HARRY KISSED WHO?! Perfect Match Season 2 REVIEW + RECAP! | Episodes 7-9 | Melinda, Harry, Kaz

HARRY KISSED WHO?! Perfect Match Season 2 REVIEW + RECAP! | Episodes 7-9 | Melinda, Harry, Kaz

Reel James

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@rw7567 - 15.06.2024 12:50

Let’s be real as to why Stevan is so loyal to Alara…She is out of his league and he knows it. That’s the only way you get an fboy to commit. Lol

@kitanajai6767 - 15.06.2024 20:01

Wait Melinda’s a “clout chaser” looking for her 15 minutes despite the fact she’s hosted shows, been on MTV but not the people saying they’re in love after knowing someone for a week so they can win a show it’s unreal anybody believes Harry when he lied about kissing fran on THTH.

@laursouth52 - 15.06.2024 23:43

Personally I don’t like Elyse and I can’t believe she fell for Brightens shit. He’s competitive and he is just playing the game, that’s it. But she deserves him for dumping Justin like that and then trying to force him to listen to her explanation. Nobody is talking about her but she is slimy.

@dylanthevillian516 - 16.06.2024 00:43

It’s been so fun watching your input, it feels like chatting with a friend about a messy show. Anyway, I’m glad you’re still doing content for shows like these, we all want to talk about this craziness so I’m always ready to hear it! ❤

@desmawalker556 - 16.06.2024 01:07

I was actually kinda hoping that Tolu & Justin would've matched... They both seem like they're there for the right reasons.

@RedBunni1024 - 16.06.2024 01:52

Micah wants her partner to be obsessed with her and to be more into her than she is him. She was the same way on LIB. But she is also into the guys appearance over everything. That’s why she keeps getting with these hot guys who don’t have to put up with her games and antics and can get better looking girls than her and she keeps getting played.

@carolacv3471 - 16.06.2024 03:00

I have a couple of thoughts and probably unpopular opinions about his whole mess.

1. I don’t know why people are so nice to Jessica; like all she has demonstrated in these shows is that she is incredibly gullible and thinks that because she is hot then the guys would for sure not think twice before choosing someone else. Her rs with Harry is very odd he just tells her what she wants to hear but there is not substance there is nothing, they have not gotten deep at all. Honestly, she is giving a terrible example to her daughter.

2. I can’t stand Elyse. Her whole purpose in the show was to get revenge from Harry that became revenge towards Micah (which she doesn’t deserve it) because in all honesty the one that owned her loyalty was Harry. Micah just played the game. It’s very annoying to see how Elyse just played to stay in the game and destroy Micah, using Justin and breaking his heart. It felt very vile.

3. I lowkey think if Justine was given a fair shot and not played by Elise he could have found a better match. And honestly I think he would have fit Xanthy.. it seems like they were very genuine

4. Kas is just a gaslighter and I’m done with him. What he did to Micah was very mean

@rhondaaa9614 - 16.06.2024 03:43

If you watched love is blind season four, karma

@rhondaaa9614 - 16.06.2024 03:47

Melinda has a disgusting attitude, I don’t know who hyped her up but she needs to lower her ego 100 notches. She is not all that. As for the issue with Harry, he’s a sleazy bag, but she’s lying. No chance a reality TV show did not get that on camera… while there every move is being recorded at all times… Even cameras in their rooms.

@gennsui - 16.06.2024 07:02

Poor Izzy 😭 he’s just there as a placeholder

@PT-zz9ks - 16.06.2024 07:16

Kaz kissed Holly because Christine had kissed Noel. It had nothing to do with Micah. Micah was never it for Kaz, she was a safe choice until someone better came along and she knew it which is why she was always so insecure. Micah is not goodlooking enough for Kaz. Christine is on the same level as him physically and confidence wise.

@isthatkimmi - 16.06.2024 07:56

harry is full of caca and everyone on this show is chasing clout.

@tbarret320 - 16.06.2024 10:47

You are giving Harry too much grace. Melinda may want to make a splash, but two things can be true. Harry could have kissed her. He has been manipulating and love bombing Jessica the entire time. There's nothing about Harry's response to the situation that rings true.

@socialite8218 - 16.06.2024 15:32

lol “Clout Chaser #1 and Clout Chaser #2.”

@socialite8218 - 16.06.2024 15:41

lol “we need a geography compatibility challenge.”

@socialite8218 - 16.06.2024 15:42

When James rebuked Harry’s blood ritual suggestion in Jesus name 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾✝️✝️✝️

@kerria756 - 16.06.2024 18:21

Xanthi, Dominique, and Melinda were genuinely trying to show the other girls how the little F boys really move so that they don't look foolish, but Jess didn't want to hear it. At least Tolu appreciated the lookout and moved accordingly...

