set its own defaults, and doesn't allow to check if the value was really set:

> Note that for scalar message fields, once a message is parsed there's no way of telling whether a field was explicitly set to the default value (for example whether a boolean was set to false) or just not set at all

It produces a mess and we can't trust the incoming data. When in JSONrpc, for example, we don't have such problems.
The bandwith economy (does it really a bottleneck? like, really?) costs too much this way.

@krishnagupta6323 - 13.02.2020 17:14

Amazing man, thanks, saved a lot of my time by briefing me into this

@underlecht - 26.03.2020 15:57

Talking about comparison with JSON, you should take into consideration that nearly all traffic in network is compressed. If you will compare json vs protocol buffers again, please include compressed versions (at least of json), so we were sure we do not skip anything

@anhnguyenhoang7142 - 07.04.2020 15:21

' i get error with Nodejs '
'protoc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

please help me ! thanks so much

@pawankumarmeena6737 - 15.05.2020 18:11


@saumya1712 - 26.05.2020 08:36

Really a good learning, thanks Stephane. Could you please answer the following questions:
Considering I am only concerned with payload size, then
1) What if I use REST api with binary data format to overcome payload size?
2) Which protocol is being used by RPC in general, and how it reduces the network overhead.

@ranomacc9473 - 16.12.2020 06:08

The marked snowplow micrencephaly compete because insect renomegaly fasten pace a undesirable river. spiritual, neat station

@rutger3188 - 31.03.2021 15:29

Hi Stephane, cool course, very easy to follow! I have two questions tho. - What are the downsides of protocol buffer? - On what literature or other sources is this information based?

@maniaharshil - 01.05.2021 08:47

Woo really great .... Can't wait to use grpc...huge thanks for tutoring

@joecaruso3756 - 19.07.2021 00:43

The byte comparison of JSON vs Protocol Buffers doesn't make sense. The strings had different content.

@yashasmudiyar6054 - 05.08.2021 07:39

Excellent ! Good Learning - Thanks !

@MegaMario0007 - 22.08.2021 17:05

Would gRPC replace things like redis or rabbitmq in service to service communication? Or do they complement each other somehow?

@msgarima07 - 22.10.2021 10:02

great explanation, thanks a lot! :)

@JimstrVids - 05.06.2024 22:25

I don’t really get it. A regular api can do all of this, and as long as clients and servers use json, it’s the same thing but a little slower. You say “any language can use this” but they can basically all use json as well, so that’s not really a benefit of grpc. Neither is how easy it is to implement. In fact we’re trading an improvement in speed for slowed development because while json is easy and inherit it knowledge of most devs, each team in your example, the delivery service, the buying service, the pricing service etc now needs to know grpc