@kerria756 - 16.06.2024 18:30

Perfect Match knew the last days are the most tempting because most of the ppl there know by then that 1. They're not staying with their partner after the show 2. They probably aren't the winning couple anyway so they feel like they may as well enjoy the last night and hookup with someone they may not have a chance with after the show ends

@Jessica-yd3ld - 16.06.2024 21:45

Harry is not even physically attractive. Someone enlighten me why someone would be interested in him PLEASE. His face makes me physically unwell 🤢

@QueenQia_ - 16.06.2024 23:12

By your standards if Melinda is a clout chaser then they all are. They’re all on this show for Netflix fame and money. And Jess is ignoring what she knows is true because she likes Harry and his followers lol. Weird you specifically called her out though…

@lindsayshea - 16.06.2024 23:53

Can you please start doing 90 day fiancé recaps!? Pllllllleeeeeeaaaasssse!!!!!!

@lindsayshea - 17.06.2024 00:05

I think they did a geography challenge in season 1… I think Dom thought Alaska was its own country or something…

@blehcora3927 - 17.06.2024 02:26

I m team melinda nd team kaz . Justice for izzy 😂😂😂😂

@MM-vz7fu - 17.06.2024 04:37

Jess asked Melinda openly infront of all of the girls around the table so Melina answered. Jess was was doing too much and showing some micro aggressions towards her saying Melinda needs to act like “ a lady” and how she’s being “aggressive” when Jess is the one that stood up yelling and pointing doing too much over Harry coming for Melinda while she’s calm Jess talking bout “ do you feel proud?” Like girl you ask her what happened and she’s telling you and now you’re embarrassed😂😂😂

@joannehomar6409 - 17.06.2024 17:56

Micha is a very jealous person, Kaz made the right decision.

@joannehomar6409 - 17.06.2024 18:09

Jessica's they're knowing that her and Harry could win this all so she's going along with him.😂

@joannehomar6409 - 17.06.2024 18:30

I think Harry is just friends with her and he's just playing around. Nothing serious but Melinda is trying to come on to him so she can go back to the villa and screw with Jessica and that's exactly what she did. I hope Harry learned his lesson. I was wondering if this was filmed before dancing with the Stars or after?

@easyveganfoodie - 17.06.2024 23:50

I have no doubt that Melinda is telling the truth about the kiss. When she brought it up in a private conversation with Harry when they were still on the separate boys/girls day parties, he laughed it off. He didn’t seem confused as if he was offended she would say that when it didn’t happen. Later he told the guys “I’m in trouble”. When he went back to the house he went in bed and started crying. When asked about what happened he conveniently left it out. If she was lying then he would have told Jess hey I’m not sure why but Melinda lied to everyone saying we kissed. No, instead he left that part out and hoped Melinda wouldn’t bring it up the next day to Jess. The fact that he continued to deny it is absolutely crazy, and I feel bad for Melinda that she was gaslit like that. Especially when Jess got on her case about it instead of blaming Harry. Even Elyse did this, being mad at Micah for setting Harry up on a date with Jess instead of actually holding Harry accountable for leaving her and matching with someone else.

@Pragsteal7 - 18.06.2024 00:26

Imagine you have such a nice, charming, handsome, LOYAL guy like Justin and you go for a dickhead like Byson. Woman i tell you.. i think Micah would be perfect for Justin and they would actually last.

@SupaSweetKay - 18.06.2024 03:02

So Melinda is the liar here?? After all of Harry’s cheating, lying, manipulation, gaslighting, we still believe HIM over Melinda????? She may be a shit stirrer, but she hasn’t proven to be a big fat liar like he is… why would anyone ever believe a single word out of his mouth

@elizabethvictoria777 - 18.06.2024 04:25

Team Micah

@TonyaAnntoinette_ - 18.06.2024 05:06

Micah is definitely very insecure…. But Kaz had no loyalty…… I get leaning into the experience, but there’s guys in the house who are sure that they have the perfect match, and seeing kaz explore his options like that makes me feel like he was genuinely not all that into Micah

@simmytom7684 - 18.06.2024 06:16

Great recap man!
Where to begin...Micah is in it to just win it, zero feelings from that drywall of a human being.
Harry, weirdo. Melinda.... annoying AF, as you said a certified 'clout chaser'
Winners will be that tatted guy & tanned chick.

@kupid198 - 18.06.2024 10:51

Micah kept letting the other people get to her. Kaz had nothing after hearing that Micah said their relationship was the weakest. Also who’s to say someone didn’t tell Kaz what Micah called him as well.

@anelceballos-caldera4942 - 18.06.2024 11:24

Honestly, Harry is a piece of shit, Malinda is not a girl’s girl, and Jess is an idiot.

But anyway, I believe Malinda fr! Harry totally kissed her.

@Soniya_covers - 18.06.2024 18:20

I get kaz had a lot of options but mica wanted that reassurance and him talking and being flirty with any girl that comes his way n he says hes in trouble everytime💀 clearly its gonna get to her head. And then he kissed another girl without thinking about her feelings at all so i do not like kaz at all now and Melinda is annoying as hell not gonna lie.

@Soniya_covers - 18.06.2024 18:21

I get kaz had a lot of options but mica wanted that reassurance and him talking and being flirty with any girl that comes his way n he says hes in trouble everytime💀 clearly its gonna get to her head. And then he kissed another girl without thinking about her feelings at all so i do not like kaz at all now and Melinda is annoying as hell not gonna lie.

@Estringman - 18.06.2024 20:22

Harry is acting way too guilty. And the little nuggets of truth that do come out (paraphrasing: Harry revealing to Jess that he told Melinda that she would look good pregnant) coincide too perfectly with Melinda’s side of the story for Harry to not be lying about the kiss.

@uni5956 - 19.06.2024 05:19

I find it weird y'all dont believe Melinda when Harry admits to rubbing her belly and telling her she would look good pregnant. Jessica never told Melinda he said all that, and then she told her the whole story. That's why she kinda checked him again in the end. She knew after that point she ain't lying because he said i didn't say it like that and he did with some extra. Not to mention he said he could have been married with 2 kids in Kaz's spot and would have folded. He kissed that girl knowing he could just lie and call her a clout chaser knowing his boys would back it up because none of them seen it .

@ethanevans3952 - 19.06.2024 10:36

Micah was a horrible person to Kas the entire time and the relationship had been over before it ended. Honestly I hope he gets happy because she ruined that man and kept him sheltered

@saravanansubramanian1546 - 19.06.2024 13:05

The Poster Star Came

@Agent_Mew_Mew - 19.06.2024 13:50

You have horrible takes. Especially about Melinda.

@rad2369 - 20.06.2024 02:30

Team Melinda and team Micah. Kaz does entertain every woman that comes his way, Micah is not crazy.

@chowharika8 - 20.06.2024 08:46

Team micah atw

@nd4610 - 21.06.2024 00:04

In Kaz's defense, he's not from the US. Not everyone knows of all the states if they are not from there... just because it's the center of your universe doesn't mean it's someone's from the UK. It's like asking an American if they know where Nova Scotia is....

And what exactly is Melinda clout chasing for??? She the most famous person in that house. She just hosted a dating show... who the heck is Harry?

@nd4610 - 21.06.2024 00:13

Also, number 1 they are all single. Not one of those men have officially asked out one of those women (or vise versa). Number 2, I'm TEAM KAZ, Micah ruined that relationship herself by being insecure, controlling and listening to other people aka Squid game guy. Kaz switching it up was on her. Who wants to be bitched at all the time. They are all there to mingle with eachother.

@cocotd - 21.06.2024 05:46

If you watch episode 7 again, Harry says something along the lines, "the video is a deep fake" (this is post Holly announcing kiss.)

@cocotd - 21.06.2024 05:58

I just don't understand the villanizing of Melinda here. The girls of the house rounded up all the outside girls for an open discussion to 'spill tea.' Jess directly and openly asks for the truth from Melinda, then immediately gaslights and tries to shame her. Jess knows Harry is lying and saving face. She was not mature. The way she tries to put herself above the others because she was trying to claim she doesn’t do this, is new, etc. was an eyeroll. Harry love bombs and trickle truths and is full of BS, and Jess is also full of BS.

@kimberlyrendon5308 - 22.06.2024 02:46

Melinda and Holly are not clout chasers. They were playing the game. It’s so annoying hearing people slut shame women and not men. 🙄 This show perpetuates toxic masculinity with the gaslighting and slut shamming. Those men were not there for anything other than a vacation and a good time. It’s hard to take it serious. Shout out Tolu, Xanthy and Dominique. I appreciate Holly and Melinda cause they know the name of the game. Jessica overreacted 100%. Like where is that energy for Harry who disrespected you. She try’s to be too high and mighty. I respected her honesty up until how she acted towards Melinda. Everybody’s there for their reality game.

@ReelJames - 14.06.2024 13:46

So tell me, Reel Fam… Are you TEAM JESSICA or TEAM MELINDA?! 👀
